Обсуждение: question re:RedHat 6.2 and PostgreSQL 6.5.2


question re:RedHat 6.2 and PostgreSQL 6.5.2

Question for those of you familar with both RedHat and PostgreSQL

I'm just  inherited a RedHat Linux Server (6.1 running on a i686
processor).  PostgreSQL 6.5.2 is already installed and running wonderfully.
The clients are very happy with the current config.  However, the
powers-that-be have informed me that I must upgrade to RedHat Linux 6.2
ASAP.  Does anyone know of any problems which I might encounter?  I'm
hoping that since I'm staying within the 6.x release of RedHat, the upgrade
won't be too traumatic for PostgreSQL, but ...

Any information/advice/recommendations would be appreciated as I am
extremely new to both the Linux and PostgreSQL world.


Re: question re:RedHat 6.2 and PostgreSQL 6.5.2

Lamar Owen
Allen.Kimberly@epamail.epa.gov wrote:
> ASAP.  Does anyone know of any problems which I might encounter?  I'm
> hoping that since I'm staying within the 6.x release of RedHat, the upgrade
> won't be too traumatic for PostgreSQL, but ...

In this particular case, there shouldn't be any problems.  Just to be on
the safe side, you might want to shut down postmaster and make an
off-disk copy of the entire /var/lib/pgsql tree before proceeding.

RedHat 6.1 shipped with PostgreSQL 6.5.2, and 6.2 shipped with 6.5.3,
which are disk format compatible -- no dump/restore upgrade required.

Now, had you had RedHat 6.0 (shipped PostgreSQL 6.4.2), you would have
had problems.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11