Обсуждение: pgAdmin Download as CSV


pgAdmin Download as CSV

Elizabeth Mytko


It seems the Download as CSV button doesn’t work anymore for the last few versions. I upgraded from version 3.3 (didn’t work here) to version 4.2 and it still doesn’t work. It used to work before version 3.3 and downloaded the current query results to the c:\Downloads folder which was very handy. Just to clarify it works for the table list but not for a query results. Not sure if I am doing something wrong?


Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


Woodgate and Clark Limited, Registered Office, The Red House, King Street, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6QT No. 02090698 England.
This message is sent in confidence for the addressee only. It may contain confidential or sensitive information. The contents are not to be disclosed to anyone other than the addressee. Unauthorised recipients are requested to preserve this confidentiality and to advise us of any errors in transmission. Thank you.

Our privacy policy is available at www.woodgate-clark.co.uk

Re: pgAdmin Download as CSV

Akshay Joshi
Hi Elizabeth

I have tried with pgAdmin4 v4.2 and able to download the query result. Please refer the attached screenshots. Can you please provide following information:
  • Browser and their version
  • Any error in browser when click on download button? Please attached the screenshot.

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 6:06 AM Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk> wrote:


It seems the Download as CSV button doesn’t work anymore for the last few versions. I upgraded from version 3.3 (didn’t work here) to version 4.2 and it still doesn’t work. It used to work before version 3.3 and downloaded the current query results to the c:\Downloads folder which was very handy. Just to clarify it works for the table list but not for a query results. Not sure if I am doing something wrong?


Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


Woodgate and Clark Limited, Registered Office, The Red House, King Street, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6QT No. 02090698 England.
This message is sent in confidence for the addressee only. It may contain confidential or sensitive information. The contents are not to be disclosed to anyone other than the addressee. Unauthorised recipients are requested to preserve this confidentiality and to advise us of any errors in transmission. Thank you.

Our privacy policy is available at www.woodgate-clark.co.uk

Akshay Joshi
Sr. Software Architect

Phone: +91 20-3058-9517
Mobile: +91 976-788-8246

Re: pgAdmin Download as CSV

Calle Hedberg

You must be doing something wrong, or else your computer has an incorrect configuration of some sort.

I'm importing and exporting from/to CSV several times a day, and it has generally always worked (exceptions are cases where the CSV file to be imported contains e.g. non-UTF8 characters).

I run any select query and then press the download icon - and the query result downloads with a file name like "data_xxxxxxxx.csv" where xxxxx is some random number. Using windows 10-64, latest Chrome


On Sat, 2 Mar 2019 at 11:07, Akshay Joshi <akshay.joshi@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
Hi Elizabeth

I have tried with pgAdmin4 v4.2 and able to download the query result. Please refer the attached screenshots. Can you please provide following information:
  • Browser and their version
  • Any error in browser when click on download button? Please attached the screenshot.

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 6:06 AM Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk> wrote:


It seems the Download as CSV button doesn’t work anymore for the last few versions. I upgraded from version 3.3 (didn’t work here) to version 4.2 and it still doesn’t work. It used to work before version 3.3 and downloaded the current query results to the c:\Downloads folder which was very handy. Just to clarify it works for the table list but not for a query results. Not sure if I am doing something wrong?


Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


Woodgate and Clark Limited, Registered Office, The Red House, King Street, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6QT No. 02090698 England.
This message is sent in confidence for the addressee only. It may contain confidential or sensitive information. The contents are not to be disclosed to anyone other than the addressee. Unauthorised recipients are requested to preserve this confidentiality and to advise us of any errors in transmission. Thank you.

Our privacy policy is available at www.woodgate-clark.co.uk

Akshay Joshi
Sr. Software Architect

Phone: +91 20-3058-9517
Mobile: +91 976-788-8246


Carl-Anders (Calle) Hedberg


Researcher & Technical Specialist

Health Information Systems Programme – South Africa

Cell:        +47 41461011 (Norway)

Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119 (usually OFF)

E-mail1: calle@hisp.org

E-mail2: calle.hedberg@gmail.com

Skype:  calle_hedberg

RE: pgAdmin Download as CSV

Elizabeth Mytko



Thank you all for your replies. I am using 64-bit Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge browser. I have done some more tests and came into conclusion the download button only works when I use less than 4 aliases in the query. If there are more then 4 aliases in the query the button won’t work. I enclose the example of a simple query, it doesn’t matter which aliases of the 5 below I use but it will only accept 3 aliases. Hope that makes sense.


SELECT ins.insurer,







            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '30 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c30,


            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '31 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '60 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c60,


            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '61 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '90 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c90,


            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '91 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '120 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c120,


            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) > '120 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c120plus

   FROM fee fe,

    claim cl,

    insurer ins,

    insurerbranch ib

  WHERE cl.claim_ref::text = fe.claim_ref::text AND ib.ins_br_index = cl.ins_br_index AND ins.ins_index = ib.ins_index AND fe.fee_type = 'I'::bpchar AND fe.fee_status = 1

  And ins.ins_index=82

  ORDER BY ib.ins_br_index;



Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


From: Calle Hedberg <calle.hedberg@gmail.com>
Sent: 02 March 2019 13:03
To: Akshay Joshi <akshay.joshi@enterprisedb.com>
Cc: Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk>; pgadmin-support@lists.postgresql.org
Subject: Re: pgAdmin Download as CSV




You must be doing something wrong, or else your computer has an incorrect configuration of some sort.


I'm importing and exporting from/to CSV several times a day, and it has generally always worked (exceptions are cases where the CSV file to be imported contains e.g. non-UTF8 characters).


I run any select query and then press the download icon - and the query result downloads with a file name like "data_xxxxxxxx.csv" where xxxxx is some random number. Using windows 10-64, latest Chrome





On Sat, 2 Mar 2019 at 11:07, Akshay Joshi <akshay.joshi@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

Hi Elizabeth


I have tried with pgAdmin4 v4.2 and able to download the query result. Please refer the attached screenshots. Can you please provide following information:

  • Browser and their version
  • Any error in browser when click on download button? Please attached the screenshot.


On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 6:06 AM Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk> wrote:


It seems the Download as CSV button doesn’t work anymore for the last few versions. I upgraded from version 3.3 (didn’t work here) to version 4.2 and it still doesn’t work. It used to work before version 3.3 and downloaded the current query results to the c:\Downloads folder which was very handy. Just to clarify it works for the table list but not for a query results. Not sure if I am doing something wrong?


Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


Woodgate and Clark Limited, Registered Office, The Red House, King Street, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6QT No. 02090698 England.
This message is sent in confidence for the addressee only. It may contain confidential or sensitive information. The contents are not to be disclosed to anyone other than the addressee. Unauthorised recipients are requested to preserve this confidentiality and to advise us of any errors in transmission. Thank you.

Our privacy policy is available at



Akshay Joshi

Sr. Software Architect


Image removed by sender.


Phone: +91 20-3058-9517
Mobile: +91 976-788-8246



Carl-Anders (Calle) Hedberg


Researcher & Technical Specialist

Health Information Systems Programme – South Africa

Cell:        +47 41461011 (Norway)

Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119 (usually OFF)

E-mail1: calle@hisp.org

E-mail2: calle.hedberg@gmail.com

Skype:  calle_hedberg


Re: pgAdmin Download as CSV

Calle Hedberg

I just tested a query with six aliases (using win10-64 and latest Chrome) - and it downloads without problems.

So the prime suspect would be your browser - why don't you try Chrome or Firefox instead, to see if there's a difference?


On Mon, 4 Mar 2019 at 15:40, Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk> wrote:



Thank you all for your replies. I am using 64-bit Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge browser. I have done some more tests and came into conclusion the download button only works when I use less than 4 aliases in the query. If there are more then 4 aliases in the query the button won’t work. I enclose the example of a simple query, it doesn’t matter which aliases of the 5 below I use but it will only accept 3 aliases. Hope that makes sense.


SELECT ins.insurer,







            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '30 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c30,


            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '31 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '60 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c60,


            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '61 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '90 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c90,


            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '91 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '120 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c120,


            WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) > '120 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c120plus

   FROM fee fe,

    claim cl,

    insurer ins,

    insurerbranch ib

  WHERE cl.claim_ref::text = fe.claim_ref::text AND ib.ins_br_index = cl.ins_br_index AND ins.ins_index = ib.ins_index AND fe.fee_type = 'I'::bpchar AND fe.fee_status = 1

  And ins.ins_index=82

  ORDER BY ib.ins_br_index;



Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


From: Calle Hedberg <calle.hedberg@gmail.com>
Sent: 02 March 2019 13:03
To: Akshay Joshi <akshay.joshi@enterprisedb.com>
Cc: Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk>; pgadmin-support@lists.postgresql.org
Subject: Re: pgAdmin Download as CSV




You must be doing something wrong, or else your computer has an incorrect configuration of some sort.


I'm importing and exporting from/to CSV several times a day, and it has generally always worked (exceptions are cases where the CSV file to be imported contains e.g. non-UTF8 characters).


I run any select query and then press the download icon - and the query result downloads with a file name like "data_xxxxxxxx.csv" where xxxxx is some random number. Using windows 10-64, latest Chrome





On Sat, 2 Mar 2019 at 11:07, Akshay Joshi <akshay.joshi@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

Hi Elizabeth


I have tried with pgAdmin4 v4.2 and able to download the query result. Please refer the attached screenshots. Can you please provide following information:

  • Browser and their version
  • Any error in browser when click on download button? Please attached the screenshot.


On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 6:06 AM Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk> wrote:


It seems the Download as CSV button doesn’t work anymore for the last few versions. I upgraded from version 3.3 (didn’t work here) to version 4.2 and it still doesn’t work. It used to work before version 3.3 and downloaded the current query results to the c:\Downloads folder which was very handy. Just to clarify it works for the table list but not for a query results. Not sure if I am doing something wrong?


Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


Woodgate and Clark Limited, Registered Office, The Red House, King Street, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6QT No. 02090698 England.
This message is sent in confidence for the addressee only. It may contain confidential or sensitive information. The contents are not to be disclosed to anyone other than the addressee. Unauthorised recipients are requested to preserve this confidentiality and to advise us of any errors in transmission. Thank you.

Our privacy policy is available at



Akshay Joshi

Sr. Software Architect


Image removed by sender.


Phone: +91 20-3058-9517
Mobile: +91 976-788-8246



Carl-Anders (Calle) Hedberg


Researcher & Technical Specialist

Health Information Systems Programme – South Africa

Cell:        +47 41461011 (Norway)

Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119 (usually OFF)

E-mail1: calle@hisp.org

E-mail2: calle.hedberg@gmail.com

Skype:  calle_hedberg


Carl-Anders (Calle) Hedberg


Researcher & Technical Specialist

Health Information Systems Programme – South Africa

Cell:        +47 41461011 (Norway)

Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119 (usually OFF)

E-mail1: calle@hisp.org

E-mail2: calle.hedberg@gmail.com

Skype:  calle_hedberg


RE: pgAdmin Download as CSV

Elizabeth Mytko

Hi Calle,


I tried Chrome and it works fine so it must be a browser to blame.

Thank you for your help.



Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


From: Calle Hedberg <calle.hedberg@gmail.com>
Sent: 04 March 2019 15:03
To: Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk>
Cc: Akshay Joshi <akshay.joshi@enterprisedb.com>; Guy Rouillier <guy.rouillier@gmail.com>; pgadmin-support@lists.postgresql.org
Subject: Re: pgAdmin Download as CSV




I just tested a query with six aliases (using win10-64 and latest Chrome) - and it downloads without problems.


So the prime suspect would be your browser - why don't you try Chrome or Firefox instead, to see if there's a difference?





On Mon, 4 Mar 2019 at 15:40, Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk> wrote:



Thank you all for your replies. I am using 64-bit Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge browser. I have done some more tests and came into conclusion the download button only works when I use less than 4 aliases in the query. If there are more then 4 aliases in the query the button won’t work. I enclose the example of a simple query, it doesn’t matter which aliases of the 5 below I use but it will only accept 3 aliases. Hope that makes sense.


SELECT ins.insurer,







WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '30 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c30,


WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '31 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '60 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c60,


WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '61 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '90 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c90,


WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) >= '91 days'::interval AND ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) <= '120 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c120,


WHEN ('now'::text::date::timestamp without time zone - fe.fee_date) > '120 days'::interval THEN fe.unpaid_amount

            ELSE 0::numeric

        END AS c120plus

   FROM fee fe,

    claim cl,

    insurer ins,

    insurerbranch ib

WHERE cl.claim_ref::text = fe.claim_ref::text AND ib.ins_br_index = cl.ins_br_index AND ins.ins_index = ib.ins_index AND fe.fee_type = 'I'::bpchar AND fe.fee_status = 1

And ins.ins_index=82

ORDER BY ib.ins_br_index;



Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


From: Calle Hedberg <calle.hedberg@gmail.com>
Sent: 02 March 2019 13:03
To: Akshay Joshi <akshay.joshi@enterprisedb.com>
Cc: Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk>; pgadmin-support@lists.postgresql.org
Subject: Re: pgAdmin Download as CSV




You must be doing something wrong, or else your computer has an incorrect configuration of some sort.


I'm importing and exporting from/to CSV several times a day, and it has generally always worked (exceptions are cases where the CSV file to be imported contains e.g. non-UTF8 characters).


I run any select query and then press the download icon - and the query result downloads with a file name like "data_xxxxxxxx.csv" where xxxxx is some random number. Using windows 10-64, latest Chrome





On Sat, 2 Mar 2019 at 11:07, Akshay Joshi <akshay.joshi@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

Hi Elizabeth


I have tried with pgAdmin4 v4.2 and able to download the query result. Please refer the attached screenshots. Can you please provide following information:

  • Browser and their version
  • Any error in browser when click on download button? Please attached the screenshot.


On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 6:06 AM Elizabeth Mytko <E.Mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk> wrote:


It seems the Download as CSV button doesn’t work anymore for the last few versions. I upgraded from version 3.3 (didn’t work here) to version 4.2 and it still doesn’t work. It used to work before version 3.3 and downloaded the current query results to the c:\Downloads folder which was very handy. Just to clarify it works for the table list but not for a query results. Not sure if I am doing something wrong?


Ela Mytko

Woodgate and Clark Limited


Tel: 01732 520281

Email: e.mytko@woodgate-clark.co.uk

Web: www.woodgate-clark.co.uk


Woodgate and Clark Limited, Registered Office, The Red House, King Street, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6QT No. 02090698 England.
This message is sent in confidence for the addressee only. It may contain confidential or sensitive information. The contents are not to be disclosed to anyone other than the addressee. Unauthorised recipients are requested to preserve this confidentiality and to advise us of any errors in transmission. Thank you.

Our privacy policy is available at



Akshay Joshi

Sr. Software Architect


Image removed by sender.


Phone: +91 20-3058-9517
Mobile: +91 976-788-8246



Carl-Anders (Calle) Hedberg


Researcher & Technical Specialist

Health Information Systems Programme – South Africa

Cell:        +47 41461011 (Norway)

Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119 (usually OFF)

E-mail1: calle@hisp.org

E-mail2: calle.hedberg@gmail.com

Skype:  calle_hedberg



Carl-Anders (Calle) Hedberg


Researcher & Technical Specialist

Health Information Systems Programme – South Africa

Cell:        +47 41461011 (Norway)

Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119 (usually OFF)

E-mail1: calle@hisp.org

E-mail2: calle.hedberg@gmail.com

Skype:  calle_hedberg
