Обсуждение: Rewritten Index Advisor patch


Rewritten Index Advisor patch

Tom Lane
Awhile back I complained that I didn't like the way that the index advisor
patch plugged into the system:

Attached is a proposed replacement patch that keeps essentially all the
advisor logic outside the core backend, and uses the method I suggested of
modifying the result of get_relation_info() rather than installing phony
system-catalog entries.  Most of the patch bulk is actually just a small
refactoring of ExplainOnePlan's API to make it more convenient to call
from an advisor plugin.  I also added hooks to let an advisor work through
EXPLAIN, as I still maintain is a more useful behavior than doubling the
work involved in every planner call.  However, the planner() hook is still
there for those who are insistent.

To test the code, I made up a silly little proof-of-concept "advisor" that
just checks to see if 2-column indexes would be more helpful if the column
order were switched.  It's incomplete because I didn't do anything about
printing out a nice explanation of what the hypothetical index is.

Comments, objections?

            regards, tom lane

regression=# create table fooey as select unique1,unique2 from tenk1;
regression=# create index fooeyi on fooey(unique1,unique2);
regression=# analyze fooey;
regression=# explain select * from fooey order by unique2,unique1;
                           QUERY PLAN
 Sort  (cost=809.39..834.39 rows=10000 width=8)
   Sort Key: unique2, unique1
   ->  Seq Scan on fooey  (cost=0.00..145.00 rows=10000 width=8)
(3 rows)

regression=# explain select * from fooey where unique2 in (1,2,3);
                      QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on fooey  (cost=0.00..182.50 rows=3 width=8)
   Filter: (unique2 = ANY ('{1,2,3}'::integer[]))
(2 rows)

regression=# load '/home/tgl/pgsql/advisor';
regression=# explain select * from fooey order by unique2,unique1;
                                       QUERY PLAN
 Sort  (cost=809.39..834.39 rows=10000 width=8)
   Sort Key: unique2, unique1
   ->  Seq Scan on fooey  (cost=0.00..145.00 rows=10000 width=8)

 Plan with hypothetical indexes:
 Index Scan using <hypothetical index> on fooey  (cost=0.00..376.00 rows=10000 width=8)
(6 rows)

regression=# explain select * from fooey where unique2 in (1,2,3);
                                     QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on fooey  (cost=0.00..182.50 rows=3 width=8)
   Filter: (unique2 = ANY ('{1,2,3}'::integer[]))

 Plan with hypothetical indexes:
 Bitmap Heap Scan on fooey  (cost=12.78..22.49 rows=3 width=8)
   Recheck Cond: (unique2 = ANY ('{1,2,3}'::integer[]))
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on <hypothetical index>  (cost=0.00..12.77 rows=3 width=0)
         Index Cond: (unique2 = ANY ('{1,2,3}'::integer[]))
(8 rows)
#include "postgres.h"

#include "fmgr.h"
#include "commands/explain.h"
#include "optimizer/plancat.h"
#include "optimizer/planner.h"


void        _PG_init(void);
void        _PG_fini(void);

static void my_get_relation_info(PlannerInfo *root, Oid relationObjectId,
                                 bool inhparent, RelOptInfo *rel);
static const char *my_explain_get_index_name(Oid indexId);

 * Main hook to take over control during EXPLAIN of a query
static void
my_ExplainOneQuery(Query *query, ExplainStmt *stmt, const char *queryString,
                   ParamListInfo params, TupOutputState *tstate)
    Query    *savequery = NULL;
    PlannedStmt *plan;

     * Because planner scribbles on its input, we have to make a copy if
     * we want to plan twice.
    if (!stmt->analyze)
        savequery = copyObject(query);

    /* plan the query */
    plan = planner(query, 0, params);

    /* run it (if needed) and produce output */
    ExplainOnePlan(plan, params, stmt, tstate);

    /* if not EXPLAIN ANALYZE, try it with hypothetical indexes */
    if (!stmt->analyze)
            PlannedStmt *hplan;

            /* Enable special processing */
            get_relation_info_hook = my_get_relation_info;
            explain_get_index_name_hook = my_explain_get_index_name;

            /* plan the query */
            hplan = planner(savequery, 0, params);

            /* if we got a better plan, print it */
            if (hplan->planTree->total_cost < plan->planTree->total_cost)
                do_text_output_oneline(tstate, ""); /* separator line */
                do_text_output_oneline(tstate, "Plan with hypothetical indexes:");
                ExplainOnePlan(hplan, params, stmt, tstate);
            /* Make sure hooks get cleared on error exit */
            get_relation_info_hook = NULL;
            explain_get_index_name_hook = NULL;
        get_relation_info_hook = NULL;
        explain_get_index_name_hook = NULL;

 * Get control during planner's get_relation_info() function, which sets up
 * a RelOptInfo struct based on the system catalog contents.  We can modify
 * the struct contents to cause the planner to work with a hypothetical
 * situation rather than what's actually in the catalogs.
 * This simplistic example looks for two-column indexes on any two columns
 * (a,b), and sets up a hypothetical index in the other column order (b,a).
static void
my_get_relation_info(PlannerInfo *root, Oid relationObjectId, bool inhparent,
                     RelOptInfo *rel)
    ListCell   *ilist;

    /* Do nothing for an inheritance parent RelOptInfo */
    if (inhparent)

    foreach(ilist, rel->indexlist)
        IndexOptInfo *oldindex = (IndexOptInfo *) lfirst(ilist);

        if (oldindex->ncolumns == 2)
            IndexOptInfo *info;
            int            ncolumns = oldindex->ncolumns;
            int            i;
            ListCell   *lc;

            info = makeNode(IndexOptInfo);

            /* flat-copy as many fields as we can */
            memcpy(info, oldindex, sizeof(IndexOptInfo));

             * In this toy example we just assign all hypothetical indexes
             * OID 0, and the explain_get_index_name hook just prints
             * <hypothetical index>.  In a realistic situation we'd probably
             * assume that OIDs smaller than, say, 100 are never the OID of
             * any real index, allowing us to identify one of up to 100
             * hypothetical indexes per plan.  Then we'd need to save aside
             * some state data that would let the explain hooks print info
             * about the selected index.
            info->indexoid = InvalidOid;

             * Need to make opfamily array large enough to put a terminating
             * zero at the end.
            info->indexkeys = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * ncolumns);
            info->opfamily = (Oid *) palloc0(sizeof(Oid) * (ncolumns + 1));
            /* initialize these to zeroes in case index is unordered */
            info->fwdsortop = (Oid *) palloc0(sizeof(Oid) * ncolumns);
            info->revsortop = (Oid *) palloc0(sizeof(Oid) * ncolumns);
            info->nulls_first = (bool *) palloc0(sizeof(bool) * ncolumns);

            /* Reverse the order of the per-column arrays */
            for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; i++)
                info->indexkeys[i] = oldindex->indexkeys[1 - i];
                info->opfamily[i] = oldindex->opfamily[1 - i];
                info->fwdsortop[i] = oldindex->fwdsortop[1 - i];
                info->revsortop[i] = oldindex->revsortop[1 - i];
                info->nulls_first[i] = oldindex->nulls_first[1 - i];

            /* must reverse the order of the indexprs list, too */
            info->indexprs = NIL;
            foreach(lc, oldindex->indexprs)
                Node *node = lfirst(lc);

                info->indexprs = lcons(node, info->indexprs);

             * Put the phony IndexOptInfo on the front of the list, so that
             * we don't get into an infinite loop.
            rel->indexlist = lcons(info, rel->indexlist);

 * Hook to let EXPLAIN print something for a nonexistent index
 * This is too simplistic for real-world use.
static const char *
my_explain_get_index_name(Oid indexId)
    if (indexId == InvalidOid)
        return "<hypothetical index>";

    return NULL;                /* allow default behavior */

 * _pg_init()            - library load-time initialization
 * DO NOT make this static nor change its name!
    /* Get into the hooks we need to be in all the time */
    ExplainOneQuery_hook = my_ExplainOneQuery;

 * _PG_fini()            - library unload-time finalization
 * DO NOT make this static nor change its name!
    /* Get out of all the hooks (just to be sure) */
    ExplainOneQuery_hook = NULL;
    get_relation_info_hook = NULL;
    explain_get_index_name_hook = NULL;


Re: Rewritten Index Advisor patch

Tom Lane
I wrote:
> Attached is a proposed replacement patch that keeps essentially all the
> advisor logic outside the core backend, and uses the method I suggested of
> modifying the result of get_relation_info() rather than installing phony
> system-catalog entries.

I've applied this with one further change to make the planner_hook a bit
more general; it now looks like this:

PlannedStmt *
planner(Query *parse, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
    PlannedStmt *result;

    if (planner_hook)
        result = (*planner_hook) (parse, cursorOptions, boundParams);
        result = standard_planner(parse, cursorOptions, boundParams);
    return result;

PlannedStmt *
standard_planner(Query *parse, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
  ... exactly the same as planner() was before ...

This avoids presuming that the hook needs to duplicate the Query, and
potentially lets a plugin replace the planner altogether.

The Index Advisor patch as-submitted is not compatible with these hooks,
but it appears to need nontrivial work anyway due to other changes
between 8.2 and 8.3 (in particular the introduction of PlannedStmt).
Rather than trying to get it into 8.3 as a contrib module, I recommend
pursuing it as a pgfoundry project, so as to decouple its release
schedule from the backend's.

            regards, tom lane