Обсуждение: translation question regarding guru hints


translation question regarding guru hints

Miha Radej

the following is the content of a message that didn't make it to the
list a few days ago:

i'm also working on translating the hint files and tips.txt. i presume
tips.txt is utf-8 encoded? i saved it as utf-8 and slovenian characters
were displayed correctly.

also, the html files in hints directory: the meta tag says they're
windows-1252. i've tried saving them as windows-1250 but that worked ok
only on windows, i got garbage for some chars on linux. right now i'm
using iso-8859-2, which seems to display all characters correctly, but i
haven't tested that on windows yet. i'll send these files later today or
tomorrow. which character set is best to use and which character sets
are available? for slovenian characters, i can choose these: win-1250,
latin2 and utf8. which will cause the least trouble?

i have resorted to using html codes, such as #268, #269, etc. for some
special characters. i use windows-1252 character encoding, as is used in
english hint files. this seems to work both on linux (tested on suse
9.3) and windows (tested on a w2k platform with a binary snapshot dated
23. 10. 2005). is this an acceptable "solution" or is there some other
way this can/should/is preferred to be done?


Re: translation question regarding guru hints

Andreas Pflug
Miha Radej schrieb:

> ***************************
> i'm also working on translating the hint files and tips.txt. i presume
> tips.txt is utf-8 encoded? i saved it as utf-8 and slovenian characters
> were displayed correctly.

Please test it, I don't know what wxWidgets makes from it.
Currently, I'm not even sure that we'd display a translated version
correctly, pleast test that before spending useless effort.

> also, the html files in hints directory: the meta tag says they're
> windows-1252. i've tried saving them as windows-1250 but that worked ok
> only on windows, i got garbage for some chars on linux. right now i'm
> using iso-8859-2, which seems to display all characters correctly, but i
> haven't tested that on windows yet. i'll send these files later today or
> tomorrow. which character set is best to use and which character sets
> are available? for slovenian characters, i can choose these: win-1250,
> latin2 and utf8. which will cause the least trouble?

Use the charset that fits your needs best (but use the same encoding
throughout that directory, some files may be assembled to a single one
at runtime). If it displays correctly in any standard browser, it should
be good in pgAdmin as well.

> ***************************
> i have resorted to using html codes, such as #268, #269, etc. for some
> special characters. i use windows-1252 character encoding, as is used in
> english hint files. this seems to work both on linux (tested on suse
> 9.3) and windows (tested on a w2k platform with a binary snapshot dated
> 23. 10. 2005). is this an acceptable "solution" or is there some other
> way this can/should/is preferred to be done?

If it displays correctly, use what you like best.


Re: translation question regarding guru hints

Miha Radej

Andreas Pflug wrote:
>> i'm also working on translating the hint files and tips.txt. i presume
>> tips.txt is utf-8 encoded? i saved it as utf-8 and slovenian characters
>> were displayed correctly.
> Please test it, I don't know what wxWidgets makes from it.
> Currently, I'm not even sure that we'd display a translated version
> correctly, pleast test that before spending useless effort.

so far as i have been able to test (2 win2k systems and 2 suse linux 9.3
systems) the tips from tips.txt are being displayed correctly if using
utf-8 encoding. so i guess i will leave it at that.

by the way, i also have some questions regarding this tip:
pgAdmin III is a completely new version of pgAdmin written in C++ using
the wxWindows framework to allow it to run on Windows and *nix systems.

do i keep "wxwidgets" in the translation or do i use "wxwindows"?

> Use the charset that fits your needs best (but use the same encoding
> throughout that directory, some files may be assembled to a single one
> at runtime). If it displays correctly in any standard browser, it should
> be good in pgAdmin as well.

that is what i thought, so i have prepared all the files, saved them as
latin2 and gave it a try. it was ok on linux and garbage on windows,
like i described in a previous post. so here also i will use html codes
until a complaint is received :)

attached is the slovenian tips.txt file. the guru hints will be arriving
shortly, i hope :)

thanks for your answers,
# Za dodajanje namiga ga le dopiši v novo vrstico.
# Prazne vrstice se prezrejo, vrstice, ki se začnejo s # so komentarji.
# Poba, nucej UTF-8 :)

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Uradni rojstni dan PostgreSQL je 8. julij. Projekt PostgreSQL je nastal leta 1996.
Prvi prototip za izvirni pgADMin projekt se je imenoval pgMAnager, spisan pa je bil za PostgreSQL 6.3.2.
Podporo za pgAdmin lahko izrazite na pgadmin-support@postgresql.org dopisnem seznamu.
Odgovor na vprašanje o Življenju, Vesolju in Sploh Vsem je 42.
Člani razvojne ekipe pgAdmina prihajajo med drugim iz Velike Britanije, Francije ter ZDA.
pgAdmin II je bil prenešen preko 10,000-krat *preden* je bila na voljo različica za izdajo!
Prva stabilna različica pgAdmina II je bila prenešena preko 30,000-krat v prvih 6 mesecih po izdaji.
Prva uradna stabilna različica pgAdmina II je bila izdana 16. januarja 2002.
Razvoj projekta pgAdmin III se je začel 29. septembra 2002.
pgAdmin je izdan pod Open Source licenco 'Artistic Licence'.
PostgreSQL v /contrib direktoriju drevesa izvorne kode vključuje številna uporabna orodja, datoteke in projekte.
Na dopisnem seznamu pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org potekajo diskusije o novih funkcijah ter poteku razvoja.
Večina knjižnice pgSchema, ki jo uporablja pgAdmin II, je bila razvita na prenosniku z Windows 2000, pred TV ekranom v
bližiniOxforda, v Angliji. 
Svoje geslo lahko spremenite preko menija 'Datoteka', 'Spremeni geslo'.
PostgreSQL 7.2 podpira tabele brez OID stolpcev, z namenom manjše porabe OID-jev.
V PostgreSQLu 7.2 lahko nadzirate aktivnost sistema glede na posamezno povezavo z uporabo 'SELECT * FROM
PostgreSQLov repertoar proceduralnih jezikov vključuje tudi pl/pgSQL, pl/TCL, pl/Perl ter pl/sh.
PostgreSQL 7.3 podpira sheme. To so posamezni imenski prostori znotraj podatkovnih zbirk.
Za replikacijo se lahko uporabi projekt rserv v PostgreSQLovem contrib direktoriju.
Pano z definicijami vsebuje z obratnim inženiringom pridobljen SQL za izbrani objekt.
pgAdmin III je popolnoma nova različica pgAdmina, napisana v C++ z uporabo wxWidgets okolja, ki omogoča izvajanje na
Windowsin *nix sistemih. 
Domene se lahko uporabi za kreiranje predefiniranih podatkovnih tipov, ki temeljijo na bolj splošnih osnovnih tipih.

Re: translation question regarding guru hints

Andreas Pflug
Miha Radej wrote:
> hi!
> by the way, i also have some questions regarding this tip:
> pgAdmin III is a completely new version of pgAdmin written in C++ using
> the wxWindows framework to allow it to run on Windows and *nix systems.
> do i keep "wxwidgets" in the translation or do i use "wxwindows"?

No, just fixed the en_US version to refer to wxWidgets also.

> attached is the slovenian tips.txt file.

Thanks, ommitted to svn.
