Обсуждение: BUG #16596: Windows


BUG #16596: Windows

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      16596
Logged by:          Weston
Email address:      wweems@gmail.com
PostgreSQL version: 12.4
Operating system:   Windows 10

Database installer fails with error: "Failed initialising cluster". Looking
at the logs, it seems like the actual issue looks like this:
Scripting.FileSystemObject initialized...

Called ClearAcl (C:\pg\12\data)...
    Executing batch file 'rad56588.bat'...
Called Die(Failed to reset the ACL (C:\pg\12\data))...
Failed to reset the ACL (C:\pg\12\data)

I previously had two diff copies of pg 10 installed (pg10 and a pg10.1.4 or
something) so the installer HAS worked before but not here. 
I uninstalled all traces of postgres, including data folders and registry
entries, and attempted to reinstall only to end up at the same conclusion. I
tried the comspec check for extra semicolon, as well as using diff folders.
I also attempted to check user accounts and running differently (run as
administrator vs running as my regular user).

I previously had this same core error for other reasons on several other
machines (mostly due to execution of vbs scripts in protected systems).