Обсуждение: an error regarding pg_dump


an error regarding pg_dump

Hello sir,
i am working in a project based on POstgreSQL database & project requires
the backup & restoration facility of the database so that if the server
crash the database can be recovered from the archive file.
i did
pg_dump LCC>backup.sql

exported backup.sql from one server1 TO another

then created a database'CMS' with Template0 on another server2 so that CMS
is the exact copy of the LCC

when in server2 i do the restoration with

psql -d CMS -f backup.sql or cat backup.sql | psql CMS

it sometimes ask for password & sometimes says

[root@localhost pgsql]# psql -d CMS -f backup.sql;
psql:backup.sql:4: \connect: FATAL 1:  IDENT authentication failed for
user "admin"

admin is the username of 'LCC' database.

plz send the reply soon & help me in sorting out the problem.

rashmi bhatia
IIT Bombay