Обсуждение: not fixed - no changes showing up in clients like squirrel and pgadmin


not fixed - no changes showing up in clients like squirrel and pgadmin

Jim McNamara

If I go in under psql all my changes make sense. When I try to view my changes in pgadmin or squirrel sql, I can't get anything like a schema or table names reflected in my object tree.
I am at a total loss. I am wondering if I missed a package when installing it in my ubuntu based linux distro.

Any help?


Re: not fixed - no changes showing up in clients like squirrel and pgadmin

Merlin Moncure
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Jim McNamara <thirdshiftcoder@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi-
> If I go in under psql all my changes make sense. When I try to view my
> changes in pgadmin or squirrel sql, I can't get anything like a schema or
> table names reflected in my object tree.
> I am at a total loss. I am wondering if I missed a package when installing
> it in my ubuntu based linux distro.

are you connected to the right database?


Re: not fixed - no changes showing up in clients like squirrel and pgadmin

Jim McNamara

If I go in under psql all my changes make sense. When I try to view my changes in pgadmin or squirrel sql, I can't get anything like a schema or table names reflected in my object tree.
I am at a total loss. I am wondering if I missed a package when installing it in my ubuntu based linux distro.

Any help?


Merlin Moncure <mmoncure@gmail.com>

9:28 AM (6 hours ago)
to mepgsql
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Jim McNamara <thirdshiftcoder@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi-
> If I go in under psql all my changes make sense. When I try to view my
> changes in pgadmin or squirrel sql, I can't get anything like a schema or
> table names reflected in my object tree.
> I am at a total loss. I am wondering if I missed a package when installing
> it in my ubuntu based linux distro.

are you connected to the right database?

Hi Merlin-

I got thinking that maybe it is because I forgot to intialize a db. I will do that tonight.

I just got out of work. Time for a break. 

I thought that my postgresql 8.0 book
is outdated and I'd read the net but apparently I need a book. I am going shopping at
Amazon on payday for a new postgres book.

I will let the group know if I fix this issue tonight. wish me luck.

thx.- jim

Re: not fixed - no changes showing up in clients like squirrel and pgadmin

Adam Brusselback
You should have all the learning tools necessary in the docs. I have found only one book so far on Postgres that I liked better than reading the docs... Greg Smith's Postgres 9.0 High Performance (which even now has some outdated info, I hear he's working on an update though), and that isn't a book for learning the basics.

I am also thinking you're connecting to a different server or something similar.  Why not give us some actual errors, or explain in more detail what is happening?