Обсуждение: GENERATED ALWAYS AS - Not Consistent with MD5


GENERATED ALWAYS AS - Not Consistent with MD5

PG Doc comments form
The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:

Page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/ddl-generated-columns.html

In my table definition - my Id Column is defined as ```Id TEXT PRIMARY KEY
GENERATED ALWAYS AS (MD5(date_part('epoch', Inv_Date)::TEXT || TerminalId ||
GradeId || Ownership_Code)) STORED,```

But the value generated is not consistent upon insertion.
To confirm we checked by generating MD5 on SELECT and comparing the Id,
they're two completely different values.

Re: GENERATED ALWAYS AS - Not Consistent with MD5

"Euler Taveira"
On Mon, Mar 21, 2022, at 7:42 PM, PG Doc comments form wrote:
In my table definition - my Id Column is defined as ```Id TEXT PRIMARY KEY
GENERATED ALWAYS AS (MD5(date_part('epoch', Inv_Date)::TEXT || TerminalId ||
GradeId || Ownership_Code)) STORED,```

But the value generated is not consistent upon insertion.
To confirm we checked by generating MD5 on SELECT and comparing the Id,
they're two completely different values.

It works for me. Could you provide a self-contained test case? What's your
current version?

This list is for documentation discussion. For general questions, use
pgsql-general. For bug reports, use pgsql-bugs.

Euler Taveira