Обсуждение: Talking about PostgreSQL


Talking about PostgreSQL

Jan Karremans
Dear all,

We all love talking about PostgreSQL!

I have a challenge for you (us)!

As the world is changing and more and more people want to move away from Oracle… these people have no idea where to move to. Right?
There is this network of Oracle User Groups (OUG's) out there. These are mostly, more or less (some more than others) independent organisations from Oracle users. The Oracle User Groups do have paying members which help to guarantee this independence.
These groups often organise yearly (bigger) conferences, where there are also multiple tracks of talks.

From my (personal) experience, most of these conferences are are always looking for interesting talks for their members. To help the members of these OUG’s, most of these conferences start accepting talks on other technology than just Oracle. As we also want to help database users find and explore the only real RDBMS (which is PostgreSQL), what better way than to start submitting PostgreSQL talks to OUG’s?

I already started doing this is a few countries around Europe. Please join me!!
If you are looking for ways to submit your talks, please visit this page http://jk-consult.nl/usergroup-conferences/ to find various Call for Paper’s around the world and make PostgreSQL a special topic at these OUG’s!!

My best,
Jan Karremans