Обсуждение: [psycopg] Nested transactions support for code composability


[psycopg] Nested transactions support for code composability

Daniel Fortunov
I'd like to implement support for nested transactions in psycopg2 using a context manager that internally uses postgres savepoints to implement the ability to nest transactions within each other, with sensible commit and rollback semantics.

The end goal is to allow code composability through support for nested transactions.

Before I go ahead and implement this I wanted to solicit feedback on the suggestion, because I find it hard to imagine I'm the first person to dream up this idea, so I imagine I'm missing something. (Perhaps it's already implemented somewhere that I've not found, or maybe it's not implemented because it's a terrible idea, and if so I'd like to understand why!)

The rest of this email describes what I'm trying to achieve, using some motivating examples.

Please share your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Fortunov


Suppose we have a database storing data about widgets, and we'd like to implement a function that does some updates on a few related widget tables. We'd like to do this atomically, so we wrap it in a transaction.

Let's assume that `Transaction` is a psycopg transaction context manager with support for nested transactions. It begins a transaction on __enter__, commits it on __exit__, and rolls back if there is an exception. (This is a simplified version of what I propose to implement.)

def update_widget(cxn, widget):
    with Transaction(cxn):
        cur = cxn.cursor()
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table A
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table B
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table C

So far this works fine, and is also currently achievable with the 'autocommit' paradigm. Nothing new here. Anyone can call this code, provide a connection, and get an atomic update of tables A, B, and C.

Now, I'd like to write a maintenance job that updates a whole load of widgets. If the updates on any one widget fail, I'd still like the job to continue, and process as many widgets as it can. Specifically, I want to implement this job _without_ changing the existing maintain_widget() function, which is already in use.

    with Transaction(cxn):
        for widget in widgets:
                update_widget(cxn, widget)
                pass  # log exception and continue with other widgets

The Transaction context manager would implement the begin/commit/rollback transaction semantics by beginning/releasing/rolling back to a savepoint, respectively. In this context, update_widget would seamlessly switch to using savepoints is it is not the outermost transaction.

This is not possible to achieve with the 'autocommit' paradigm, because you need the ability to rollback the update of a single widget, and then continue the transaction that updates the rest. It is possible to implement with explicit savepoints, however that requires maintain_widget() to be updated, and breaks existing code, because it will no longer be possible to call maintain_widget outside of a transaction!

Now I want to take it a level further, and write a database integration test for my widget maintainer script, which executes the test scenario within a transaction, guaranteeing that the database is left untouched after my test, regardless of whether the test succeeds, fails, or aborts unexpectedly (e.g. maybe the test is running in an interactive debugger and the I abort the debugging session! :-)

def test_maintain_widget_successful_run(self):
    with Transaction(cxn) as txn:
        # Set up starting database state
        # ....
        maintaint_widgets(cxn)  # Call code under test
        # Check database state against expectations
        # ...
        txn.rollback()  # Rollback all changes

Note that for this final ROLLBACK to work, none of the called code is allowed to execute COMMIT at any point. Which is why this breaks down completely with the autocommit = False; cxn.commit() paradigm, because we'd be calling commit() explicitly all over the place!

With the current paradigm you're forced to manage transactions at the uppermost level, which means callers to maintain_widgets() are obliged to call it within a pre-existing transaction in order to get correct behaviour (namely, atomic update of all three tables in the face of errors). And even then, this precludes having a test one level above, which executes that "uppermost level" code within a transaction and then rolls everything back!

So, what am I missing? Am I the first to have this crazy idea? Is this already implemented? How do others solve the problem of code composability and transactions? Is this a terrible idea? (if so, why?)

Feedback and comments welcome.
Thanks for reading this far!

Re: [psycopg] Nested transactions support for code composability

Christophe Pettus
> On Jan 16, 2017, at 15:26, Daniel Fortunov <psycopg-list@danielfortunov.com> wrote:
> I'd like to implement support for nested transactions in psycopg2 using a context manager that internally uses
postgressavepoints to implement the ability to nest transactions within each other, with sensible commit and rollback

You can see two existing examples of this, based on Django.  Django implements the @atomic() decorator, which was based
onmy @xact() decorator: 


They can almost certainly be eased out of the Django infrastructure easily enough!

-- Christophe Pettus

Re: [psycopg] Nested transactions support for code composability

Daniel Fortunov
On 16 January 2017 at 23:29, Christophe Pettus <xof@thebuild.com> wrote:

> On Jan 16, 2017, at 15:26, Daniel Fortunov <psycopg-list@danielfortunov.com> wrote:
> I'd like to implement support for nested transactions in psycopg2 using a context manager that internally uses postgres savepoints to implement the ability to nest transactions within each other, with sensible commit and rollback semantics.

You can see two existing examples of this, based on Django.  Django implements the @atomic() decorator, which was based on my @xact() decorator:


They can almost certainly be eased out of the Django infrastructure easily enough!

Yes, this is exactly what I'm talking about.

So what am I missing? Doesn't anyone find the need for this outside of Django?!

How do people use transactions in (non-Django) library code?


Re: [psycopg] Nested transactions support for code composability

Christophe Pettus
> On Jan 22, 2017, at 08:49, Daniel Fortunov <psycopg-list@danielfortunov.com> wrote:
> So what am I missing? Doesn't anyone find the need for this outside of Django?!

Mostly, it's that relatively few people use raw psycopg2 for database access in substantial applications; they all use
somekind of framework (SQL Alchemy, Django) that mediates between the database and application.  Thus, adding this kind
of"nested" transaction support has to be done in concert with the framework. 

It for sure can be done outside of any framework; there's nothing all that Django specific about xact(), in particular.
-- Christophe Pettus

Re: [psycopg] Nested transactions support for code composability

Adrian Klaver
On 01/22/2017 08:49 AM, Daniel Fortunov wrote:
> On 16 January 2017 at 23:29, Christophe Pettus <xof@thebuild.com
> <mailto:xof@thebuild.com>> wrote:
>     > On Jan 16, 2017, at 15:26, Daniel Fortunov <psycopg-list@danielfortunov.com
>     <mailto:psycopg-list@danielfortunov.com>> wrote:
>     >
>     > I'd like to implement support for nested transactions in psycopg2 using a context manager that internally uses
postgressavepoints to implement the ability to nest transactions within each other, with sensible commit and rollback
>     You can see two existing examples of this, based on Django.  Django
>     implements the @atomic() decorator, which was based on my @xact()
>     decorator:
>             https://github.com/Xof/xact
>     They can almost certainly be eased out of the Django infrastructure
>     easily enough!
> Yes, this is exactly what I'm talking about.
> So what am I missing? Doesn't anyone find the need for this outside of
> Django?!
> How do people use transactions in (non-Django) library code?

See Christophe's post for a pre-built solution.

I have not used nested transaction outside of Django's implementation of
@xact() eg @atomic(). Still a little fooling around with psycopg2 code
led to this:

In [3]: con = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test user=aklaver host=localhost")

In [4]: cur = con.cursor()

In [5]: cur.execute('select 1')

In [6]: rs = cur.fetchone()

In [7]: rs
Out[7]: (1,)

In [8]: cur.execute('savepoint test_savepoint')

In [9]: try:
    ...:     cur.execute('select 1/0')
    ...: except psycopg2.DataError:
    ...:     cur.execute('ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT test_savepoint')
    ...:     print('Rollback')

In [10]: cur.execute('select 2')

In [11]: rs = cur.fetchone()

In [12]: rs
Out[12]: (2,)

> Daniel

Adrian Klaver

Re: [psycopg] Nested transactions support for code composability

Christophe Pettus
> On Jan 22, 2017, at 09:57, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:
> I have not used nested transaction outside of Django's implementation of @xact() eg @atomic(). Still a little fooling
aroundwith psycopg2 code led to this: 

It would be pretty straight-forward (although I haven't done it) to do a non-Django version of xact(); you'd probably
justpass the connection object in as a parameter to the decorator. 

I've noticed that in real life the savepoint functionality is not used all that much, but it does provide a nice
consistencyto the implied semantics of the decorator, and it's great when you actually do need it. 
-- Christophe Pettus

Re: [psycopg] Nested transactions support for code composability

Jonathan Rogers
On 01/22/2017 12:22 PM, Christophe Pettus wrote:
>> On Jan 22, 2017, at 08:49, Daniel Fortunov <psycopg-list@danielfortunov.com> wrote:
>> So what am I missing? Doesn't anyone find the need for this outside of Django?!
> Mostly, it's that relatively few people use raw psycopg2 for database access in substantial applications; they all
usesome kind of framework (SQL Alchemy, Django) that mediates between the database and application.  Thus, adding this
kindof "nested" transaction support has to be done in concert with the framework. 
> It for sure can be done outside of any framework; there's nothing all that Django specific about xact(), in
> --

I implemented nested transactions in a custom psycopg2 wrapper. Later, I
discovered that SQLAlchemy also has nested transactions. It's simple
enough to implement that it's probably been done many times.

Jonathan Rogers
Socialserve.com by Emphasys Software


Re: Nested transactions support for code composability

Daniel Fortunov
Based on the motivations outlined in the below message to this list (3 years ago), I have implemented a Transaction context manager that provides what I think is the most intuitive way to deal with transactions. (Functionally similar to xact / Django atomic, but available directly on psycopg2 connections)

We have been using this in production for over a year in a fairly large codebase that does a lot of database interactions directly using psycopg2 (without any other libraries layered on top).

I'd always though that this would be a good candidate for inclusion in psycopg2, and now that it is stable, I'd like to solicit feedback.

This Transaction context manager replaces the DB-API model of handling transactions (which I have found to be not very intuitive, with frequent unexpected pitfalls, and does not lend itself to code composability) with a context manager that provides:
1. Seamless support for nested transactions (implemented using Postgres savepoints).
2. Inner transactions are truly independent (meaning that a unit of code can decide whether to commit or rollback its own changes, without influencing any outer transaction(s), or even needing to be aware if outer transactions exist or not)
3. Transaction contexts function correctly inside "classic" transaction management, meaning that you can implement this incrementally, starting at the innermost libraries and working outward.

For a motivating example, please see my original email to this list (below).

For details on the library, see the README at https://github.com/asqui/psycopg-nestedtransactions

Do people think this is worthy of inclusion in psycopg2.extras (or elsewhere in psycopg2?)

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Fortunov

On Mon, 16 Jan 2017 at 23:26, Daniel Fortunov <psycopg-list@danielfortunov.com> wrote:
I'd like to implement support for nested transactions in psycopg2 using a context manager that internally uses postgres savepoints to implement the ability to nest transactions within each other, with sensible commit and rollback semantics.

The end goal is to allow code composability through support for nested transactions.

Before I go ahead and implement this I wanted to solicit feedback on the suggestion, because I find it hard to imagine I'm the first person to dream up this idea, so I imagine I'm missing something. (Perhaps it's already implemented somewhere that I've not found, or maybe it's not implemented because it's a terrible idea, and if so I'd like to understand why!)

The rest of this email describes what I'm trying to achieve, using some motivating examples.

Please share your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Fortunov


Suppose we have a database storing data about widgets, and we'd like to implement a function that does some updates on a few related widget tables. We'd like to do this atomically, so we wrap it in a transaction.

Let's assume that `Transaction` is a psycopg transaction context manager with support for nested transactions. It begins a transaction on __enter__, commits it on __exit__, and rolls back if there is an exception. (This is a simplified version of what I propose to implement.)

def update_widget(cxn, widget):
    with Transaction(cxn):
        cur = cxn.cursor()
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table A
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table B
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table C

So far this works fine, and is also currently achievable with the 'autocommit' paradigm. Nothing new here. Anyone can call this code, provide a connection, and get an atomic update of tables A, B, and C.

Now, I'd like to write a maintenance job that updates a whole load of widgets. If the updates on any one widget fail, I'd still like the job to continue, and process as many widgets as it can. Specifically, I want to implement this job _without_ changing the existing maintain_widget() function, which is already in use.

    with Transaction(cxn):
        for widget in widgets:
                update_widget(cxn, widget)
                pass  # log exception and continue with other widgets

The Transaction context manager would implement the begin/commit/rollback transaction semantics by beginning/releasing/rolling back to a savepoint, respectively. In this context, update_widget would seamlessly switch to using savepoints is it is not the outermost transaction.

This is not possible to achieve with the 'autocommit' paradigm, because you need the ability to rollback the update of a single widget, and then continue the transaction that updates the rest. It is possible to implement with explicit savepoints, however that requires maintain_widget() to be updated, and breaks existing code, because it will no longer be possible to call maintain_widget outside of a transaction!

Now I want to take it a level further, and write a database integration test for my widget maintainer script, which executes the test scenario within a transaction, guaranteeing that the database is left untouched after my test, regardless of whether the test succeeds, fails, or aborts unexpectedly (e.g. maybe the test is running in an interactive debugger and the I abort the debugging session! :-)

def test_maintain_widget_successful_run(self):
    with Transaction(cxn) as txn:
        # Set up starting database state
        # ....
        maintaint_widgets(cxn)  # Call code under test
        # Check database state against expectations
        # ...
        txn.rollback()  # Rollback all changes

Note that for this final ROLLBACK to work, none of the called code is allowed to execute COMMIT at any point. Which is why this breaks down completely with the autocommit = False; cxn.commit() paradigm, because we'd be calling commit() explicitly all over the place!

With the current paradigm you're forced to manage transactions at the uppermost level, which means callers to maintain_widgets() are obliged to call it within a pre-existing transaction in order to get correct behaviour (namely, atomic update of all three tables in the face of errors). And even then, this precludes having a test one level above, which executes that "uppermost level" code within a transaction and then rolls everything back!

So, what am I missing? Am I the first to have this crazy idea? Is this already implemented? How do others solve the problem of code composability and transactions? Is this a terrible idea? (if so, why?)

Feedback and comments welcome.
Thanks for reading this far!

Re: Nested transactions support for code composability

Reuben Rissler

On 02/15/2020 11:55 AM, Daniel Fortunov wrote:
> For details on the library, see the README at 
> https://github.com/asqui/psycopg-nestedtransactions
> Do people think this is worthy of inclusion in psycopg2.extras (or 
> elsewhere in psycopg2?)
This is interesting, to say the least. I use psycopg2 a lot, but I never 
got around to researching psycopg2 for this type of action. I can't help 
you out on how to get this into psycopg2 officially, and I don't even 
know if / when I'll use it, but it is nice to know I'm not the only one 
who has thought in patterns like this.

> Thanks in advance,
> Daniel Fortunov

Nested transactions support for code composability

Daniel Fortunov
Based on the motivations outlined in the below message to this list (3 years ago), I have implemented a Transaction context manager that provides what I think is the most intuitive way to deal with transactions. (Functionally similar to xact / Django atomic, but available directly on psycopg2 connections)

We have been using this in production for over a year in a fairly large codebase that does a lot of database interactions directly using psycopg2 (without any other libraries layered on top).

I'd always though that this would be a good candidate for inclusion in psycopg2, and now that it is stable, I'd like to solicit feedback.

This Transaction context manager replaces the DB-API model of handling transactions (which I have found to be not very intuitive, with frequent unexpected pitfalls, and does not lend itself to code composability) with a context manager that provides:
1. Seamless support for nested transactions (implemented using Postgres savepoints).
2. Inner transactions are truly independent (meaning that a unit of code can decide whether to commit or rollback its own changes, without influencing any outer transaction(s), or even needing to be aware if outer transactions exist or not)
3. Transaction contexts function correctly inside "classic" transaction management, meaning that you can implement this incrementally, starting at the innermost libraries and working outward.

For a motivating example, please see my original email to this list (below).

For details on the library, see the README at https://github.com/asqui/psycopg-nestedtransactions

Is this worthy of inclusion in psycopg2.extras (or elsewhere in psycopg2?)

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Fortunov

On Mon, 16 Jan 2017 at 23:26, Daniel Fortunov <psycopg-list@danielfortunov.com> wrote:
I'd like to implement support for nested transactions in psycopg2 using a context manager that internally uses postgres savepoints to implement the ability to nest transactions within each other, with sensible commit and rollback semantics.

The end goal is to allow code composability through support for nested transactions.

Before I go ahead and implement this I wanted to solicit feedback on the suggestion, because I find it hard to imagine I'm the first person to dream up this idea, so I imagine I'm missing something. (Perhaps it's already implemented somewhere that I've not found, or maybe it's not implemented because it's a terrible idea, and if so I'd like to understand why!)

The rest of this email describes what I'm trying to achieve, using some motivating examples.

Please share your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Fortunov


Suppose we have a database storing data about widgets, and we'd like to implement a function that does some updates on a few related widget tables. We'd like to do this atomically, so we wrap it in a transaction.

Let's assume that `Transaction` is a psycopg transaction context manager with support for nested transactions. It begins a transaction on __enter__, commits it on __exit__, and rolls back if there is an exception. (This is a simplified version of what I propose to implement.)

def update_widget(cxn, widget):
    with Transaction(cxn):
        cur = cxn.cursor()
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table A
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table B
        cur.execute(...)  # Update table C

So far this works fine, and is also currently achievable with the 'autocommit' paradigm. Nothing new here. Anyone can call this code, provide a connection, and get an atomic update of tables A, B, and C.

Now, I'd like to write a maintenance job that updates a whole load of widgets. If the updates on any one widget fail, I'd still like the job to continue, and process as many widgets as it can. Specifically, I want to implement this job _without_ changing the existing maintain_widget() function, which is already in use.

    with Transaction(cxn):
        for widget in widgets:
                update_widget(cxn, widget)
                pass  # log exception and continue with other widgets

The Transaction context manager would implement the begin/commit/rollback transaction semantics by beginning/releasing/rolling back to a savepoint, respectively. In this context, update_widget would seamlessly switch to using savepoints is it is not the outermost transaction.

This is not possible to achieve with the 'autocommit' paradigm, because you need the ability to rollback the update of a single widget, and then continue the transaction that updates the rest. It is possible to implement with explicit savepoints, however that requires maintain_widget() to be updated, and breaks existing code, because it will no longer be possible to call maintain_widget outside of a transaction!

Now I want to take it a level further, and write a database integration test for my widget maintainer script, which executes the test scenario within a transaction, guaranteeing that the database is left untouched after my test, regardless of whether the test succeeds, fails, or aborts unexpectedly (e.g. maybe the test is running in an interactive debugger and the I abort the debugging session! :-)

def test_maintain_widget_successful_run(self):
    with Transaction(cxn) as txn:
        # Set up starting database state
        # ....
        maintaint_widgets(cxn)  # Call code under test
        # Check database state against expectations
        # ...
        txn.rollback()  # Rollback all changes

Note that for this final ROLLBACK to work, none of the called code is allowed to execute COMMIT at any point. Which is why this breaks down completely with the autocommit = False; cxn.commit() paradigm, because we'd be calling commit() explicitly all over the place!

With the current paradigm you're forced to manage transactions at the uppermost level, which means callers to maintain_widgets() are obliged to call it within a pre-existing transaction in order to get correct behaviour (namely, atomic update of all three tables in the face of errors). And even then, this precludes having a test one level above, which executes that "uppermost level" code within a transaction and then rolls everything back!

So, what am I missing? Am I the first to have this crazy idea? Is this already implemented? How do others solve the problem of code composability and transactions? Is this a terrible idea? (if so, why?)

Feedback and comments welcome.
Thanks for reading this far!

Re: Nested transactions support for code composability

Christophe Pettus

> On Feb 15, 2020, at 10:24, Reuben Rissler <silrep@emypeople.net> wrote:
> This is interesting, to say the least. I use psycopg2 a lot, but I never got around to researching psycopg2 for this
typeof action. I can't help you out on how to get this into psycopg2 officially, and I don't even know if / when I'll
useit, but it is nice to know I'm not the only one who has thought in patterns like this. 

This has been implemented by the Django atomic() context manager for quite some time, in fact.
-- Christophe Pettus

Re: Nested transactions support for code composability

Daniele Varrazzo

On Sat, 15 Feb 2020, 19:38 Daniel Fortunov, <postgresql@danielfortunov.com> wrote:
Based on the motivations outlined in the below message to this list (3 years ago), I have implemented a Transaction context manager that provides what I think is the most intuitive way to deal with transactions. (Functionally similar to xact / Django atomic, but available directly on psycopg2 connections)


Is this worthy of inclusion in psycopg2.extras (or elsewhere in psycopg2?)

Hello Daniel, thank you for the idea, and I would like to provide such functionality in psycopg.

My doubts are around the interface: not so much relatively to your code/design, but rather relatively to the DBAPI requirements.

In short, there had been an emerging pattern of drivers using the connection context manager to manage transactions (see e.g. psycopg behaviour: https://www.psycopg.org/docs/usage.html#with-statement). This is sort of a de-facto behaviour, but it never got written down in the DBAPI specs

In hindsight, I think it was the wrong decision:

- people expects Python objects to be closed on exit. Closing the tx but not the connection is a surprising behaviour 
- providing different connection factories, for instance a 'with pool.getconn():... ' which would return the connection to the pool on exit - a rather elegant design -  would require an extra level of with, see the thoughts in https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/pull/17

So my thoughts are mostly: what is the best interface psycopg can present to offer:

- transactions when requested (on autocommit requests too, see https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/issues/941)
- nested transactions 
- a non surprising behaviour on __exit__

In my ideal world, the behaviour should be something like:

    with connect('dsn') as conn:  # or with pool.getconn() etc.
        with conn.transaction() as tx:
            with conn.cursor() as curs:
                # conn.transaction() might be called again to create savepoint tons
                # tx might expose commit()/rollback() for explicit management 

            # dispose if the cursor
        # commit on success, rollback on error
    # close the connection, return it to the pool, etc

Would it be possible to introduce this behaviour in psycopg2 in a way that is not awful, which wouldn't break programs written for the 2.5-2.8 behaviour? I don't see an obvious way to do it.

If not, and we had to introduce a non backwards compatible change, does the design above seem optimal (complete and easy to use)?

For a full disclosure: in the next months my work situation should change and I might be able to start working on a new major psycopg version, so psycopg3 might actually become a real thing, if there is interest for it.

-- Daniele 

Re: Nested transactions support for code composability

Daniel Fortunov
> Would it be possible to introduce this behaviour in psycopg2 in a way that is not awful

I think there are two separate pieces here that maybe can be treated independently:

1. Introduction of conn.transaction() for explicit transaction management, including support for nested transactions.
This addresses the first two out of the three desired interface features you've listed, and is a non-breaking change.

2. The desire to replace `with conn` semantics with something more intuitive (i.e. closing the connection)
This is certainly what one would intuitively expect (including me) -- I wasn't aware that `with conn` semantics for transaction management were adopted as a defacto DBAPI behaviour. I think this is a poor design choice as it is not very intuitive.
Making __exit__ close the connection, however, is a breaking change and would likely have to wait until psycopg3. The upgrade path for existing code would also be horribly painful...
Perhaps a hybrid approach would be best: Have __exit__ commit an ongoing transaction (if there is one) provided there was no exception, and then close the connection. This would at least give you a clear error on the next attempt to use the connection, and prevent data loss from closing a connection with an uncommitted transaction.

In terms of dependencies, I think implementing 2 requires 1 (you need to have a better transaction management construct to migrate existing `with conn` code to), but 1 does not necessarily require 2. i.e. You can introduce `conn.transaction()` usage to existing code, whilst leaving management of connection lifetime the same as your code does it today. (This is effectively what we have done in our codebase, by introducing `with Transaction(conn)` to existing code, regardless of the fact that `with conn` also does some transaction management.)

The only downside of doing 1 without 2 is that this leaves the API design less clean, because now you have two ways to do transaction management, but I think this is preferable to coupling 1 and 2 and only being able to introduce both of them in psycopg3.

The only other avenue I can think of is to buy-in to the "`with conn` for transaction management" pattern even more (for psycopg2 at least), and introduce support for reentrancy such that you can nest `with conn` blocks for savepoint-based nested transactions. This is the only approach I can think of that maintains backward compatibility with psycopg2, but it has all the same drawbacks of not being intuitive. (Sadly, actually, this is only "backward compatible" in terms of "design spirit" not actually in terms of implementation -- currently nested `with conn` blocks will result in the deepest block committing (or rolling back) the entire transaction, and subsequent statement execution in the outer block(s) beginning a new transaction. We found a lot of weird edge cases like this when migrating our codebase to use `with Transaction()` and having autocommit enabled by default -- such cases that are probably conceptually "broken" but nonetheless "work" currently.)

Aside: Are you coming to PyCon US in April? It would be great to discuss some of these topics face-to-face.


On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 at 11:52, Daniele Varrazzo <daniele.varrazzo@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, 15 Feb 2020, 19:38 Daniel Fortunov, <postgresql@danielfortunov.com> wrote:
Based on the motivations outlined in the below message to this list (3 years ago), I have implemented a Transaction context manager that provides what I think is the most intuitive way to deal with transactions. (Functionally similar to xact / Django atomic, but available directly on psycopg2 connections)


Is this worthy of inclusion in psycopg2.extras (or elsewhere in psycopg2?)

Hello Daniel, thank you for the idea, and I would like to provide such functionality in psycopg.

My doubts are around the interface: not so much relatively to your code/design, but rather relatively to the DBAPI requirements.

In short, there had been an emerging pattern of drivers using the connection context manager to manage transactions (see e.g. psycopg behaviour: https://www.psycopg.org/docs/usage.html#with-statement). This is sort of a de-facto behaviour, but it never got written down in the DBAPI specs

In hindsight, I think it was the wrong decision:

- people expects Python objects to be closed on exit. Closing the tx but not the connection is a surprising behaviour 
- providing different connection factories, for instance a 'with pool.getconn():... ' which would return the connection to the pool on exit - a rather elegant design -  would require an extra level of with, see the thoughts in https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/pull/17

So my thoughts are mostly: what is the best interface psycopg can present to offer:

- transactions when requested (on autocommit requests too, see https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/issues/941)
- nested transactions 
- a non surprising behaviour on __exit__

In my ideal world, the behaviour should be something like:

    with connect('dsn') as conn:  # or with pool.getconn() etc.
        with conn.transaction() as tx:
            with conn.cursor() as curs:
                # conn.transaction() might be called again to create savepoint tons
                # tx might expose commit()/rollback() for explicit management 

            # dispose if the cursor
        # commit on success, rollback on error
    # close the connection, return it to the pool, etc

Would it be possible to introduce this behaviour in psycopg2 in a way that is not awful, which wouldn't break programs written for the 2.5-2.8 behaviour? I don't see an obvious way to do it.

If not, and we had to introduce a non backwards compatible change, does the design above seem optimal (complete and easy to use)?

For a full disclosure: in the next months my work situation should change and I might be able to start working on a new major psycopg version, so psycopg3 might actually become a real thing, if there is interest for it.

-- Daniele