Обсуждение: [ADMIN] creating index with a cast statement in the predicate
Good afternoon
I am currently running postgres 9.4.8.
I would like to create an index on a column named value: defined as varchar(255)
Values in this column can be many, including both dates and non-dates.
The developers run a query that first uses a regular expression to filter non-dates out
then, ANDS it with the following
and cast(value as date) >= date_trunc('MONTH', current_date) - interval ' 2 Month '
When I attempt to create an index using this statement in the predicate, I get the error that states that functions in an index predicate must be marked as Immutable.
Our internal functions date_trunc (all 3) and date are all already defined as immutable.
I can create an index with the regular expression as the predicate but not the cast statement comparison.
Here is the regular expression index I constructed:
"primets_custattr_small_regexp" btree (value) WHERE value::text ~ '([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-(0[13578]|1[02])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])|([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-(0[469]|11])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|30)|([0-9][0-9][0248][048]|[0-9][0-9][13579][26])-(02)-(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])|([0-9][0-9][0248][1235679]|[0-9][0-9][13579][01345789])-(02)-(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8])'::text
I would appreciate any insight here. Thank you
Mark Steben
Database Administrator
@utoRevenue | Autobase
CRM division of Dominion Dealer Solutions
95D Ashley Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
t: 413.327-3045
f: 413.383-9567
Database Administrator
@utoRevenue | Autobase
CRM division of Dominion Dealer Solutions
95D Ashley Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01089
t: 413.327-3045
f: 413.383-9567
Mark Steben <mark.steben@drivedominion.com> writes: > I would like to create an index on a column named value: defined as > varchar(255) > Values in this column can be many, including both dates and non-dates. > The developers run a query that first uses a regular expression to filter > non-dates out > then, ANDS it with the following > *and cast(value as date) >= date_trunc('MONTH', current_date) - interval ' > 2 Month '* > When I attempt to create an index using this statement in the > predicate, I get the error that states that functions in an index predicate > must be marked as Immutable. I think it's unhappy about the varchar-to-date cast. That is not considered immutable because the behavior of date_in() depends on the setting of DateStyle. regards, tom lane