Обсуждение: Re: compression in replication


Re: compression in replication

Vijaykumar Jain

On Wed, 16 Jun 2021 at 13:41, Massimo Ortensi <mortensi@unimaticaspa.it> wrote:

is there any way to compress the traffic for streaming replication ?


I think this should help reduce traffic as it would decompress only when replaying.
I have not used it, but now that you asked, I will test it out.

Also, pg_basebackup supports gzip stream, and so does COPY but I do not see exclusive mention of compression support in replication slot details.
But if you try having a sidecar like envoyproxy or any tcpproxy per server, maybe communication between sidecars can be compressed but not db to sidecar.

[pg -> sidecar -> compressed wal stream]  -> [sidecar -> decompress -> pg]
I have not tried any option, FYI.

Mumbai, India

Re: compression in replication

Vijaykumar Jain
sorry, the link was broken.
this was the param.

"wal_compression (boolean)

When this parameter is on, the PostgreSQL server compresses a full
page image written to WAL when full_page_writes is on or during a base
backup. A compressed page image will be decompressed during WAL
replay. The default value is off. Only superusers can change this

Turning this parameter on can reduce the WAL volume without increasing
the risk of unrecoverable data corruption, but at the cost of some
extra CPU spent on the compression during WAL logging and on the
decompression during WAL replay."

Re: compression in replication

Keep in mind that this can be accomplished in other ways depending on what archive_command you're using.  rsync, and sftp (I don't recommend scp due to security concerns but it does compression as well) both have parameters to do in-transit compression.  If i remember correctly Postgresql compression must be enabled on both ends.  I had a situation where that wasn't easy to do and opted for external (to Postgresql) compression.

On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 2:56:09 PM UTC, Vijaykumar Jain <vijaykumarjain.github@gmail.com> wrote:

sorry, the link was broken.
this was the param.

"wal_compression (boolean)

When this parameter is on, the PostgreSQL server compresses a full
page image written to WAL when full_page_writes is on or during a base
backup. A compressed page image will be decompressed during WAL
replay. The default value is off. Only superusers can change this

Turning this parameter on can reduce the WAL volume without increasing
the risk of unrecoverable data corruption, but at the cost of some
extra CPU spent on the compression during WAL logging and on the
decompression during WAL replay."

Re: compression in replication

Stephen Frost

We generally prefer to do in-line replies (not top-posting) on these
lists.  So, more below.

* LEROY TENNISON (leroy_tennison@prodigy.net) wrote:
>  Keep in mind that this can be accomplished in other ways depending on what archive_command you're using.  rsync, and
sftp(I don't recommend scp due to security concerns but it does compression as well) both have parameters to do
in-transitcompression.  If i remember correctly Postgresql compression must be enabled on both ends.  I had a situation
wherethat wasn't easy to do and opted for external (to Postgresql) compression. 

In general, rsync, sftp, and scp are very poor choices for archive
command as they don't do anything to ensure that the WAL is actually
written out to disk and also don't do a variety of other sensible checks
to make sure the WAL matches the PG database, there's a history file for
the timeline the WAL is on, etc.




32 TB size limit almost reached

Massimo Ortensi
Hi everybody.

I've got a large db, where the pg_largeobject almost reached (or maybe
already reached before vacuum_lo) the 32 TB size limit.

If I query

select pg_table_size ('pg_largeobject')                       35194084753408

select pg_total_relation_size ('pg_largeobject')             35692575506432

select pg_relation_size ('pg_largeobject')                     

I'm still running vacuum_lo and then vacuum -F

How can I tell how near to the limit my db really is ?