Обсуждение: download link


download link

Cédric Villemain

I just wonder if we can do something for the download link on the home page
and perhaps the download area

<my life>
It happens more than once that I remember the great time where there was a
direct link to download source of the latest stable in the home page.

And once I have click the *little* download link, I have to find the other
small link for source code, then click on it, scroool down, click the lastest
release link. Ouf! My download is here just copy the link and wget it on my
server.. ..Ah! no, there is something more interesting right now : I have the
mirroring page, but I have probably a cookie or some intelligence in the
website that push me to my lastest mirror, which is actually down.

So I have a beautifull :

Not Found
The requested URL /redir/46/f/source/v8.4.1/postgresql-8.4.1.tar.bz2 was not
found on this server.
</my life>

Well. Not a real problem, but still some issues :-)
I'd like to suggest those points :
* Have a bigger link on the home page* even better, a bigger download link for the lastest release.

And, for the download area :
* Offer a direct link while waiting the 5 seconds before automatic download
from last mirror.* Do not redirect to a crude 404 if download from specified mirror failed but
back to mirror list, suggesting another mirror, *and* the direct link without
automatic redirection.

Finally, I now think it is better to have a link for the source code be the
main download link, then suggets others (binary, etc). In fact, binary for
each distribution are not every time up to date with the lastest stable. And
it happens frequently that I have to download source code and make it.

Ideas ?
Cédric Villemain
Administrateur de Base de Données
Cel: +33 (0)6 74 15 56 53
http://dalibo.com - http://dalibo.org