Обсуждение: Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2023 / Call for Papers & Sponsors


Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2023 / Call for Papers & Sponsors

"CSPUG (Czech and Slovak PostgreSQL Users Group) via PostgreSQL Announce"

Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2023 / Call for Papers & Sponsors

Prague PostgreSQL Developer Day 2023 (P2D2 2023) will be held on January 31 - February 1 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference focuses on topics for PostgreSQL users and developers. For more information about the event, please see the website at https://www.p2d2.cz/

We are now accepting proposals for talks and trainings in both Czech and English. As in previous years, the conference is a single-track event with a mix of talks in Czech and English.

To submit a talk, use this form:


The talk sessions are generally 45 minutes long (but may be shorter if requested) and may be on any PostgreSQL-related topic. We're also looking for trainings (either half-day or whole-day) for the first day (January 31). To submit a training proposal, use the same form as for regular talks (there's a field to pick talk/training).

Finally, we are considering to include a session of lightning talks (short talks, five minute each). A separate call for proposals will be made for them during the event.

The submission deadline is December 5 (which is Monday), end of day. Selected speakers will be notified / confirmed shortly afterwards.

The proposals will be considered by committee who will produce a schedule to be published about a month before the event.

All selected speakers will get free entry to the conference (excluding training sessions). We do offer covering travel and accommodations for foreign speakers (generally enough for two nights in a hotel and travel within Europe). If you require assistance with funding to be able to attend, please make a note of this in the submission notes field.

We have also opened our call for sponsors. As usual, we offer three sponsorship levels - if you are interested in sponsoring the event, please see the details at


If you wish to become a sponsor, please fill out the form at


or contact us directly at sponsors@p2d2.cz (we're happy to answer any questions about the event and sponsorship conditions).

We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in Prague!