Обсуждение: psycopg : web service


psycopg : web service

Dear all,

I would like code a web service with python. I have already imported
several vector data (land cover) and one Digital Elevation Model
(raster layer) into my postgresql/postgis database (server side).

I succeed in connecting to my pg db via psycopg2.

Client side, operators use a client application (Developed with PHP /
javascript / openlayers).

Objectives :  Client side, once the layer would be selected,and once
the operators have clicked on the map  , they would like that usefull
informations appear on the interface of the client application(kind of
land cover, z of the DEM).

=> Regarding my python script, i have to type a SQL query in order to
select usefull informations of the db layers. And, of course, the
information must  depend on geographic coordinates (Latitude
Y/Longitute X).
In a 2nd time, my script must  produce a result(JSon type) for the
client side.

It would be possible to help me regarding the coding in order to
select usefull informations of the db layers. (depends on geographic
coordinates x/y  ? Could you throw light for me regarding the way to
do this SQL query ?

In advance, thank you to throw light for me.

Re: psycopg : web service

Is your question more specifically about how to effectively query the postgis data? If so here is their mailing list:
and some other help:

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 11:36 AM, <lcelati@latitude-geosystems.com> wrote:
Dear all,

I would like code a web service with python. I have already imported several vector data (land cover) and one Digital Elevation Model (raster layer) into my postgresql/postgis database (server side).

I succeed in connecting to my pg db via psycopg2.

Client side, operators use a client application (Developed with PHP / javascript / openlayers).

Objectives :  Client side, once the layer would be selected,and once the operators have clicked on the map  , they would like that usefull informations appear on the interface of the client application(kind of land cover, z of the DEM).

=> Regarding my python script, i have to type a SQL query in order to select usefull informations of the db layers. And, of course, the information must  depend on geographic coordinates (Latitude Y/Longitute X).
In a 2nd time, my script must  produce a result(JSon type) for the client side.

It would be possible to help me regarding the coding in order to select usefull informations of the db layers. (depends on geographic coordinates x/y  ? Could you throw light for me regarding the way to do this SQL query ?

In advance, thank you to throw light for me.

Sent via psycopg mailing list (psycopg@postgresql.org)
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