Обсуждение: bulk load performance question


bulk load performance question

Samuel Gendler
I've got a few tables that periodically get entirely refreshed via a COPY. I don't really have a good mechanism for detecting only rows which have changed so even though the differences are small, a full copy is easiest.  However, the data includes a primary key column, so I can't simply load into the existing table and then drop older rows.  So we load into a table with a different name and then, within a transaction, drop the old and rename the new.  However, while the transaction will cause a query against that table to block until the transaction commits, when the transaction commits, the blocked query will fail with an error message like: ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 17556

Is there some way to do the drop+rename in a manner which will preserve the OID or otherwise allow blocked queries to execute correctly once they unblock?

A secondary issue is that if permissions were granted to a role on the old table, the new table does not acquire those permissions and they must be granted again.

The biggest table that gets updated like this is a couple hundred thousand rows, with maybe a few thousand rows actually changing or being added with each load.  Suggestions for alternative mechanisms for doing the loading are welcome.  I'd really rather avoid updating every row in a several hundred thousand row table, especially without easy upsert functionality. The data is small enough that selecting everything and then comparing in memory before updating modified rows is doable, but sure seems like a lot of work if it can be avoided.

Writing this caused me to think of a possible solution, which appears to work correctly, but I'd like to confirm it with folks in the know:

Instead of this:

    CREATE TABLE mytable_temp...;
    COPY INTO mytable_temp...;
    DROP TABLE mytable;
    ALTER TABLE mytable_temp RENAME TO mytable;

Which will cause any overlapping queries to pick up the wrong OID for mytable and then fail when the transaction commits, I tested this:

COPY INTO mytable_temp;
    ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME TO mytable_old;
    ALTER TABLE mytable_temp RENAME TO mytable;
DROP TABLE mytable_old;

It would appear that any query that uses mytable which overlaps with the transaction will pick up the OID of the original mytable and then block until the transaction commits.  WHen the transaction commits, those queries will successfully run against the original OID (no queries write to this table except for the bulk load) and will complete, at which time, the table drop will finally complete.  Meanwhile, any queries which don't overlap (or perhaps any queries which start after the rename from mytable_temp to mytable has occurred) will successfully complete against the new table.  

The net result appears to be that I will no longer suffer the missing OID error, which seemed to periodically completely hose a db connection, requiring that the connection be closed since no subequent queries would ever succeed, whether they touched the table in question or not. I've only seen that erroneous behaviour on 8.3 (so far - we only recently upgraded to 8.4.4), but it was fairly mysterious because I've never been able to replicate it in testing.  I could get a single missing OID error, but never one that would break all subsequent queries.

Are my assumptions about this correct?

Re: bulk load performance question

Tom Lane
Samuel Gendler <sgendler@ideasculptor.com> writes:
> Is there some way to do the drop+rename in a manner which will preserve the
> OID or otherwise allow blocked queries to execute correctly once they
> unblock?

No, but you could consider
    truncate original_table;
    insert into original_table select * from new_data;

> A secondary issue is that if permissions were granted to a role on the old
> table, the new table does not acquire those permissions and they must be
> granted again.

Not to mention foreign keys ...

            regards, tom lane