Обсуждение: Senior PostgreSQL Developer in Durham, NC


Senior PostgreSQL Developer in Durham, NC

Alton Patrick

BAE Systems, Inc. in Durham, NC seeks a Senior Database Developer to work with our team on a PostgreSQL/PostGIS data store for geospatial trajectory data (a.ka. MOVINT, or movement intelligence).


Link for more information and to apply:



Tasking for this position would include:

* Performance optimization of existing PostgreSQL databases for query and exploitation by user interfaces and analytics

* Design and implementation of new PostgreSQL+PostGIS schemas within terabyte-scale distributed data stores

* Development of software in C++ and/or Python that interacts with PostgreSQL databases



Required skills & education


* Bachelor's Degree and 5 years work experience or equivalent experience

* 5+ years of experience with relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle)

* 2+ years of experience with PostgreSQL

* 5+ years of experience with data modeling and database design with advanced RDBMS knowledge

* 5+ years of programming experience (Python and C++ preferred)

* Strong knowledge and experience developing complex SQL queries, analyzing query plans, and optimizing query performance

* Familiarity with database best practices for scalability, maintenance, and performance (partitioning, sharding, tuning, logging, security, upgrading and patching, etc.)

* Experience with procedural languages (PL/pgSQL preferred)

* Experience with software development processes, including version control, documentation, code review, and testing

* Experience with Linux (CentOS/RHEL)

* Highly motivated and able to work well in both team and solo settings

* US Citizenship and ability to obtain DoD clearance



Preferred Skills and Education


* Strong Python programming skills; thorough understanding of object-oriented programming concepts

* Experience with geospatial data and services, including PostGIS, WMS, WFS, GeoServer, and/or GeoWave

* Experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

* Experience with horizontal database scaling, both for relational and NoSQL (Accumulo, MongoDB, Cassandra) database architectures

* Experience identifying system requirements and specifications to achieve storage and performance objectives

* Experience programming in C++ or JavaScript



Alton Patrick

BAE Systems, Inc.