Обсуждение: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization


fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
For application to HEAD, pending community review.

Final rearrangement of main postgresql child process (ie.
BackendFork/SSDataBase/pgstat) startup, to allow fork/exec calls to closely
mimic (the soon to be provided) Win32 CreateProcess equivalent calls.

Whereas the existing code forks and allow the child process to marshal up
its "argument list", the EXEC_BACKEND case has been changed to allow the
parent process to do this marshalling, with the child process exec'ing
immediately after the fork.

This has required some reworking of the existing code base, particularly to
BackendFork (which now actually does the fork()). As such, I've been
anticipating that this will be the most controversial of the fork/exec
patches, so critique away :-)

This is the last patch required before the actual Win32 calls can be put in


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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
> This has required some reworking of the existing code base, particularly to
> BackendFork (which now actually does the fork()). As such, I've been
> anticipating that this will be the most controversial of the fork/exec
> patches, so critique away :-)

You haven't explained why that's necessary.  Given the fact that this
patch seems to hugely complicate the postmaster logic --- not so much
either path individually, but the messy #ifdef interleaving of two
radically different programs --- I am inclined to reject it on style
grounds alone.

We should either find a way to make the fork/exec path more like the
existing code, or bite the bullet and change them both.  Doing it the
way you have here will create an unmaintainable mess.  I'm not prepared
to work on a postmaster in which a step as basic as fork() happens in
two different places depending on an #ifdef.

If you want to change them both, let's first see the reason why it's

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
I said:
> We should either find a way to make the fork/exec path more like the
> existing code, or bite the bullet and change them both.

It occurs to me that you probably need some concrete suggestions about
what to do.  Here's one.

There are really three separate sections in this code: the postmaster
(which no longer does much except fork off a subprocess on receipt of a
new connection), the "sub-postmaster" which does client authentication,
and the backend.

Historical note: formerly the sub-postmaster actions were done in the
parent postmaster process, with a sort of poor man's threading logic
to allow the postmaster to interleave multiple client authentication
operations.  We had to change that because various libraries like SSL,
PAM, and Kerberos weren't amenable to pseudo-threading.

It is worth maintaining a clean distinction between sub-postmaster and
backend because when we launch a standalone backend, we don't want the
sub-postmaster part of the code.  The command line syntax accepted by
PostgresMain() is largely designed for the convenience of the standalone
backend case, with a couple of simple hacks for the under-postmaster case.

Now it seems to me that a lot of the mess in your latest patch comes
from trying to set up the backend command string before you've forked,
and therefore before you've done any of the sub-postmaster actions.
That's not gonna work.

What I'd suggest is adding a new entry point from main.c, say
SubPostmasterMain(), with its own command line syntax.  Perhaps
    postmaster -fork ... additional args ...
(where -fork is what cues main.c where to dispatch to, and the
additional args are just those that need to be passed from the
postmaster to the sub-postmaster, without any of the additional
information that will be learned by the sub-postmaster during
client authentication.)

In the Windows case the postmaster would fork/exec to this routine,
which would re-load as much of the postmaster context as was needed
and then call BackendFork (which we really oughta rename to something
else).  BackendFork would execute the client auth process and then
simply call PostgresMain with a correctly constructed argument list.

In the Unix case we don't bother compiling SubPostmasterMain, we just
fork and go straight to BackendFork as the code does now.

In essence, this design makes SubPostmasterMain responsible for
emulating Unix-style fork(), ie, fork without loss of static variable
contents.  It would need to reload as many variables as we needed.

I think this is a cleaner approach since it creates a layer of code
which is simply there in one case and not there in the other, rather
than making arbitrary changes in the layers above and below depending
on #ifdefs.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
Thanks for your comments Tom.

Tom Lane writes:
> Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
> > This has required some reworking of the existing code base, particularly
> > BackendFork (which now actually does the fork()). As such, I've been
> > anticipating that this will be the most controversial of
> the fork/exec patches, so critique away :-)
> You haven't explained why that's necessary.  Given the fact that this
> patch seems to hugely complicate the postmaster logic --- not so much
> either path individually, but the messy #ifdef interleaving of two
> radically different programs --- I am inclined to reject it on style
> grounds alone.

I have to agree, as I wasn't particularly happy with the BackendFork section
of this patch. You didn't really seem to comment on the pgstat changes,
which were much cleaner, so perhaps (like me) you were happier with these

So, could you give me an indication as to whether or not making changes to
the BackendFork logic as done for the pgstat logic (specifically, replacing
fork() call with a new, argument marshalling routine to do fork/exec) would
be more acceptable?  The reason I avoided this in the BackendFork case was,
predominantly, code duplication. Creating a new "BackendForkExec" would, I
think, result in a lot of similarity between the two routines. [yes,
BackendFork is poorly named, although I'd still think of moving the fork()
call into BackendFork anyway, thereby justifying its name. But, much more
importantly, for symmetry with the code format that will inevitably arise in
the fork/exec case; see below]

> We should either find a way to make the fork/exec path more like the
> existing code, or bite the bullet and change them both.  Doing it the
> way you have here will create an unmaintainable mess.  I'm not prepared
> to work on a postmaster in which a step as basic as fork() happens in
> two different places depending on an #ifdef.

["unmaintainable mess": yeah, I had the exact same thought when I'd
finished. "No one's ever going to be able to rework this properly".]

I'm afraid that, short of removing all SubPostmaster actions from
BackendFork, the need to do fork in two different places (at least,
physically, if not logically different) will remain. After fork/exec'ing,
the child process can't recover the context needed to create the argument
list which it'll need to build up the PostgresMain arg list.

So, in summary, I see two solutions:

a) do something similar to BackendFork as done for pgstat, specifically:
    - move the fork call into BackendFork
    - create a fork/exec equivalent to BackendFork
    - #ifdef the call to the appropriate function in BackendStartup
  PRO: child is forked in the same logical place
  CON: possible duplication in code between BackendFork + BackendForkExec

b) delay the fork() call to the end of BackendFork in both fork/exec and
normal cases, turning it into solely an argument formatter for PostgresMain
      - move BackendInit, port->cmdline_options parsing + MemoryContext
calls into PostgresMain
  PRO: forking in same (physical) location in code; no duplication
  CON: additional complexity at the start of PostgresMain to avoid these
calls in stand-alone backend case

Which is the lesser of two evils? FWIW, I prefer the latter, as it makes the
normal + fork/exec cases effectively identical, for a little added
complexity to PostgresMain.

There's also the alternative you outlined, but I think it is less workable
than the above options:

> Now it seems to me that a lot of the mess in your latest patch comes
> from trying to set up the backend command string before you've forked,
> and therefore before you've done any of the sub-postmaster actions.
> That's not gonna work.

I agree that this is where the mess comes from, but I think this (setting up
backend command string before fork) is *exactly* what needs to occur in the
fork/exec case (leading into the Win32 CreateProcess calls). If we want this
code to work in the Win32 case, we basically can't do any processing between
the fork + exec calls, and I think recovering all the context to do the
command string marshalling post fork/exec is untenable.

> What I'd suggest is adding a new entry point from main.c, say
> SubPostmasterMain(), with its own command line syntax.  Perhaps
>     postmaster -fork ... additional args ...
> (where -fork is what cues main.c where to dispatch to, and the
> additional args are just those that need to be passed from the
> postmaster to the sub-postmaster, without any of the additional
> information that will be learned by the sub-postmaster during
> client authentication.)
> In the Windows case the postmaster would fork/exec to this routine,
> which would re-load as much of the postmaster context as was needed
> and then call BackendFork (which we really oughta rename to something
> else).  BackendFork would execute the client auth process and then
> simply call PostgresMain with a correctly constructed argument list.

Here's the critical difference in our thinking:

    ISTM that we'll have to go to a lot of work to get the fork/exec
case to re-load the context required to format up the argument list to
PostgresMain. Certainly, it is a lot more work than allowing the postmaster
itself (not the forked child) to create the argument list, albeit moving
auth to PostgresMain.

Ok. So, in conclusion we are in agreement on at least one thing: the current
patch sucks.

But, I suspect we may have an impasse on a sole crucial point: setting up
the backend command string before forking.  I'm all for it, and you seem
pretty much against it.

So, I guess I could try to bring you around with another, cleaner patch
using one of the alternatives listed above. But, before doing that, I guess
I should give you a chance to:
a) try to convince me otherwise
b) indicate which of the two alternatives you (even grudgingly :-) prefer
(or another alternative in light of the above)

Again, thanks for your comments, and looking forward to your reply (so that,
hopefully, I can get cracking on a new patch).


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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
> Ok. So, in conclusion we are in agreement on at least one thing: the current
> patch sucks.

Good, I'm glad we see eye to eye on that ;-)

> Here's the critical difference in our thinking:

>     ISTM that we'll have to go to a lot of work to get the fork/exec
> case to re-load the context required to format up the argument list to
> PostgresMain. Certainly, it is a lot more work than allowing the postmaster
> itself (not the forked child) to create the argument list, albeit moving
> auth to PostgresMain.

I don't follow your thinking here.  The information that has to be
reloaded *must* be passed across the fork/exec boundary in either case.
For example, there is no alternative to telling the backend process
where PGDATA is: it's got to be passed down some way or another.  The
Unix implementation assumes it can just inherit the value of a static
variable, while the Windows version will have to do something else.
I take no position here on whether we pass it as a command line item,
or through a temporary file, or whatever: it has to be passed down.

The reason your patch is messy is that the PostgresMain command line
string involves both information passed down from the postmaster and
information acquired from the client's connection-request packet.
We could consider redesigning that command line behavior, but we don't
really want to since it would impact the standalone-backend case.  So
I'm proposing substituting two levels of command-line processing within
the exec'd backend process.  The first level is responsible for
transferring information inherited from the postmaster (which we are
going to have to do *anyway*, somewhere, and this provides a nice
localized place to do it) and then the second level is fully compatible
with the standalone-backend case and the Unix-fork case.

> I'm afraid that, short of removing all SubPostmaster actions from
> BackendFork, the need to do fork in two different places (at least,
> physically, if not logically different) will remain.

I am not by any means saying that the fork() call has to stay exactly
where it is in the existing code.  We clearly want to refactor things
so that fork() is close to the invocation of FooMain() (or equivalently
exec() in the Windows case).  I think it's a historical artifact that
these steps got separated in the existing code base.

> After fork/exec'ing,
> the child process can't recover the context needed to create the argument
> list which it'll need to build up the PostgresMain arg list.

If that's literally true, then we are screwed because things cannot
work.  Pardon me for doubting this statement.  All that information
*must* be available in the child, once it has analyzed the information
it must be able to collect from the postmaster and performed the client
authentication handshake.

> So, in summary, I see two solutions:

I still think there's a third answer: create an intermediate layer
that's responsible for recovering the information that has to be
inherited from the parent process.  I don't say this requires zero
rearrangement of existing code, I just say it's a more maintainable
design than either of the alternatives you suggest.

In particular, this alternative is quite unworkable:

> b) delay the fork() call to the end of BackendFork in both fork/exec and
> normal cases, turning it into solely an argument formatter for PostgresMain

We can *not* postpone the fork() until after client authentication.
That loses all of the work that's been done since circa 7.1 to eliminate
cases where the postmaster gets blocked waiting for a single client to
respond.  SSL, PAM, and I think Kerberos all create denial-of-service
risks if we do that.

I believe most of what you are presently struggling with revolves
around the fact that the fork() got pushed up to happen before client
authentication, while the interface to PostgresMain didn't change.
I do not want to alter either of those decisions, however.  What we need
is to provide an alternative exec-able interface that encapsulates the
processing that now occurs between these steps.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli

> > Here's the critical difference in our thinking:
> >     ISTM that we'll have to go to a lot of work to get the fork/exec
> > case to re-load the context required to format up the argument list to
> > PostgresMain. Certainly, it is a lot more work than allowing the
> > itself (not the forked child) to create the argument list, albeit moving
> > auth to PostgresMain.
> I don't follow your thinking here.  The information that has to be
> reloaded *must* be passed across the fork/exec boundary in
> either case.
> For example, there is no alternative to telling the backend process
> where PGDATA is: it's got to be passed down some way or another.

Yes. But not all of it. Sure, PGDATA is a trivial example of something
that's gotta get across one way or another. I take no argument with that.

How about things like, for instance, canAcceptConnections(). To make this
call successfully in a fork/exec'd child would take a bit of work. Of
course, there is a work-around... pass the value into BackendFork (or, in
the fork/exec case, on the command line). But, ISTM that, do this a few
times, and you might as well have just had the postmaster format up the
argument list.

> The reason your patch is messy is that the PostgresMain command line
> string involves both information passed down from the postmaster and
> information acquired from the client's connection-request packet.

Hmm.. that's not the way I see it.

> > After fork/exec'ing, the child process can't recover the context needed
> > create the argument list which it'll need to build up the PostgresMain
arg list.
> If that's literally true, then we are screwed because things cannot
> work.  Pardon me for doubting this statement.  All that information
> *must* be available in the child, once it has analyzed the information
> it must be able to collect from the postmaster and performed
> the client authentication handshake.

Ok. That, in the context of where it was written, instead of "can't" should
have read "can no longer ... [in the absence of passing a great deal of
additional context]". Mea culpa. Anyway, moving along...

> In particular, this alternative is quite unworkable:
> > b) delay the fork() call to the end of BackendFork in both fork/exec and
> > normal cases, turning it into solely an argument formatter for
> We can *not* postpone the fork() until after client authentication.
> That loses all of the work that's been done since circa 7.1
> to eliminate cases where the postmaster gets blocked waiting for a
> single client to respond.  SSL, PAM, and I think Kerberos all create
> denial-of-service risks if we do that.

Ah. OK! Now I see where we are talking at cross-purposes. Forking after
client auth was NOT what I was trying to suggest at all.

Let's have a look at BackendFork. Here's what it needs to set up the arg
list for PostgresMain, or otherwise uses:

* PreAuthDelay
* canAcceptConnections()
* ExtraOptions
* debugbuf
* DataDir (in EXEC_BACKEND case)
BackendInit (ie. client authentication)

What I was suggesting with b) was to format up the command line for the
items prefixed by * in the postmaster,
do the fork (or fork/exec), and then run the authentication in, say
PostgresMain. (Note: this is essentially what the fork/exec case currently

Now, what I think you are suggesting (correct me if I'm wrong), is that we
should pass along whatever we need to in order to be able to setup the
fork/exec'd process to run BackendFork more or less unchanged.

I prefer the former option, as there is less duplication. Should anything be
changed/added to the items required for BackendFork'ing, no changes would be
required to the fork/exec code. This will not necessarily be true if we need
to pass a bunch of (additional) context, as in the latter case.

ISTM this would let us make BackendFork *very* simple, and pretty much
identical in both the normal and fork/exec cases, for the cost of pushing
the authenication step across to PostgresMain (non stand-alone case), which
is what the fork/exec case does now anyway!

What do you think?


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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
[patch edited + resubmitted for review; not for committing]

Hi Tom,

figuring that, on balance, you are in fact going to prefer to take a
potential future hit in duplicated work (in passing context in the fork/exec
case) over moving the client auth code to PostgresMain, I've just gone ahead
and made a patch that implements your BackendFork ideas...

Please let me know:

* if the changes to the BackendFork / SubPostmasterMain logic are more or
less what you envisaged, and if you are content with them [Note: we can also
roll BackendInit back into BackendFork, making BackendFork (now BackendRun?)
pretty much exactly as it was before the fork/exec changes began]

* if you are content with the above, whether or not you think I ought to do
the same for the SSDataBase logic. I'm hoping for a negative, as the #ifdef
logic is not as convoluted as that originally presented in BackendFork (ie.
to me, it looks like overkill in this case), but anticipating otherwise :-)

* are you ok with the pgstat changes (I'm guessing yes, as you haven't
mentioned them, and since these changes are pretty similar to what you
suggested for BackendFork)


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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
>> I don't follow your thinking here.  The information that has to be
>> reloaded *must* be passed across the fork/exec boundary in
>> either case.

> Yes. But not all of it.

I'll throw that same argument back at you: some of the information
needed for PostgresMain's command line is available to the postmaster.
But not all of it.  Therefore we have to change things around.  I'm
proposing solving this by introducing a new layer of code that's
essentially separate from the non-fork-exec case.  Your solution seems
much messier, and it doesn't have any redeeming social value (that I can
see) to justify the mess.

> How about things like, for instance, canAcceptConnections(). To make this
> call successfully in a fork/exec'd child would take a bit of work.

And your point is what?  As long as you grant that the fork must occur
before we begin talking to the client, this information will have to be
passed down somehow (offhand, a command-line argument for the result of
canAcceptConnections() seems fairly reasonable).  Obscuring the division
between "sub-postmaster" code and PostgresMain isn't going to save you
from that.

> What I was suggesting with b) was to format up the command line for the
> items prefixed by * in the postmaster,
> do the fork (or fork/exec), and then run the authentication in, say
> PostgresMain. (Note: this is essentially what the fork/exec case currently
> does).

Yeah, I noticed.  If I'd been paying more attention, the already-applied
patch wouldn't have gotten in either, because it already has created
what I consider an unacceptable amount of coupling between PostgresMain
and the sub-postmaster code.  If it's still like that when the dust
settles then I will go in and change it myself.  PostgresMain has no
business doing *any* of the stuff that is currently #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
in postgres.c.  It should certainly not be running authentication, and I
see no reason for it to be messing with restoring state that should have
been inherited from the postmaster.  That just creates fragility and
order-of-operations dependency.  As an example, it doesn't seem like a
good idea to me that reloading postmaster GUC variables happens after
scanning of PostgresMain command line options, because the option
processing both uses and sets GUC values.  It is not hard to point out
three or four bugs associated with that alone, including security
violations (since we don't know at this point whether the user is a
superuser and thus don't know what he's allowed to set).  In general,
PostgresMain assumes it is started with the inherited environment
already set up, and I don't see a good argument for changing that.

> Now, what I think you are suggesting (correct me if I'm wrong), is that we
> should pass along whatever we need to in order to be able to setup the
> fork/exec'd process to run BackendFork more or less unchanged.

I don't mind making localized changes like passing in the result of
canAcceptConnections, but by and large, yes: I want to run BackendFork
pretty much as-is.  I see no strong reason to do differently, and I am
convinced that we will spend the next six months ferreting out startup
bugs if we make wholesale revisions in the order in which things are

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
> > What I was suggesting with b) was to format up the command line for the
> > items prefixed by * in the postmaster,
> > do the fork (or fork/exec), and then run the authentication in, say
> > PostgresMain. (Note: this is essentially what the fork/exec case
> > does).
> Yeah, I noticed.  If I'd been paying more attention, the already-applied
> patch wouldn't have gotten in either, because it already has created
> what I consider an unacceptable amount of coupling between PostgresMain
> and the sub-postmaster code.  If it's still like that when the dust
> settles then I will go in and change it myself.  PostgresMain has no
> business doing *any* of the stuff that is currently #ifdef
> EXEC_BACKEND in postgres.c.
> > Now, what I think you are suggesting (correct me if I'm  wrong), is that
> > should pass along whatever we need to in order to be able to setup the
> > fork/exec'd process to run BackendFork more or less unchanged.
> I don't mind making localized changes like passing in the result of
> canAcceptConnections, but by and large, yes: I want to run BackendFork
> pretty much as-is.

Check out the last patch I sent. It implements your ideas for
BackendFork'ing in the fork/exec case, and pretty much lets us revert the
previous changes to postgres.c and BackendFork (which I agree is a good


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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
[minor corrections (some duplication in arg passing); still under


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Claudio Natoli [mailto:claudio.natoli@memetrics.com]
> Sent: Saturday, 27 December 2003 9:27 PM
> To: 'Tom Lane'
> Cc: 'pgsql-patches@postgresql.org'
> Subject: Re: [PATCHES] fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess
> finalization
> [patch edited + resubmitted for review; not for committing]
> Hi Tom,
> figuring that, on balance, you are in fact going to prefer to take a
> potential future hit in duplicated work (in passing context
> in the fork/exec
> case) over moving the client auth code to PostgresMain, I've
> just gone ahead
> and made a patch that implements your BackendFork ideas...
> Please let me know:
> * if the changes to the BackendFork / SubPostmasterMain logic
> are more or
> less what you envisaged, and if you are content with them
> [Note: we can also
> roll BackendInit back into BackendFork, making BackendFork
> (now BackendRun?)
> pretty much exactly as it was before the fork/exec changes began]
> * if you are content with the above, whether or not you think
> I ought to do
> the same for the SSDataBase logic. I'm hoping for a negative,
> as the #ifdef
> logic is not as convoluted as that originally presented in
> BackendFork (ie.
> to me, it looks like overkill in this case), but anticipating
> otherwise :-)
> Also:
> * are you ok with the pgstat changes (I'm guessing yes, as you haven't
> mentioned them, and since these changes are pretty similar to what you
> suggested for BackendFork)
> Cheers,
> Claudio
> ---
> Certain disclaimers and policies apply to all email sent from
> Memetrics.
> For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see
> <a
> href="http://www.memetrics.com/emailpolicy.html">http://www.me
> metrics.com/em
> ailpolicy.html</a>

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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Your patch has been added to the PostgreSQL unapplied patches list at:


I will try to apply it within the next 48 hours.


Claudio Natoli wrote:
> [patch edited + resubmitted for review; not for committing]
> Hi Tom,
> figuring that, on balance, you are in fact going to prefer to take a
> potential future hit in duplicated work (in passing context in the fork/exec
> case) over moving the client auth code to PostgresMain, I've just gone ahead
> and made a patch that implements your BackendFork ideas...
> Please let me know:
> * if the changes to the BackendFork / SubPostmasterMain logic are more or
> less what you envisaged, and if you are content with them [Note: we can also
> roll BackendInit back into BackendFork, making BackendFork (now BackendRun?)
> pretty much exactly as it was before the fork/exec changes began]
> * if you are content with the above, whether or not you think I ought to do
> the same for the SSDataBase logic. I'm hoping for a negative, as the #ifdef
> logic is not as convoluted as that originally presented in BackendFork (ie.
> to me, it looks like overkill in this case), but anticipating otherwise :-)
> Also:
> * are you ok with the pgstat changes (I'm guessing yes, as you haven't
> mentioned them, and since these changes are pretty similar to what you
> suggested for BackendFork)
> Cheers,
> Claudio
> ---
> Certain disclaimers and policies apply to all email sent from Memetrics.
> For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see
> <a
> href="http://www.memetrics.com/emailpolicy.html">http://www.memetrics.com/em
> ailpolicy.html</a>

[ Attachment, skipping... ]

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  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Claudio, where are we on this patch?  I see an even newer version in the


However, I have never seen that version, and Google doesn't show it


Anyway, Tom has looked at your newest patch and it looks good to him.

These are all marked not for application so we will just wait for you to
finalize it.


Claudio Natoli wrote:
> [patch edited + resubmitted for review; not for committing]
> Hi Tom,
> figuring that, on balance, you are in fact going to prefer to take a
> potential future hit in duplicated work (in passing context in the fork/exec
> case) over moving the client auth code to PostgresMain, I've just gone ahead
> and made a patch that implements your BackendFork ideas...
> Please let me know:
> * if the changes to the BackendFork / SubPostmasterMain logic are more or
> less what you envisaged, and if you are content with them [Note: we can also
> roll BackendInit back into BackendFork, making BackendFork (now BackendRun?)
> pretty much exactly as it was before the fork/exec changes began]
> * if you are content with the above, whether or not you think I ought to do
> the same for the SSDataBase logic. I'm hoping for a negative, as the #ifdef
> logic is not as convoluted as that originally presented in BackendFork (ie.
> to me, it looks like overkill in this case), but anticipating otherwise :-)
> Also:
> * are you ok with the pgstat changes (I'm guessing yes, as you haven't
> mentioned them, and since these changes are pretty similar to what you
> suggested for BackendFork)
> Cheers,
> Claudio
> ---
> Certain disclaimers and policies apply to all email sent from Memetrics.
> For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see
> <a
> href="http://www.memetrics.com/emailpolicy.html">http://www.memetrics.com/em
> ailpolicy.html</a>

[ Attachment, skipping... ]

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
>                http://archives.postgresql.org

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
Hi Bruce,

> Claudio, where are we on this patch?  I see an even newer version in the
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2003-12/msg00361.php

[Weird you and Google groups "missed" it!]

> Anyway, Tom has looked at your newest patch and it looks good to him.

I'm happy with the patch from the link above being committed if Tom has no
more comments. Was only waiting for a final nod from him.

Once it is in the source tree, give me a couple days and I'll fire off a
patch with the actual CreateProcess calls... and then we are off into Win32
signal land [shudder].


Certain disclaimers and policies apply to all email sent from Memetrics.
For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Claudio Natoli wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> > Claudio, where are we on this patch?  I see an even newer version in the
> archives:
> >
> >
> > http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2003-12/msg00361.php
> [Weird you and Google groups "missed" it!]

No, seems only _I_ missed it.  The google display for groups:


Doesn't show individual messages but lists threads, _and_ it shows the
date of the last message in the thread, rather than the first.  That's
how I missed it.  How I missed it my mailbox, I have no idea.  Sorry.

> > Anyway, Tom has looked at your newest patch and it looks good to him.
> I'm happy with the patch from the link above being committed if Tom has no
> more comments. Was only waiting for a final nod from him.

Thanks.  Applied.

> Once it is in the source tree, give me a couple days and I'll fire off a
> patch with the actual CreateProcess calls... and then we are off into Win32
> signal land [shudder].


  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Jan Wieck
Claudio Natoli wrote:

Something after 2003/11/20 enhanced the query cancel handling. Namely,
CVS tip now responds to a query cancel with a postmaster restart
canceling all queries. Could the fork/exec stuff be responsible for this?


> Hi Bruce,
>> Claudio, where are we on this patch?  I see an even newer version in the
> archives:
>> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2003-12/msg00361.php
> [Weird you and Google groups "missed" it!]
>> Anyway, Tom has looked at your newest patch and it looks good to him.
> I'm happy with the patch from the link above being committed if Tom has no
> more comments. Was only waiting for a final nod from him.
> Once it is in the source tree, give me a couple days and I'll fire off a
> patch with the actual CreateProcess calls... and then we are off into Win32
> signal land [shudder].
> Cheers,
> Claudio
> ---
> Certain disclaimers and policies apply to all email sent from Memetrics.
> For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see
> <a
> href="http://www.memetrics.com/emailpolicy.html">http://www.memetrics.com/em
> ailpolicy.html</a>
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
>                http://archives.postgresql.org

# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
> Something after 2003/11/20 enhanced the query cancel handling. Namely,
> CVS tip now responds to a query cancel with a postmaster restart
> canceling all queries. Could the fork/exec stuff be responsible for this?

Whoever changed this:

    status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);

    if (status != STATUS_OK)
        return 0;                /* cancel request processed, or error */

to this:

    status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);

    if (status != STATUS_OK)
                (errmsg("connection startup failed")));

is responsible.  May we have an explanation of the thought process,
if any?

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
> > Something after 2003/11/20 enhanced the query cancel handling. Namely,
> > CVS tip now responds to a query cancel with a postmaster restart
> > canceling all queries. Could the fork/exec stuff be responsible for this?
> Whoever changed this:
>     status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);
>     if (status != STATUS_OK)
>         return 0;                /* cancel request processed, or error */
> to this:
>     status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);
>     if (status != STATUS_OK)
>     {
>         ereport(LOG,
>                 (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
>         proc_exit(status);
>     }
> is responsible.  May we have an explanation of the thought process,
> if any?

My guess is that this used to proc_exit the postgres backend, but now
proc_exits the postmaster, but that is only a guess.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> My guess is that this used to proc_exit the postgres backend, but now
> proc_exits the postmaster, but that is only a guess.

No.  This is post-fork (and had better remain so).  The change causes
the sub-postmaster that has just finished handling a cancel request
to exit with nonzero status, which the postmaster then interprets
(correctly) as a child process crash.

BTW, how are we going to do cancels in Windows-land?  The sub-postmaster
isn't gonna have access to the postmaster's list of child PIDs and
cancel keys ...

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> > My guess is that this used to proc_exit the postgres backend, but now
> > proc_exits the postmaster, but that is only a guess.
> No.  This is post-fork (and had better remain so).  The change causes
> the sub-postmaster that has just finished handling a cancel request
> to exit with nonzero status, which the postmaster then interprets
> (correctly) as a child process crash.
> BTW, how are we going to do cancels in Windows-land?  The sub-postmaster
> isn't gonna have access to the postmaster's list of child PIDs and
> cancel keys ...

I think the postmaster will have access to the cancel key and pid.  It
should work similar to Unix.  However, I do have a win32 TODO item on
"test cancel key", so we will not forget about it.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> > My guess is that this used to proc_exit the postgres backend, but now
> > proc_exits the postmaster, but that is only a guess.
> No.  This is post-fork (and had better remain so).  The change causes
> the sub-postmaster that has just finished handling a cancel request
> to exit with nonzero status, which the postmaster then interprets
> (correctly) as a child process crash.
> BTW, how are we going to do cancels in Windows-land?  The sub-postmaster
> isn't gonna have access to the postmaster's list of child PIDs and
> cancel keys ...

When you say sub-postmaster, you mean we fork, then process the cancel
request?  Seems we might need special handling in there, yea.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
> Whoever changed this:

My fault. Thanks for the catch Jan.

>        proc_exit(status);

Should be proc_exit(0).

My apologies,

PS. I take it there is no regression test for this. Would this be a
difficult one to knock up?
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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> When you say sub-postmaster, you mean we fork, then process the cancel
> request?  Seems we might need special handling in there, yea.

We fork before we even read the request.  Otherwise an attacker can
trivially lock up the postmaster by sending a partial startup packet.

I've just noticed another serious bit of breakage in CVS tip (though
this might be fixed by Claudio's pending patch that reverts a lot of
the code rearrangements).  There is a reason why the 7.4 code does
on_exit_reset *immediately* after fork(), and it's not acceptable to
rearrange the code so that that happens at some random later time.
Otherwise, any problem in between leads to the child process executing
the postmaster's on_exit routines, with such pleasant side effects as
destroying the shmem segment.  For similar reasons, you don't get to
postpone setting IsUnderPostmaster true --- elog pays attention to the
value of that flag, and will do the wrong thing if called in a child
process that doesn't yet have it set.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
> BTW, how are we going to do cancels in Windows-land?  The sub-postmaster
> isn't gonna have access to the postmaster's list of child PIDs and
> cancel keys ...

Good question (the Win32/EXEC_BACKEND case is #def'd out to issue an
altogether unhelpful abort(), so I know it is there).

The only things I've thought of so far are:
a) sticking the PID/cancel key list in shared mem [yeech]
b) rearranging the entire cancel handling to occur in the postmaster [double

Any better ideas?
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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
Tom Lane wrote:
> I've just noticed another serious bit of breakage in CVS tip (though
> this might be fixed by Claudio's pending patch that reverts a lot of
> the code rearrangements).

It's already been applied. Your push in the SubPostmaster direction was
really useful; a lot cleaner, and fixed things that I wasn't even familiar
enough with the code to know were broken.


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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Claudio Natoli wrote:
> > BTW, how are we going to do cancels in Windows-land?  The sub-postmaster
> > isn't gonna have access to the postmaster's list of child PIDs and
> > cancel keys ...
> Good question (the Win32/EXEC_BACKEND case is #def'd out to issue an
> altogether unhelpful abort(), so I know it is there).
> The only things I've thought of so far are:
> a) sticking the PID/cancel key list in shared mem [yeech]
> b) rearranging the entire cancel handling to occur in the postmaster [double
> yeech]

As I remember, the only per-backend value to be passed is the cancel
key, and seeing that this is going to be a problem for postmaster too, I
think we need to move in the direction of a separate fork/exec-only
shared memory segment that holds the pids and cancel keys for all the

I will update the Win32 TODO list to mention this issue in more detail.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
> Claudio Natoli wrote:
>> The only things I've thought of so far are:
>> a) sticking the PID/cancel key list in shared mem [yeech]
>> b) rearranging the entire cancel handling to occur in the postmaster [double
>> yeech]

(a) seems like the lesser of the available evils (unless someone has a
bright idea for a plan C).

Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> I think we need to move in the direction of a separate fork/exec-only
> shared memory segment that holds the pids and cancel keys for all the
> backends.

That doesn't seem worth the trouble.  I'd be inclined to just stick the
cancel keys in the PGPROC structures (I believe the PIDs are already in
there).  The original motivation for keeping them only in postmaster
local memory was to keep backend A's cancel key away from the prying
eyes of backend B, but is there really any security added?  Anyone who
can inspect PGPROC hardly needs to know the cancel key --- he can just
issue a SIGINT (or worse) directly to the target backend.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> > Claudio Natoli wrote:
> >> The only things I've thought of so far are:
> >> a) sticking the PID/cancel key list in shared mem [yeech]
> >> b) rearranging the entire cancel handling to occur in the postmaster [double
> >> yeech]
> (a) seems like the lesser of the available evils (unless someone has a
> bright idea for a plan C).
> Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> > I think we need to move in the direction of a separate fork/exec-only
> > shared memory segment that holds the pids and cancel keys for all the
> > backends.
> That doesn't seem worth the trouble.  I'd be inclined to just stick the
> cancel keys in the PGPROC structures (I believe the PIDs are already in
> there).  The original motivation for keeping them only in postmaster
> local memory was to keep backend A's cancel key away from the prying
> eyes of backend B, but is there really any security added?  Anyone who
> can inspect PGPROC hardly needs to know the cancel key --- he can just
> issue a SIGINT (or worse) directly to the target backend.

Agreed.  I was going for a separate one just to be paranoid.  This will
only be done for exec(), so I don't see a problem for normal Unix use

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Jan Wieck
Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> > Claudio Natoli wrote:
>> >> The only things I've thought of so far are:
>> >> a) sticking the PID/cancel key list in shared mem [yeech]
>> >> b) rearranging the entire cancel handling to occur in the postmaster [double
>> >> yeech]
>> (a) seems like the lesser of the available evils (unless someone has a
>> bright idea for a plan C).
>> Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
>> > I think we need to move in the direction of a separate fork/exec-only
>> > shared memory segment that holds the pids and cancel keys for all the
>> > backends.
>> That doesn't seem worth the trouble.  I'd be inclined to just stick the
>> cancel keys in the PGPROC structures (I believe the PIDs are already in
>> there).  The original motivation for keeping them only in postmaster
>> local memory was to keep backend A's cancel key away from the prying
>> eyes of backend B, but is there really any security added?  Anyone who
>> can inspect PGPROC hardly needs to know the cancel key --- he can just
>> issue a SIGINT (or worse) directly to the target backend.
> Agreed.  I was going for a separate one just to be paranoid.  This will
> only be done for exec(), so I don't see a problem for normal Unix use
> anyway.

It doesn't hurt to keep the locations and code as much in sync as
possible. I think Tom's idea to move the information into the PGPROC
entry is the winner and does not need any OS specific handling.


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
> It doesn't hurt to keep the locations and code as much in sync as
> possible. I think Tom's idea to move the information into the PGPROC
> entry is the winner and does not need any OS specific handling.

Actually, on further reflection a separate array to store PIDs and
cancel keys is probably a better idea.  If we put this stuff in PGPROC
then the postmaster will need to be able to obtain the ProcStructLock
(or whatever it's called this week) in order to examine/modify that
data structure.  That gets us into the usual concerns about backend bugs
locking up the postmaster, etc.  But if it's a separate array then we
can just have the rule that no one but the postmaster gets to write in it.

I still think it's unnecessary to make a separate shmem segment for it,

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Jan Wieck
Tom Lane wrote:

> Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
>> It doesn't hurt to keep the locations and code as much in sync as
>> possible. I think Tom's idea to move the information into the PGPROC
>> entry is the winner and does not need any OS specific handling.
> Actually, on further reflection a separate array to store PIDs and
> cancel keys is probably a better idea.  If we put this stuff in PGPROC
> then the postmaster will need to be able to obtain the ProcStructLock
> (or whatever it's called this week) in order to examine/modify that
> data structure.  That gets us into the usual concerns about backend bugs
> locking up the postmaster, etc.  But if it's a separate array then we
> can just have the rule that no one but the postmaster gets to write in it.
> I still think it's unnecessary to make a separate shmem segment for it,
> though.

I'd like to avoid the additional shmem segment if possible. The
postmaster can keep the stuff he needs in local memory. I did not mean
to rip everything out of postmaster local memory, and that little bit of
redundancy does not hurt. The pid's of processes aren't likely to change
very often.


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
Tom Lane writes:
> Actually, on further reflection a separate array to store PIDs and
cancel keys is probably a better idea.
> I still think it's unnecessary to make a separate shmem segment for it,

Why is that? Don't we need the backends to have access to it to do a cancel
request? I think I've missed something here...


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For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Claudio Natoli wrote:
> Tom Lane writes:
> > Actually, on further reflection a separate array to store PIDs and
> cancel keys is probably a better idea.
> [snip]
> > I still think it's unnecessary to make a separate shmem segment for it,
> though.
> Why is that? Don't we need the backends to have access to it to do a cancel
> request? I think I've missed something here...

I think they are saying put the cancel key inside the existing shared
memory segment.  I don't know when we actually attach to the main shared
memory sigment in the child, but it would have to be sooner than when we
need the cancel key.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
> I think they are saying put the cancel key inside the existing shared
> memory segment.

Ok. Thanks.

> I don't know when we actually attach to the main shared
> memory sigment in the child, but it would have to be sooner than when we
> need the cancel key.

Yes. Currently, it happens too late.

I'll put my hand up to have a go at this fixing this (and getting
processCancelRequest to work under Win32/EXEC_BACKEND at the same time), if
no one else particularly cares to.

Just to be clear, this would involve turning the BackendList dlllist into an
array in shared memory, right? If so, a couple of questions:
  - what is a suitably large size for this array (2 * MaxBackends, ala
  - the postmaster makes all calls referencing this list, with the exception
of processCancelRequest, correct? So, as Tom was alluding to, no locking is
required (or desired!), and we'll just need to be careful not to introduce a
race condition into processCancelRequest.

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For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Jan Wieck
Bruce Momjian wrote:

> Claudio Natoli wrote:
>> Tom Lane writes:
>> > Actually, on further reflection a separate array to store PIDs and
>> cancel keys is probably a better idea.
>> [snip]
>> > I still think it's unnecessary to make a separate shmem segment for it,
>> though.
>> Why is that? Don't we need the backends to have access to it to do a cancel
>> request? I think I've missed something here...
> I think they are saying put the cancel key inside the existing shared
> memory segment.  I don't know when we actually attach to the main shared
> memory sigment in the child, but it would have to be sooner than when we
> need the cancel key.

I said move it into the PGPROC structure. And keep the pid in both, the
PGPROC structure and postmaster local memory.

The backend attaches to the shared memory during
AttachSharedMemoryAndSemaphores() ... where else?


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Claudio Natoli wrote:
> > I think they are saying put the cancel key inside the existing shared
> > memory segment.
> Ok. Thanks.
> > I don't know when we actually attach to the main shared
> > memory sigment in the child, but it would have to be sooner than when we
> > need the cancel key.
> Yes. Currently, it happens too late.
> I'll put my hand up to have a go at this fixing this (and getting
> processCancelRequest to work under Win32/EXEC_BACKEND at the same time), if
> no one else particularly cares to.
> Just to be clear, this would involve turning the BackendList dlllist into an
> array in shared memory, right? If so, a couple of questions:
>   - what is a suitably large size for this array (2 * MaxBackends, ala
> canAcceptConnections?)
>   - the postmaster makes all calls referencing this list, with the exception
> of processCancelRequest, correct? So, as Tom was alluding to, no locking is
> required (or desired!), and we'll just need to be careful not to introduce a
> race condition into processCancelRequest.

I assumed a much simpler solution.  I thought we would just have:

    struct {
        pid_t    pid;
        int     cancel_key;
    } PidCancel[maxbackend];

in shared memory and we would just sequentially scan looking for a pid
match?  Is that wrong?

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
I wrote:
> Just to be clear, this would involve turning the BackendList dlllist into
> array in shared memory, right? If so, a couple of questions:

Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I assumed a much simpler solution.  I thought we would just have:
>     struct {
>         pid_t    pid;
>         int     cancel_key;
>     } PidCancel[maxbackend];
> in shared memory and we would just sequentially scan looking for a pid
> match?  Is that wrong?

Isn't that basically "turning the BackendList dlllist into an array in
shared memory"? And I don't think that an array length of maxbackend is


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For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Claudio Natoli wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Just to be clear, this would involve turning the BackendList dlllist into
> an
> > array in shared memory, right? If so, a couple of questions:
> Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > I assumed a much simpler solution.  I thought we would just have:
> >
> >     struct {
> >         pid_t    pid;
> >         int     cancel_key;
> >     } PidCancel[maxbackend];
> >
> > in shared memory and we would just sequentially scan looking for a pid
> > match?  Is that wrong?
> Isn't that basically "turning the BackendList dlllist into an array in
> shared memory"? And I don't think that an array length of maxbackend is
> enough.

Uh, why would you need more than maxbackends?  Can't it be indexed by
slot number --- each backend has a slot?  Maybe I am missing something.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
> Just to be clear, this would involve turning the BackendList dlllist into an
> array in shared memory, right? If so, a couple of questions:

Per Jan's comment, there is no need to mess with the existing
datastructure.  I'd think more of *copying* the dllist into some array
in shared memory.  This is code that would only need to exist in the
Windows port.

>   - the postmaster makes all calls referencing this list, with the exception
> of processCancelRequest, correct?

The postmaster writes the array (and really would have no need to read
it).  Sub-postmasters would need to read the array, either to check an
incoming cancel request or to get the current-session key value to pass
back to the client.  I don't think that PostgresMain or any subsidiary
routine would ever need to touch it.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> Uh, why would you need more than maxbackends?  Can't it be indexed by
> slot number --- each backend has a slot?  Maybe I am missing something.

The postmaster has no way to know what slot number each backend will
get.  For that matter, a sub-postmaster doesn't know yet either.

I think the simplest way to make this work is to use an array that's
2*MaxBackend items long (corresponding to the max number of children the
postmaster will fork).  Establish the convention that unused entries are
zero.  Then:

    1. On forking a child, the postmaster scans the array for a free
    (zero) slot, and stashes the cancel key and PID there (in that

    2. On receiving a child-termination report, the postmaster scans
    the array for the corresponding entry, and zeroes it out (PID

(Obviously these algorithms could be improved if they turn out to be
bottlenecks, but for the first cut KISS is applicable.)

    3. To find or check a cencel key, a sub-postmaster scans the
    array looking for the desired PID (either its own, or the one
    it got from an incoming cancel request message).

There is a potential race condition if a sub-postmaster scans the array
before the postmaster has been able to store its PID there.  I think it
is sufficient for the sub-postmaster to sleep a few milliseconds and try
again if it can't find its own PID in the array.  There is no race
condition possible for the ProcessCancelRequest case --- the
sub-postmaster that spawned an active backend must have found its entry
before it could have sent the cancel key to the client, so any valid
cancel request from a client must reference an already-existing entry
in the array.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
Tom Lane:
> Per Jan's comment, there is no need to mess with the existing
> datastructure.  I'd think more of *copying* the dllist into some array
> in shared memory.  This is code that would only need to exist in the
> Windows port.

(I thought Jan was referring to the PGPROC struct)

This just seems a little odd to me. I mean, they are going to be basically
identical (they'll even use the same struct!).

Also, let's get back to why we want this: to handle processCancelRequest in
the Win32 case. If this array is in Windows only, then we'll obviously need
two implementations of the processCancelRequest logic.

Or I'm missing something...

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Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli

Tom Lane wrote:
> I think the simplest way to make this work is to use an array that's
> 2*MaxBackend items long (corresponding to the max number of children the
> postmaster will fork).

Actually, now that I think about it, is even that big enough. There is a
reason BackendList is a list. In pathological situations, the postmaster
could be made to fork a much larger number than 2*MaxBackend simultaneous
children, although only this many will be allowed to become backends.
(I guess we could check the port->canAcceptConnections value, and not add
the backend to the array when == CAC_TOOMANY).

> There is no race condition possible for the ProcessCancelRequest case ---
> the sub-postmaster that spawned an active backend must have found its
> entry before it could have sent the cancel key to the client, so any
> valid cancel request from a client must reference an already-existing
> entry in the array.

Make sense. Great.

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For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Claudio Natoli wrote:
> Tom Lane:
> > Per Jan's comment, there is no need to mess with the existing
> > datastructure.  I'd think more of *copying* the dllist into some array
> > in shared memory.  This is code that would only need to exist in the
> > Windows port.
> (I thought Jan was referring to the PGPROC struct)
> This just seems a little odd to me. I mean, they are going to be basically
> identical (they'll even use the same struct!).

Seems you should use an array of "struct bkend" or "Backend" as storage
in shared memory.  I think the problem with Dllist is that it is
dynamically allocated and I don't see how that could be done cleanly in
shared memory.  I think that's why the array idea seems best.

> Also, let's get back to why we want this: to handle processCancelRequest in
> the Win32 case. If this array is in Windows only, then we'll obviously need
> two implementations of the processCancelRequest logic.
> Or I'm missing something...

Looking up they key would have to be different for fork and fork/exec.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
Bruce Momjian:
> > Tom Lane:
> > > Per Jan's comment, there is no need to mess with the existing
> > > datastructure.  I'd think more of *copying* the dllist into some array
> > > in shared memory.  This is code that would only need to exist in the
> > > Windows port.
> >
> > (I thought Jan was referring to the PGPROC struct)
> >
> > This just seems a little odd to me. I mean, they are going to be
> > identical (they'll even use the same struct!).
> Seems you should use an array of "struct bkend" or "Backend" as storage
> in shared memory.  I think the problem with Dllist is that it is
> dynamically allocated and I don't see how that could be done cleanly in
> shared memory.  I think that's why the array idea seems best.

I wasn't suggesting that we somehow put the Dllist in shared memory. I was
advocating completely replacing the BackendList dlllist with this array,
under both Win32 and *nix case. (Is what I've been saying sound different in
this light?)

AFAICS, dumping the BackendList dlllist, and just completely replacing it
with "PidCancel[]" in shared memory would be a pretty small hit, and give us
the same code under *nix + Win32.

> Looking up they key would have to be different for fork and fork/exec.

Only if we choose to have this new PidCancel array, in addition to the
existing BackendList, which looks to me to be entirely redundant.

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For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
> Tom Lane:
>> Per Jan's comment, there is no need to mess with the existing
>> datastructure.  I'd think more of *copying* the dllist into some array
>> in shared memory.  This is code that would only need to exist in the
>> Windows port.

> Also, let's get back to why we want this: to handle processCancelRequest in
> the Win32 case. If this array is in Windows only, then we'll obviously need
> two implementations of the processCancelRequest logic.

[ shrug... ]  If that's the only redundant code we end up with in this
port, we'll have done pretty durn well.

What it comes down to is I don't want the postmaster to be keeping its
own state in shared memory --- that is, the array must be write-only
memory as far as the postmaster is concerned.  If we eliminate the
postmaster's private DLList of backends, then the postmaster becomes
that much more vulnerable to corruption from a backend bug that leads to
trashing shared memory.  To take just one example: backend A goes nuts,
zeroes the whole shmem segment, and then dumps core.  How is the
postmaster going to kill the other backends so that it can begin the
recovery process?  If there's no record of their PIDs left anywhere,
it's got a problem.  The postmaster *needs* its own copy of that DLList.

You might object that backend bugs could clobber the array and thus
interfere with cancel request processing, but that's not nearly as
critical a function.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> I think the simplest way to make this work is to use an array that's
>> 2*MaxBackend items long (corresponding to the max number of children the
>> postmaster will fork).

> Actually, now that I think about it, is even that big enough. There is a
> reason BackendList is a list. In pathological situations, the postmaster
> could be made to fork a much larger number than 2*MaxBackend simultaneous
> children, although only this many will be allowed to become backends.
> (I guess we could check the port->canAcceptConnections value, and not add
> the backend to the array when == CAC_TOOMANY).

Probably we could rearrange the logic to test for too-many-children
before we even do the fork.  It'd be a little uglier that way, but
not out of the question.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
> I wasn't suggesting that we somehow put the Dllist in shared memory. I was
> advocating completely replacing the BackendList dlllist with this array,
> under both Win32 and *nix case.

Right, that's what I understood you to be proposing, and I dislike it on
robustness grounds.  One of the most important functions of the
postmaster is to survive backend crashes --- as soon as you put any of
its state where backends could clobber it, you compromise that function.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Claudio Natoli
Tom Lane wrote:

> What it comes down to is I don't want the postmaster to be keeping its
> own state in shared memory --- that is, the array must be write-only
> memory as far as the postmaster is concerned.  If we eliminate the

Ok. Well, I can appreciate things from that point of view.

> postmaster's private DLList of backends, then the postmaster becomes
> that much more vulnerable to corruption from a backend bug that leads to
> trashing shared memory.  To take just one example: backend A goes nuts,
> zeroes the whole shmem segment, and then dumps core.  How is the
> postmaster going to kill the other backends so that it can begin the
> recovery process?  If there's no record of their PIDs left anywhere,
> it's got a problem.  The postmaster *needs* its own copy of that DLList.
> You might object that backend bugs could clobber the array and thus
> interfere with cancel request processing, but that's not nearly as
> critical a function.

Actually, if I was going to argue anything, I'd say that if a backend goes
nuts and zeroes the whole shmem segment you've probably some bigger things
to worry about (Aside: Would postgres actually recover from such an
occurence? BTW, I'd be pretty impressed if it did, but not all that
surprised ;-).

But I'll happily concede the point, and prove it by knocking up a patch for
it over the weekend (unless anyone else particularly wants to).


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For the full text of these disclaimers and policies see

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Claudio Natoli <claudio.natoli@memetrics.com> writes:
> Actually, if I was going to argue anything, I'd say that if a backend goes
> nuts and zeroes the whole shmem segment you've probably some bigger things
> to worry about (Aside: Would postgres actually recover from such an
> occurence? BTW, I'd be pretty impressed if it did, but not all that
> surprised ;-).

It should, although there are limits (for instance, if someone is
actively writing out a page of WAL at the same time the bogus backend
comes by and zeroes that buffer, you might lose WAL entries for
already-committed transactions, which would be unhappy-making).

As a developer, though, I crash backends all the time, and I can say
that this mechanism is indeed pretty robust.  The postmaster never goes
down (what, never? well, hardly ever) and it's *extremely* seldom that
a crash results in on-disk corruption, because the postmaster generally
manages to kill the other backends before any corruption in shared
memory gets propagated to disk.

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
> > Something after 2003/11/20 enhanced the query cancel handling. Namely,
> > CVS tip now responds to a query cancel with a postmaster restart
> > canceling all queries. Could the fork/exec stuff be responsible for this?
> Whoever changed this:
>     status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);
>     if (status != STATUS_OK)
>         return 0;                /* cancel request processed, or error */
> to this:
>     status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);
>     if (status != STATUS_OK)
>     {
>         ereport(LOG,
>                 (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
>         proc_exit(status);
>     }
> is responsible.  May we have an explanation of the thought process,
> if any?

Claudio specified the attached fix, which I have applied.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
> > Something after 2003/11/20 enhanced the query cancel handling. Namely,
> > CVS tip now responds to a query cancel with a postmaster restart
> > canceling all queries. Could the fork/exec stuff be responsible for this?
> Whoever changed this:
>     status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);
>     if (status != STATUS_OK)
>         return 0;                /* cancel request processed, or error */
> to this:
>     status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);
>     if (status != STATUS_OK)
>     {
>         ereport(LOG,
>                 (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
>         proc_exit(status);
>     }
> is responsible.  May we have an explanation of the thought process,
> if any?

Claudio specified the attached fix, which I have applied (this time).

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Index: src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c,v
retrieving revision 1.355
diff -c -c -r1.355 postmaster.c
*** src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c    7 Jan 2004 18:56:27 -0000    1.355
--- src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c    9 Jan 2004 23:08:01 -0000
*** 2450,2456 ****
                  (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
!         proc_exit(status);

--- 2450,2456 ----
                  (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
!         proc_exit(0);


Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> Claudio specified the attached fix, which I have applied (this time).

The ereport must vanish back into its black hole, also.
ProcessStartupPacket has already issued any appropriate log message.

> *** 2450,2456 ****
>       {
>           ereport(LOG,
>                   (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
> !         proc_exit(status);
>       }

>       /*
> --- 2450,2456 ----
>       {
>           ereport(LOG,
>                   (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
> !         proc_exit(0);
>       }

>       /*

            regards, tom lane

Re: fork/exec patch: pre-CreateProcess finalization

Bruce Momjian
Done and attached.


Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> > Claudio specified the attached fix, which I have applied (this time).
> The ereport must vanish back into its black hole, also.
> ProcessStartupPacket has already issued any appropriate log message.
> > *** 2450,2456 ****
> >       {
> >           ereport(LOG,
> >                   (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
> > !         proc_exit(status);
> >       }
> >       /*
> > --- 2450,2456 ----
> >       {
> >           ereport(LOG,
> >                   (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
> > !         proc_exit(0);
> >       }
> >       /*
>             regards, tom lane

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Index: src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c,v
retrieving revision 1.356
diff -c -c -r1.356 postmaster.c
*** src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c    9 Jan 2004 23:11:39 -0000    1.356
--- src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c    9 Jan 2004 23:25:36 -0000
*** 2447,2457 ****
      status = ProcessStartupPacket(port, false);

      if (status != STATUS_OK)
-     {
-         ereport(LOG,
-                 (errmsg("connection startup failed")));
-     }

       * Now that we have the user and database name, we can set the process
--- 2447,2453 ----