Обсуждение: Re: pgAdmin3 ab sofort in Deutsch!


Re: pgAdmin3 ab sofort in Deutsch!

Jean-Michel POURE
Le Jeudi 5 Juin 2003 13:35, Andreas Pflug a écrit :
> Where should we publicate pgadmin3.pot for all translators? Should we
> add it to CVS? (would make it more convenient for us)
> Updating pgadmin3.pot *could* be added to Makefile, instead of calling
> stringextract manually, but this would create a lot of updates to CVS.

make languages : extracts all .po entries and publishes them to CVS.

> Where should we put the resulting *.mo files? Again, for convenience, we
> could add them to CVS.

Why not create a separate cvs_root for each language (es, de, fr, etc..).
Translators will be free to access their own translation. After each
translator cvs commit, it is possible to analyse the log file:

First, checkout the hiddent folder "CVSROOT" with : cvs checkout CVSROOT
In the "loginfo" file, add the following entry:

de (date; cat; (sleep 2; export CVSROOT=/path/to/.../cvsroot; cd $CVSROOT/de;
compile to .mo; publish to CVS) &) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog 2>&1

Each time the translator does a commit in "de", translations are compiled in
.mo files. A cron job can run "make translations" to generate .po files
