Обсуждение: [pgsql-pkg-debian] pgRouting v2.4.0


[pgsql-pkg-debian] pgRouting v2.4.0

Vicky Vergara

Hello all,

Finally the pgRouting release 2.4.0 is ready for packaging

The pgRouting team thanks all the tests done for this release by the community, and I thank in advance all the people that make pgRouting available in the different operating systems.

I must say that in order of not adding more requisites on the cmake, the documentation that its generated with the:  make doc has the "old" looks.

I am leaving the documentation site with the new "look" because of the the navigation bar:
- Easier to Navigate
- Easier to see flaws in the structure of the documentation
  - I'll be working on improving the documentation

Tomorrow I will be preparing develop branch to be for 2.5.0-dev

Changes for 2.4.0

* New Signatures: * pgr_bdDijkstra
* New Proposed functions * pgr_maxFlow * pgr_astar(one to many) * pgr_astar(many to one) * pgr_astar(many to many) * pgr_astarCost(one to one) * pgr_astarCost(one to many) * pgr_astarCost(many to one) * pgr_astarCost(many to many) * pgr_astarCostMatrix
* Deprecated Signatures * pgr_bddijkstra - use pgr_bdDijkstra instead
* Deprecated functions * pgr_pointsToVids
* Bug fixes on proposed functions * pgr_withPointsKSP: fixed ordering

* TRSP original code is used with no changes on the compilation warnings

- Read the documentation of this release at:

- To see the full list of changes check the list of Git commits:

- To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues:

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Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

eMail: vicky@georepublic.de
Web: https://georepublic.info

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