Обсуждение: How to compare dates?


How to compare dates?

Abdul Wahab Dahalan
How  do I compare this dates:

1. date( in timestamp) = 2003-03-16 11:29:23.567417+08

2. date created from java program like :

String format ="dd.MM.yyyy";
Date today = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
String todaysdate = formatter.format(today);

says the result is : todaysday = 17.03.2003

Any help very much appriciated

Re: How to compare dates?

"Victor Yegorov"
* Abdul Wahab Dahalan <wahab@mimos.my> [17.03.2003 10:36]:
> How  do I compare this dates:
> 1. date( in timestamp) = 2003-03-16 11:29:23.567417+08
> 2. date created from java program like :
> String format ="dd.MM.yyyy";
> Date today = new Date();
> SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
> String todaysdate = formatter.format(today);
> says the result is : todaysday = 17.03.2003
> Any help very much appriciated
> Thanks.

use to_date and to_char functions, refer to para 6.7 of PostgreSQL User's


Victor Yegorov

Re: How to compare dates?

Christoph Haller
> How  do I compare this dates:
> 1. date( in timestamp) = 2003-03-16 11:29:23.567417+08
> 2. date created from java program like :
> String format ="dd.MM.yyyy";
> Date today = new Date();
> SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
> String todaysdate = formatter.format(today);
> says the result is : todaysday = 17.03.2003
select to_char(timestamp '2003-03-16 11:29:23.567417+08','DD.MM.YYYY'); to_char
(1 row)

if that is what you wanted to know.

Regards, Christoph

Re: How to compare dates?

Achilleus Mantzios
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Abdul Wahab Dahalan wrote:

> How  do I compare this dates:
> 1. date( in timestamp) = 2003-03-16 11:29:23.567417+08
> 2. date created from java program like :
> String format ="dd.MM.yyyy";
> Date today = new Date();
> SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
> String todaysdate = formatter.format(today);
> says the result is : todaysday = 17.03.2003

If you need to compare pgsql timestamp (unix time + micros)
with java.util.Date (unix time), then 
you only need the compare() method.
Note that java.sql.Timestamp extends java.util.Date.

> Any help very much appriciated
> Thanks.
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Achilleus Mantzios
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