Обсуждение: psycopg and the GPL


psycopg and the GPL


I have a question about "psycopg and the GPL" License.


Is it correct in the following interpretations?

> As a special exception, specific permission is granted for the GPLed code in
> this distribition to be linked to OpenSSL and PostgreSQL libpq without invoking
> GPL clause 2(b).

If I distribute psycopg and to be linked PostgreSQL libpq, 
I may distribute libpq under terms of my choice?

> Note that the GPL was chosen to avoid proprietary adapters based on psycopg
> code. Using psycopg in a proprietary product (even bundling psycopg with the
> proprietary product) is fine as long as:
>  1. psycopg is called from Python only using only the provided API
>     (i.e., no linking with C code and no C modules based on it); and
>  2. all the other points of the GPL are respected (you offer a copy
>     of psycopg's source code, and so on.)

"all the other points of the GPL" means "excepting GPL clause 2(b)"?

As long as respect 1. and 2. , i may distribute X(X is linked psycopg)
under terms of my choice?

Best regards,

Re: psycopg and the GPL

Federico Di Gregorio
On 05/04/11 11:09, nishikawahdk@nttdata.co.jp wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question about "psycopg and the GPL" License.
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/psycopg2/
> Is it correct in the following interpretations?
>> As a special exception, specific permission is granted for the GPLed code in
>> this distribition to be linked to OpenSSL and PostgreSQL libpq without invoking
>> GPL clause 2(b).
> If I distribute psycopg and to be linked PostgreSQL libpq,
> I may distribute libpq under terms of my choice?

Absolutely not. You must distribute libpq under the terms of libpq license.

>> Note that the GPL was chosen to avoid proprietary adapters based on psycopg
>> code. Using psycopg in a proprietary product (even bundling psycopg with the
>> proprietary product) is fine as long as:
>>  1. psycopg is called from Python only using only the provided API
>>     (i.e., no linking with C code and no C modules based on it); and
>>  2. all the other points of the GPL are respected (you offer a copy
>>     of psycopg's source code, and so on.)
> "all the other points of the GPL" means "excepting GPL clause 2(b)"?
> As long as respect 1. and 2. , i may distribute X(X is linked psycopg)
> under terms of my choice?

Yes, as long as you distribute (or promise to distribute on request)
psycopg source code (and possibly your changes to it) in respect of the GPL.


Federico Di Gregorio                         federico.digregorio@dndg.it
Studio Associato Di Nunzio e Di Gregorio                  http://dndg.it
 A desobediência é uma virtude necessária à criatividade. -- Raul Seixas