Обсуждение: 2 pgadmin4 instances


2 pgadmin4 instances

David Bear
I have pgadmin4 running on a remote system which I shell into and forward the port required. This works great. I forward port 15050 to the remote system in order to connect to pgadmin on that system.

I also run postgresql locally on my machine. When I started firefox to connect to the local pgadmin instance running on port 5050 I got the error that the CSRF tokens didn't match. I assume this is just the way pgadmin security works when connecting to 2 different running instances with the same browser. 

Fortunately, I can spin up a different browser (in this case opera) and connect to my local instance of pgadmin. 

I just wanted to verify that this was the expected behavior. 

Kind Regards,
David Bear
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Re: 2 pgadmin4 instances

Aditya Toshniwal
Hi David,

I think it should work fine if the port numbers are different. I run 2 pgAdmins with 5050 and 5051 in the same browser instance. I didn't face any issue.

On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 6:21 AM David Bear <dbear@heritageacademyaz.com> wrote:
I have pgadmin4 running on a remote system which I shell into and forward the port required. This works great. I forward port 15050 to the remote system in order to connect to pgadmin on that system.

I also run postgresql locally on my machine. When I started firefox to connect to the local pgadmin instance running on port 5050 I got the error that the CSRF tokens didn't match. I assume this is just the way pgadmin security works when connecting to 2 different running instances with the same browser. 

Fortunately, I can spin up a different browser (in this case opera) and connect to my local instance of pgadmin. 

I just wanted to verify that this was the expected behavior. 

Kind Regards,
David Bear
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Aditya Toshniwal
pgAdmin Hacker | Software Architect | edbpostgres.com
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