Обсуждение: ODBC attribute not implemented ?


ODBC attribute not implemented ?

Vincent Fayolle


Hello everyone,


               I have an issue with a standard ODBC (1.0) attribute: SQL_ATTR_MAX_ROWS


               When this attribute is set (it is a number), it must limit the number of rows returned by the query.


               When I check the trace, I can see that the use seems OK, and sent to the driver (here I want to get the first 37 rows of a query) :


ODBC: ENTER SQLSetStmtAttr 362 1940794843 tkvercn1 0 DOSSCHT

             0x0000000006be30c0 363 1940794843 tkvercn1 0 DOSSCHT

                              1 <SQL_ATTR_MAX_ROWS> 364 1940794843 tkvercn1 0 DOSSCHT

                             37 365 1940794843 tkvercn1 0 DOSSCHT

                             -6 <SQL_IS_INTEGER> 366 1940794843 tkvercn1 0 DOSSCHT

ODBC: EXIT SQLSetStmtAttr with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS) 367 1940794843 tkvercn1 0 DOSSCHT


               But the query trace of postgre, we can see that this value ok 37 lines is not used to limit the query (I have a select *) :


               2021-07-01 23:40:43.897 CEST [11396] LOG:  exécute _PLAN000000000054FF00: SELECT * FROM TEST


               I tried on windows and centos, with the last odbc driver (v13).


               Can I add something in the odbc.ini or this attribute is not implemented ?


               Thanks for you reply… and time !

