Обсуждение: Bug Report: Error caused due to wrong ordering of filters


Bug Report: Error caused due to wrong ordering of filters

Ekta Khanna
Hello PGSQL Hackers,

We have come across the following issue on Postgres REL_10_STABLE. Below is the repro:

CREATE TABLE foo (a int, b text); INSERT INTO foo values(1, '3'); SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM foo WHERE length(b)=8)x WHERE to_date(x.b,'YYYYMMDD') > '2018-05-04';
ERROR: source string too short for "YYYY" formatting field DETAIL: Field requires 4 characters, but only 1 remain. HINT: If your source string is not fixed-width, try using the "FM" modifier.

On looking at the explain plan, we see the order of the clauses is reversed due to costing of clauses in the function order_qual_clauses() below is the plan :
Actual Plan:
QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on foo (cost=0.00..35.40 rows=2 width=36) Filter: ((to_date(b, 'YYYYMMDD'::text) > '2018-05-04'::date) AND (length(b) = 8)) (2 rows)

Expected plan should execute the qual as part of the FROM clause before executing the qual in the WHERE clause:
Plan expected: 
QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on foo (cost=0.00..35.40 rows=2 width=36) Filter: (length(b) = 8)) AND ((to_date(b, 'YYYYMMDD'::text) > '2018-05-04'::date) (2 rows)

Has anyone come across similar issue ?
In the plan, we see that planner merges the quals from FROM clause and the WHERE clause in the same RESTRICTINFO. Is this the expected behavior?

Thanks & Regards,
Ekta & Sam 

Re: Bug Report: Error caused due to wrong ordering of filters

Andrew Gierth
>>>>> "Ekta" == Ekta Khanna <ekhanna@pivotal.io> writes:

 Ekta> Hello PGSQL Hackers,
 Ekta> We have come across the following issue on Postgres
 Ekta> REL_10_STABLE. Below is the repro:
 Ekta> In the plan, we see that planner merges the quals from FROM
 Ekta> clause and the WHERE clause in the same RESTRICTINFO. Is this the
 Ekta> expected behavior?

Yes, it's entirely expected. You CANNOT make assumptions about the order
of evaluation of quals; the planner will rearrange them freely, even
across subquery boundaries (where the semantics allow).

You can do this:

  WHERE CASE WHEN length(b) = 8
             THEN to_date(b, 'YYYYMMDD') > '2018-05-04'
             ELSE false END

since one of the few guarantees about execution order is that a CASE
will evaluate its condition tests before any non-constant subexpressions
in the corresponding THEN clause.

(Another method is to put an OFFSET 0 in the subquery, but that's more
of a hack)

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)