Обсуждение: remote database connection


remote database connection

"Eid, Bilal"
Hi every one,

Any help will be appreciated,

I'm running PosygreSQL 6.4 (that come on the Redhat Linux 6.0 CD) and iodbc

I developed an application to access the database through iodbc; every thing
was fine regarding the database and its applications.

For some reason, I have system problems and I have to rebuild the system.
So, every thing have been reinstalled, I did the configuration needed to
rerun the database and the application. 

Now accessing the database using "psql" is ok, but when I run the
application I got a connection errors. I did check every thing I could
remember or see in the documentation about setup, configuration, and
installation.  Every thing is fine as I know, but I still couldn't connect
to the database.

I tried to trace the error and I got these:
Could not connect to server;
Could not connect to remote socket;

Inside the psqlodbc_xxxxxxxxx.log file I fount these:
    conn=134761848, SQLDriverConnect(
', fDriverCompletion=1
DSN info:
readonly='0',protocol='',showoid='',fakeoidindex='',showsystable=''                 conn_settings=''
translation_dll='',translation_option=''   conn=134761848,
OWVERSIONING=0;SHOWSYSTEMTABLES=0;CONNSETTINGS='    Global Options: Version='06.30.0250', fetch=100,
socket=4096, unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=254,
max_longvarchar_size=4094                   disable_optimizer=1, unique_index=0, use_declarefetch=0
bools_as_char=1                   extra_systable_prefixes='dd_;', conn_settings=''    CONN ERROR:
func=SQLDriverConnect,desc='Error from
CC_Connect', errnum=1, errmsg='Could not connect to the server'
------------------------------------------------------------           henv=134759008, conn=134761848, status=0,
num_stmts=16              sock=134768144, stmts=134776392, lobj_type=-999           ---------------- Socket Info
-------------------------------          socket=-1, reverse=0, errornumber=4, errormsg='Could not connect
to remote socket.'           buffer_in=134768184, buffer_out=134772288           buffer_filled_in=0,

Any idea why I'm getting this?
What I should need to do to fix it?

I know there is some where file/s I have to modify or do something to it,
please give a hint.

Thank you very mach.

Network Associates Inc.

Bilal Eid

Re: remote database connection

Adrian Alb
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:14:04 -0700
> From: "Eid, Bilal" <Bilal_Eid@NAI.com>
> Subject: remote database connection
> Hi every one,
> Any help will be appreciated,
> I'm running PosygreSQL 6.4 (that come on the Redhat Linux 6.0 CD) and iodbc
> 2.5.

> I developed an application to access the database through iodbc; every thing
> was fine regarding the database and its applications.
> I tried to trace the error and I got these:
> Could not connect to server;
> Could not connect to remote socket;

This could be the reason: you are not starting postmaster with -i option or
postmaster is listening to a different port than you have specified in your DSN.
You can check the postmaster's port by doing: ls -la /tmp/.*PGSQL* and  the
result should be like:
srwxrwxrwx         1        postgres    postgres      /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
where 5432 is the port number (or whatever port you're using).
Change your DSN to match this port.
If ls result is "no such file ..." you probably didn't start postmaster with -i.

Adrian Alb
UNIX Sys Admin