Обсуждение: Port Bug Report: Query buffer exceeded ; using psql -e , or -f, or \i


Port Bug Report: Query buffer exceeded ; using psql -e , or -f, or \i

Unprivileged user
                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

Your name        : Silvio Macedo
Your email address    : smacedo@inescn.pt

Category        : unknown
Severity        : serious

Summary: Query buffer exceeded ; using psql -e , or -f, or \i

System Configuration
  Operating System   : linux 2.0.36 (elf) Redhat 5.0+5.2 recompiled kernel

  PostgreSQL version : 6.4.1(corrected;=6.4.2)

  Compiler used      : gcc

Linux pluto 2.0.36 #1 Tue Oct 13 22:17:11 EDT 1998 i586 unknown
rpm -q glibc:

Versions of other tools:
GNU Make version 3.76.1
flex version 2.5.4


Problem Description:
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 18:41:34 +0000 (WET)
From: Silvio Emanuel Barbosa de Macedo <smacedo@inescn.pt>
To: pgsql general mailing list <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Subject: Query is too long

I was using psql to insert data into the database.
I have *.sql files with the necessary scripts, eg:

insert into descritor values (4992,'MARCHAS DE LISBOA','te','cl');

After many inserts... I've got this message:

query buffer max length of 20000 exceeded
query line ignored

and then, a few inserts later, because the scritp went on...
PQsendQuery() -- query is too long.  Maximum length is 8191
query buffer max length of 20000 exceeded
query line ignored
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Gdb on the core:
(gdb) bt
#0  0x401066f8 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x401066a1 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2  0x804e85b in MainLoop ()
#3  0x804df44 in HandleSlashCmds ()
#4  0x804e7c0 in MainLoop ()
#5  0x804ef2d in main ()

What has happened ? How can I avoid it ? Maybe using psql -f instead using
\i inside psql ?


Many others have the same problem.
psql -e < xxx.sql    has the same problem!


Test Case:
I think it's just a matter of creating a big sql
script and executing...

I can send mine, if you want (thousands of lines...)


I've tried to break the scripts in two. No deal... the same.
After the first piece is inserted, when I proceed to the
second sql script, even if I quit psql and enter it again,
after a few inserts, it happens again...
