Обсуждение: using constraint based paritioning to fix EAV type schemas? (view inheritance and constraints)
using constraint based paritioning to fix EAV type schemas? (view inheritance and constraints)
"Andrew Hammond"
I have a client with the following EAV inspired schema. CREATE TABLE many_tables ( table_id text primary key, -- defines which virtual table is encoded attribute1 text, attribute2 text, attribute3 text, attribute4 text, ... ); I'd like to use a mix of constraint based paritioning, rules _and_views_ to implement a real schema underneath this mess, like the following. CREATE TABLE cat ( cat_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, cat_name TEXT NOT NULL, aloofness NUMERIC(1,3) DEFAULT 1.0 CHECK(0.0 <= aloofness AND aloofness <= 1.0) ); CREATE RULE many_tables_cat_insert AS ON INSERT TO many_tables WHERE table_id = 'cat' DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO cat (cat_id, cat_name, aloofness) VALUES ( CAST(attribute1 AS integer), attribute2, CAST(attribute3AS numeric(1,3)) -- gleefully ignore the other attributes ); -- etc for UPDATE, and DELETE rules -- This part doesn't work CREATE VIEW many_tables_a (CHECK (table_id = 'cat')) INHERITS (many_tables) AS SELECT 'cat' AS table_id, CAST(cat_id AS text) AS attribute1, cat_name AS attribute2, CAST(aloofness AS text) AS attribute3, null AS attribute4, ... FROM cat; So, I guess I'm stuck doing the UNION ALL approach in this instance. This won't get me the partitioning win, nor the flexibility and cleanliness of design that I'd get with inheritance. As far as I can see, supporting the above would it mean adding inheritance and constraint support to views. Does anyone have a better approach? Drew