Обсуждение: v9.0 beta clients - on Windows 7 - do not pick up SSL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES?


v9.0 beta clients - on Windows 7 - do not pick up SSL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES?

Lou Picciano
[Release]: 9.0Beta2 (Server)  - 9.0Beta1 (Client-pgAdmin)
[Test Type]: Windows 7 SSL Certificate Connection Testing
[Test]: Attempted to connect with SSL certs in various directories, mediated by Windows environment variables.
[Platform]: Servers: Sun 4u Solaris 10 - Enterprise 450 Quad        Client: Windows 7
[Parameters]: Varied location of postgresql.crt, postgresql.key and root.crt, reflecting changes in Windows ENV variables:  PGSSLCERT, PGSSLKEY and PGSSLROOTCERT. 
Server host-based access is hostssl, certificate-only.
We've tried placing certs in various locations in the directory tree, including at tree root: C:\postgresql.crt, etc.
Using ENVIRONMENT variables, we've successfully directed pgAdmin to look there.
[Failure]: Yes.
[Results]: Still, pgAdmin reports: could not open certificate file: C:\postgresql.crt  (same error message in locations: C:\Users  and  C:\Users\Danny Database\AppData\Roaming  - but note earlier Test report on strangely-formatted error message in this last case)
[Comments]: Purpose here is really only: Determine the correct _default_ locations for client certs under Windows 7.  My mechanism for doing this was to attempt a connection - fully expecting an error message - and to then work backwards from there to place the certs.