Обсуждение: BUG #14987: pg_dump fails due to postgis linking problem


BUG #14987: pg_dump fails due to postgis linking problem

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      14987
Logged by:          Karl Pinc
Email address:      kop@meme.com
PostgreSQL version: 10.1
Operating system:   RHEL 7


After reporting bug#14950 I saw yum updates
available from the pgdg10 repo, and installed those
updates.  Here is the yum log:

Dec 19 10:17:25 Installed: proj49-4.9.3-3.rhel7.x86_64
Dec 19 10:17:25 Updated: ogdi-3.2.0-4.rhel7.x86_64
Dec 19 10:17:25 Updated: libgeotiff-1.4.0-1.rhel7.x86_64
Dec 19 10:17:26 Updated: gdal-libs-1.11.4-11.rhel7.x86_64
Dec 19 10:17:26 Installed: geos36-3.6.2-2.rhel7.x86_64
Dec 19 10:17:29 Updated: postgis24_10-2.4.2-4.rhel7.x86_64

Now, pg_dump fails with the following message:

pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query failed: ERROR:  could not load library
"/usr/pgsql-10/lib/postgis-2.4.so": /usr/pgsql-10/lib/postgis-2.4.so:
undefined symbol: GEOSMinimumClearance
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query was: SELECT a.attnum, a.attname, a.atttypmod,
a.attstattarget, a.attstorage, t.typstorage, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef,
a.attisdropped, a.attlen, a.attalign, a.attislocal,
pg_catalog.format_type(t.oid,a.atttypmod) AS atttypname,
array_to_string(a.attoptions, ', ') AS attoptions, CASE WHEN a.attcollation
<> t.typcollation THEN a.attcollation ELSE 0 END AS attcollation,
a.attidentity, pg_catalog.array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT
pg_catalog.quote_ident(option_name) || ' ' ||
pg_catalog.quote_literal(option_value) FROM
pg_catalog.pg_options_to_table(attfdwoptions) ORDER BY option_name), E',
    ') AS attfdwoptions FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN
pg_catalog.pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid WHERE a.attrelid =
'46044'::pg_catalog.oid AND a.attnum > 0::pg_catalog.int2 ORDER BY
pg_dumpall: pg_dump failed on database "babase", exiting

Apologies for not reporting the specific command which produces this error.
I believe it is a "pg_dumpall -s", but it might be without the -s.  If this
matters please let me now and I'll get you the exact command.

I tried removing and re-installing the postgis24_10 package, and tried
rebooting the machine.  (Because why not?)  The problem persists.

FWIW, "yum list installed '*geo*'" shows:

Installed Packages
GeoIP.x86_64                 1.5.0-11.el7                @anaconda/7.3
geoclue2.x86_64              2.4.5-1.el7                 @rhel-7-server-rpms
geoclue2-libs.x86_64         2.4.5-1.el7                 @rhel-7-server-rpms
geocode-glib.x86_64          3.20.1-1.el7                @rhel-7-server-rpms
geos.x86_64                  3.5.0-1.rhel7               @pgdg10
geos36.x86_64                3.6.2-2.rhel7               @pgdg10
libgeotiff.x86_64            1.4.0-1.rhel7               @pgdg10
texlive-geometry.noarch      2:svn19716.5.6-38.el7