Обсуждение: Re: Missing dists at apt.postgresql.org


Re: Missing dists at apt.postgresql.org

Christoph Berg
Re: Nelson A. de Oliveira 2012-12-07 <CAARFvTXDJUaO5wPHN1_EqWQ=qn-qLLUoeUpfZ5VEvZdm7bU0xA@mail.gmail.com>
> Hi Christoph!
> You said in your post that "The distributions are called codename-pgdg"
> but there aren't a stable-pgdg, testing-pgdg nor unstable-pgdg in
> http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/dists/
> Shouldn't they also be available? (unstable-pgdg symlinked to sid-pgdg,
> for example)
> It's common to use stable/testing/unstable in sources.list and it would
> be good if this same behavior could also be used with postgresql's
> repository.

Well, it's "codename", not "suite".

I was thinking about that when setting up the repository, but I'd
prefer not to have to "release" something at our side when Debian
releases, i.e. update the symlinks when the next stable release comes
out. I couldn't do that at the very time as Debian anyway, so there
would always be a time window where "stable" would be the wrong stable
for some people.

I'd also claim it is better style to use codenames in the sources.list
anyway, because then you decide when it's time to dist-upgrade.
(That's also Ubuntu's policy, and I think the debian-installer has
been doing that for quite some time, too.)

We'll include a FAQ entry for this.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/
