Обсуждение: ER diagram tools?


ER diagram tools?

Ron Watkins
Are there any decent free ER diagram tools for Postgres?

Ron Watkins, K7DOG

Re: ER diagram tools?

Well Copilot says
Certainly! When it comes to creating Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) for PostgreSQL, you have several options. Let me share some tools that you might find useful:
  1. pgAdmin 4:
    • Description: pgAdmin 4 is a powerful open-source administration and management tool for PostgreSQL. It includes an ERD tool that allows you to design and visualize database tables and their relationships.
    • Features:
      • Design and visualize tables and relationships.
      • Add notes to the diagram.
      • Auto-align tables and links for cleaner visualization.
      • Save and reopen diagrams.
      • Generate SQL from the design.
      • Create ERDs from existing databases, schemas, or tables.
    • Reference1
  2. Vertabelo:
    • Description: Vertabelo is an online data modeling tool with ERD capabilities for PostgreSQL (as well as other databases like MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and SQLite).
    • Features:
      • Conceptual, logical, and physical data model design.
      • Visualize relationships.
    • Reference2
  3. Navicat:
    • Description: Navicat provides an ER diagram tool for visually designing conceptual, logical, and physical data models specifically for PostgreSQL.
    • Features:
      • Design tables and relationships.
    • Reference2
  4. Visual Paradigm:
    • Description: Visual Paradigm offers a comprehensive suite of modeling tools, including ERD capabilities for PostgreSQL.
    • Features:
      • Advanced modeling features.
    • Reference2
  5. SqlDBM:
    • Description: SqlDBM is an online database modeling tool that supports PostgreSQL. It allows you to create ERDs and collaborate with team members.
    • Features:
      • Collaborative design.
    • Reference2
  6. ERDPlus:
    • Description: ERDPlus is a free online tool for creating ERDs. While it’s not PostgreSQL-specific, it’s easy to use and suitable for various databases.
    • Features:
      • Simple and intuitive interface.
    • Reference2
Remember to explore these tools and choose the one that best fits your needs. Happy diagramming! 📊🔍
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