Обсуждение: GreekCentral.com's Toga Times


GreekCentral.com's Toga Times

TOGA TIMES Issue I  Volume 5

January 06, 2000

Hello again, my friends, and welcome to all of you newbies,

For those of you receiving this e-newsletter for the first time, it is because either you signed up for it, or one of
yourfriends thought you were cutting edge enough to receive it. As always, should you no longer wish to receive this
classypiece of literature, send mail to: unsubscribe@greekcentral.com. 

I want to start off, by wishing you all a Happy Healthy New Year, and hope you had a great Holiday season.  Winter is
here,and it�s cold this time of year!  I am so excited to be spending my first winter as the spokesperson for, what I
believeto be, the sharpest, funniest, and most dynamic web site to ever hit the college market.  Of course, I am
referringto http://www.GreekCentral.com !  Since the launch on September 7, 1999, there has been such a positive
outpouringof feedback and traffic, it just brings a smile to the faces of the entire staff here.  Even though, we are
merepledges in the eyes of our competitors and the masses, we feel that GreekCentral has (to borrow a phrase) boldly
gonewhere no one has gone before.  Do we tell the truth?  You bet we do!  Do we pull punches?  The answer is yes, but
onlyto those deserving of our compassion.  But just shoot one pledge in the privates, and beware the wrath of

Want a chance to win cash and prizes while you do other things, like work or surf the web. Simply go to
http://www.WinDough.com.  The WinDough Prize Window is a small browser window that you can place in the corner of your
desktop.You can win cash and prizes playing WinDough. Click http://www.WinDough.com to play, and maybe win! 

Speaking of winners, in the last issue of Toga Times, I introduced you to the big winner of the "Name the E-Newsletter"
contest,and in this issue, you will see the names of the winners of the "Tuition Remission" giveaway.  I think we may
havemade the holidays a little bit brighter for these lucky students, and I want to thank all of the thousands or
registrantsfor entering the contests.  The winners will tell you...people really win at http://www.GreekCentral.com.
Hereis a list of the winners and the prizes they won: 

Amy Gantz, Constance Orr, Patricia Owens, Mike Lynch, and Dave Nathan were all winners of the $100 gift certificates to

Colleen McCarthy, Jennifer Tobkin, Andrew Lingo, and James Stubblefield were all winners of Fisher Slim-1500 Audio

Avi Naveh from Rutgers University was the winner of a Cannondale Super V 800 Mountain Bike.

Michael Genovese from Florida State University was the First Prize Winner of the Sony Vaio Notebook computer.

The Grand Prize Winner, who has received a check for a $5000 Tuition Remission is Amy David from The University of

Congratulations to all of our winners!  Keep your eyes and browsers on http://www.GreekCentral.com for our next
contests...theyare coming soon! 


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GreekCentral.com is proud to announce the new and improved GreekLife channel of  http://www.GreekCentral.com.  Cruise
onby to see our revamped Greek Resources, and send your questions in to "Ask The Adviser".  See who is the Chapter of
theMonth, or utilize the new customized search engine.  Who knows more about life in the Greek World than the folks
hereat GreekCentral.com?  NOBODY!  With links and original content from all over the United States, you can find
anythingand everything relating to sorority or fraternity life right here at

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Y2K?  Y2K?   Y2K, because we like you...hahaha.  Are we here at GreekCentral.com Y2K compliant?  You bet your ASCII we
are. So, the stock market may crumble, and airplanes may tumble, and MicroSoft may fumble...NAH!  But
http://www.GreekCentral.comwill stand tall through it all.  Come on by throughout the year to see what is new in the
world...andour warped perception of that news!  Visit the Bulletin Boards, to see what your friends and fellow students
aredoing with their time off.  Check in with your fellow alumni on our boards.  We will be here...toiling away. 

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Want the chance to earn a little extra cash...and maybe a credit or two?  We are looking for a few good GREEKS...could
thatbe you?  Jump at the chance to earn some cash, some credits and the admiration and respect of your peers, by
becominga Campus Rep for GreekCentral.com.  The applications are coming in and the jobs are going out, so don�t just
sitthere, wishing for a little action.  Make it happen!  Just stop by http://www.greekcentral.com/marketing_rep.shtml
fordetails and to apply. 

While I am on the subject of opportunity...I have put the call out to students all over the country to be heard!  This
isyour big chance to get yourself published, and online in a non-biased forum.  We are always willing to put original
contenton any of our channels.  If you feel that you have the right stuff, or have always dreamed of being an
author�wearingthe funky berets, and smoking a little cigarette with a foot long filter, then now is your chance.
Simplydrop me an email at editor@GreekCentral.com <mailto:editor@GreekCentral.com> with your original story or story
idea,and if it gets a thumbs up from those of my staff that actually have opposable thumbs, it will be on the site!
Thatis a promise.  It doesn�t have to be about the Greek World, or even about college, but something that you feel
needsto be addressed and you are just the person to do it!  So Step up or Step off! 

Be safe!



Please direct any questions, comments or suggestions to


P.S. As always, TOGA TIMES, is a service of GreekCentral.com.  Please feel free to forward this e-mail to your friends.
If you wish to no longer receive this classy piece of literature and other related cool stuff, please reply to