Обсуждение: PEAR Problem


PEAR Problem


It's me again. I have been able to solve most of the porting problems
from mysql to pgsql. But I have got struck in one place. I have a
problem where PEAR's associative array doesn't recognise the mix case

eg . I issue a query through PEAR db and get results using fetchRow of
PEAR. Now I have set associative array feature ON.

suppose the query is

select NetCode,NetworkName from NetworkTab;

this would return the result into a variable called $dbRow

to echo the contents returned by the pgsql, I have to give
$dbRow[NetCode] and $dbRow[NetworkName]

This used to work perfectly fine with mysql, but as I moved to pgsql,
PEAR started to return nothing

like if i echo $dbRow[NetCode] it prints nothing

but in the same echo is I change it echo $dbRow[netcode], it prints
the value of the Network Code.

How do I handle this situation. The application is fully written with Mix Case
letters for the database fields and returned result set.

And one more thing "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0" which is to set auto commiting
to "No" in mysql doesn't work in pgsql what is the equivalent command.

Best regards,
 Gurudutt                          mailto:guru@indvalley.com

Life is not fair - get used to it.
Bill Gates

Re: PEAR Problem

"Papp Gyozo"

maybe this problem isn't originated in PEAR, but in pg itself.
Postgres folds everything to lowercase except one within "" (doublequotes).

So, if you - ie.: in psql:
    psql=# CREATE TABLE veRYMixedCAse (NetCode integer,...);
then actually you will create a table named 'verymixedcase'.

In PHP (PEAR actually) you need to refer to this table and its columns
in lowercase.

You may run psql and execute:
\dt        -- to figure out what names to be given to your tables
and then
\d NetworkTab or \d networktab -- and what names of the columns have

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gurudutt" <guru@indvalley.com>
To: <pgsql-sql@postgresql.org>
Cc: <pgsql-php@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 2:37 PM
Subject: [PHP] PEAR Problem

> Hi,
> It's me again. I have been able to solve most of the porting problems
> from mysql to pgsql. But I have got struck in one place. I have a
> problem where PEAR's associative array doesn't recognise the mix case
> letters.
> eg . I issue a query through PEAR db and get results using fetchRow of
> PEAR. Now I have set associative array feature ON.
> suppose the query is
> select NetCode,NetworkName from NetworkTab;
> this would return the result into a variable called $dbRow
> to echo the contents returned by the pgsql, I have to give
> $dbRow[NetCode] and $dbRow[NetworkName]
> This used to work perfectly fine with mysql, but as I moved to pgsql,
> PEAR started to return nothing
> like if i echo $dbRow[NetCode] it prints nothing
> but in the same echo is I change it echo $dbRow[netcode], it prints
> the value of the Network Code.
> How do I handle this situation. The application is fully written with Mix
> letters for the database fields and returned result set.
> And one more thing "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0" which is to set auto commiting
> to "No" in mysql doesn't work in pgsql what is the equivalent command.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Gurudutt                          mailto:guru@indvalley.com
> Life is not fair - get used to it.
> Bill Gates
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> http://www.postgresql.org/users-lounge/docs/faq.html

Re: PEAR Problem

"Dan Wilson"
This is caused by the fact that PostgreSQL is case insensitive.  In order
for it to actually take the case into account, you need quote your field
names and table names.

So your query would then be: select "NetCode","NetworkName" from

Then you would be able to access the fields with $dbRow[NetworkName].


: Hi,
: It's me again. I have been able to solve most of the porting problems
: from mysql to pgsql. But I have got struck in one place. I have a
: problem where PEAR's associative array doesn't recognise the mix case
: letters.
: eg . I issue a query through PEAR db and get results using fetchRow of
: PEAR. Now I have set associative array feature ON.
: suppose the query is
: select NetCode,NetworkName from NetworkTab;
: this would return the result into a variable called $dbRow
: to echo the contents returned by the pgsql, I have to give
: $dbRow[NetCode] and $dbRow[NetworkName]
: This used to work perfectly fine with mysql, but as I moved to pgsql,
: PEAR started to return nothing
: like if i echo $dbRow[NetCode] it prints nothing
: but in the same echo is I change it echo $dbRow[netcode], it prints
: the value of the Network Code.
: How do I handle this situation. The application is fully written with Mix
: letters for the database fields and returned result set.
: And one more thing "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0" which is to set auto commiting
: to "No" in mysql doesn't work in pgsql what is the equivalent command.
: --
: Best regards,
:  Gurudutt                          mailto:guru@indvalley.com
: Life is not fair - get used to it.
: Bill Gates
: ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
: TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
: http://www.postgresql.org/users-lounge/docs/faq.html

Re: PEAR Problem

Hello Dan,

Thanks very much for the help. Ya I tried enclosing with the quotes on
that unfortunately it doesn't work, it gives error.

Here are source code for the files.

You can try creating a table names ACT_NetworkTab with 2 fields,
NetCode(Integer) and NetWorkName(Varchar)

This is the php code which is used to print the values

   //include new pgsql pear db file ...

   //verify for database server ...
          //error occured .. send him to Error page ...
          echo "Database conenction failed (Line : 18)";
          //Begin Transaction ..
          $Begin_Query = "BEGIN";
          $Begin_Result = $db->query($Begin_Query);

          //Auto Commit Query ..
          //$AutoCommit_Query = "SET autocommit=0";
          //$AutoCommit_Result = $db->query($AutoCommit_Query);

          $Query  = "SELECT \"NetCode\",\"NetWorkName\" FROM
          $Result = $db->query($Query);
               //Do a Roll Back ....
               $RoleBack_Query = "ROLLBACK";
               $RoleBack_Result = $db->query($RoleBack_Query);
               echo "Query Failed (line 38)";
               while($Row = $Result->fetchrow())
                     echo "<br>";
          } //end of if db success ....

          //Commit the operation here .....
          $Commit_Query = "COMMIT";
          $Commit_Result = $db->query($Commit_Query);

   } //end of if submit ...


This is the pgsql.php include file for Database connectivity

   $dbuser     = "postgres";
   $dbpassword = "postgres";
   $dbhost = "localhost";
   $dbname = "ACTBilling";


   $db = DB::connect("pgsql://$dbuser:$dbpassword@$dbhost/$dbname");

      $db = 0;
      echo $db->getMessage();

Please try and help me!!

Best regards,
 Gurudutt                          mailto:guru@indvalley.com

Life is not fair - get used to it.
Bill Gates

Tuesday, October 09, 2001, 9:34:24 AM, you wrote:

DW> This is caused by the fact that PostgreSQL is case insensitive.  In order
DW> for it to actually take the case into account, you need quote your field
DW> names and table names.

DW> So your query would then be: select "NetCode","NetworkName" from
DW> "NetworkTab";

DW> Then you would be able to access the fields with $dbRow[NetworkName].

DW> -Dan

DW> : Hi,
DW> :
DW> : It's me again. I have been ab