Обсуждение: pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port


pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port

"Luiz K. Matsumura"

I  tried to use pg_dumpall in Win32 and receive a error message like this:

pg_dump.exe: [archiver (db)] connection to database "test" failed:
FATAL:  user "'postgres'" does not exist

Well, the word "'postgres'" is  the word is between simple quotations
marks and later between double quotations marks.
Then, I assume that the error must be in string that pg_dumpall mounts
to execute pg_dump

I modified pg_dumpall.c lines between  160 and 270  to add a #ifndef
WIN32... #endif clause to pgdumpopts to store
the parameters with double quotations intead simple quotation marks in
case of WIN32 ports
But, I don't have how to test it.
Please, somebody can test and fix the pg_dumpall.c of oficial source ?

Thanks in advance


 * pg_dumpall
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2004, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $PostgreSQL: pgsql-server/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dumpall.c,v 1.51 2004/08/29 05:06:53 momjian Exp $

#include "postgres_fe.h"

#include <unistd.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "strdup.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "getopt_long.h"

int            optreset;

#include "dumputils.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pqexpbuffer.h"

#define _(x) gettext((x))

/* version string we expect back from postgres */
#define PG_VERSIONSTR "pg_dump (PostgreSQL) " PG_VERSION "\n"

static const char *progname;

static void help(void);

static void dumpUsers(PGconn *conn, bool initdbonly);
static void dumpGroups(PGconn *conn);
static void dumpTablespaces(PGconn *conn);
static void dumpCreateDB(PGconn *conn);
static void dumpDatabaseConfig(PGconn *conn, const char *dbname);
static void dumpUserConfig(PGconn *conn, const char *username);
static void makeAlterConfigCommand(const char *arrayitem, const char *type, const char *name);
static void dumpDatabases(PGconn *conn);
static void dumpTimestamp(char *msg);

static int    runPgDump(const char *dbname);
static PGconn *connectDatabase(const char *dbname, const char *pghost, const char *pgport,
                const char *pguser, bool require_password);
static PGresult *executeQuery(PGconn *conn, const char *query);

char        pg_dump_bin[MAXPGPATH];
PQExpBuffer pgdumpopts;
bool        output_clean = false;
bool        skip_acls = false;
bool        verbose = false;
int            server_version;

/* flags for -X long options */
int            disable_dollar_quoting = 0;
int            disable_triggers = 0;
int            use_setsessauth = 0;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char       *pghost = NULL;
    char       *pgport = NULL;
    char       *pguser = NULL;
    bool        force_password = false;
    bool        data_only = false;
    bool        globals_only = false;
    bool        schema_only = false;
    PGconn       *conn;
    int            c,

    static struct option long_options[] = {
        {"data-only", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
        {"clean", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
        {"inserts", no_argument, NULL, 'd'},
        {"attribute-inserts", no_argument, NULL, 'D'},
        {"column-inserts", no_argument, NULL, 'D'},
        {"globals-only", no_argument, NULL, 'g'},
        {"host", required_argument, NULL, 'h'},
        {"ignore-version", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
        {"oids", no_argument, NULL, 'o'},
        {"no-owner", no_argument, NULL, 'O'},
        {"port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
        {"password", no_argument, NULL, 'W'},
        {"schema-only", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
        {"superuser", required_argument, NULL, 'S'},
        {"username", required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
        {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
        {"no-privileges", no_argument, NULL, 'x'},
        {"no-acl", no_argument, NULL, 'x'},

         * the following options don't have an equivalent short option
         * letter, but are available as '-X long-name'
        {"disable-dollar-quoting", no_argument, &disable_dollar_quoting, 1},
        {"disable-triggers", no_argument, &disable_triggers, 1},
        {"use-set-session-authorization", no_argument, &use_setsessauth, 1},

        {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}

    int            optindex;

    set_pglocale_pgservice(argv[0], "pg_dump");

    progname = get_progname(argv[0]);

    if (argc > 1)
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0)
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-V") == 0)
            puts("pg_dumpall (PostgreSQL) " PG_VERSION);

    if ((ret = find_other_exec(argv[0], "pg_dump", PG_VERSIONSTR,
                               pg_dump_bin)) < 0)
        if (ret == -1)
                    _("The program \"pg_dump\" is needed by %s "
                   "but was not found in the same directory as \"%s\".\n"
                      "Check your installation.\n"),
                    progname, progname);
                    _("The program \"pg_dump\" was found by %s "
                      "but was not the same version as \"%s\".\n"
                      "Check your installation.\n"),
                    progname, progname);

    pgdumpopts = createPQExpBuffer();

    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "acdDgh:ioOp:sS:U:vWxX:", long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
        switch (c)
            case 'a':
                data_only = true;
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -a");

            case 'c':
                output_clean = true;

            case 'd':
            case 'D':
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -%c", c);

            case 'g':
                globals_only = true;

            case 'h':
                pghost = optarg;
#ifndef WIN32
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -h '%s'", pghost);
                                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -h \"%s\"", pghost);


            case 'i':
            case 'o':
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -%c", c);

            case 'O':
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -O");

            case 'p':
                pgport = optarg;
#ifndef WIN32
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -p '%s'", pgport);
                                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -p \"%s\"", pgport);

            case 's':
                schema_only = true;
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -s");

            case 'S':
#ifndef WIN32
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -S '%s'", optarg);
                                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -S \"%s\"", optarg);

            case 'U':
                pguser = optarg;
#ifndef WIN32
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -U '%s'", pguser);
                                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -U \"%s\"", pguser);

            case 'v':
                verbose = true;
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -v");

            case 'W':
                force_password = true;
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -W");

            case 'x':
                skip_acls = true;
                appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -x");

            case 'X':
                if (strcmp(optarg, "disable-dollar-quoting") == 0)
                    appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -X disable-dollar-quoting");
                else if (strcmp(optarg, "disable-triggers") == 0)
                    appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -X disable-triggers");
                else if (strcmp(optarg, "use-set-session-authorization") == 0)
                     /* no-op, still allowed for compatibility */ ;
                            _("%s: invalid -X option -- %s\n"),
                            progname, optarg);
                    fprintf(stderr, _("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"), progname);

            case 0:

                fprintf(stderr, _("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"), progname);

    /* Add long options to the pg_dump argument list */
    if (disable_dollar_quoting)
        appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -X disable-dollar-quoting");
    if (disable_triggers)
        appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -X disable-triggers");
    if (use_setsessauth)
        appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -X use-set-session-authorization");

    if (optind < argc)
        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: too many command-line arguments (first is \"%s\")\n"),
                progname, argv[optind]);
        fprintf(stderr, _("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n"),

    conn = connectDatabase("template1", pghost, pgport, pguser, force_password);

    printf("--\n-- PostgreSQL database cluster dump\n--\n\n");
    if (verbose)
        dumpTimestamp("Started on");

    printf("\\connect \"template1\"\n\n");

    if (!data_only)
        /* Dump all users excluding the initdb user */
        dumpUsers(conn, false);
        if (server_version >= 80000)
        if (!globals_only)
        /* Dump alter command for initdb user */
        dumpUsers(conn, true);

    if (!globals_only)


    if (verbose)
        dumpTimestamp("Completed on");
    printf("--\n-- PostgreSQL database cluster dump complete\n--\n\n");


static void
    printf(_("%s extracts a PostgreSQL database cluster into an SQL script file.\n\n"), progname);
    printf(_("  %s [OPTION]...\n"), progname);

    printf(_("\nGeneral options:\n"));
    printf(_("  -i, --ignore-version     proceed even when server version mismatches\n"
             "                           pg_dumpall version\n"));
    printf(_("  --help                   show this help, then exit\n"));
    printf(_("  --version                output version information, then exit\n"));
    printf(_("\nOptions controlling the output content:\n"));
    printf(_("  -a, --data-only          dump only the data, not the schema\n"));
    printf(_("  -c, --clean              clean (drop) databases prior to create\n"));
    printf(_("  -d, --inserts            dump data as INSERT, rather than COPY, commands\n"));
    printf(_("  -D, --column-inserts     dump data as INSERT commands with column names\n"));
    printf(_("  -g, --globals-only       dump only global objects, no databases\n"));
    printf(_("  -o, --oids               include OIDs in dump\n"));
    printf(_("  -O, --no-owner           do not output commands to set object ownership\n"));
    printf(_("  -s, --schema-only        dump only the schema, no data\n"));
    printf(_("  -S, --superuser=NAME     specify the superuser user name to use in the dump\n"));
    printf(_("  -x, --no-privileges      do not dump privileges (grant/revoke)\n"));
    printf(_("  -X disable-dollar-quoting, --disable-dollar-quoting\n"
             "                           disable dollar quoting, use SQL standard quoting\n"));
    printf(_("  -X disable-triggers, --disable-triggers\n"
             "                           disable triggers during data-only restore\n"));
    printf(_("  -X use-set-session-authorization, --use-set-session-authorization\n"
             "                           use SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands instead of\n"
             "                           OWNER TO commands\n"));

    printf(_("\nConnection options:\n"));
    printf(_("  -h, --host=HOSTNAME      database server host or socket directory\n"));
    printf(_("  -p, --port=PORT          database server port number\n"));
    printf(_("  -U, --username=NAME      connect as specified database user\n"));
    printf(_("  -W, --password           force password prompt (should happen automatically)\n"));

    printf(_("\nThe SQL script will be written to the standard output.\n\n"));
    printf(_("Report bugs to <pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org>.\n"));

 * Dump users
 * Is able to dump all non initdb users or just the initdb user.
static void
dumpUsers(PGconn *conn, bool initdbonly)
    PGresult   *res;
    int            i;

    if (server_version >= 70100)
        res = executeQuery(conn,
                        "SELECT usename, usesysid, passwd, usecreatedb, "
                           "usesuper, valuntil, "
                           "(usesysid = (SELECT datdba FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'template0')) AS clusterowner "
                           "FROM pg_shadow");
        res = executeQuery(conn,
                        "SELECT usename, usesysid, passwd, usecreatedb, "
                           "usesuper, valuntil, "
                           "(usesysid = (SELECT datdba FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'template1')) AS clusterowner "
                           "FROM pg_shadow");

    if (PQntuples(res) > 0 || (!initdbonly && output_clean))
        printf("--\n-- Users\n--\n\n");
    if (!initdbonly && output_clean)
        printf("DELETE FROM pg_shadow WHERE usesysid <> (SELECT datdba FROM pg_database WHERE datname =

    for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
        const char *username;
        bool        clusterowner;
        PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();

        username = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
        clusterowner = (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, i, 6), "t") == 0);

        /* Check which pass we're on */
        if ((initdbonly && !clusterowner) || (!initdbonly && clusterowner))

         * Dump ALTER USER for the cluster owner and CREATE USER for all
         * other users
        if (!clusterowner)
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE USER %s WITH SYSID %s",
                              PQgetvalue(res, i, 1));
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER USER %s WITH",

        if (!PQgetisnull(res, i, 2))
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " PASSWORD ");
            appendStringLiteral(buf, PQgetvalue(res, i, 2), true);

        if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, i, 3), "t") == 0)
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " CREATEDB");
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " NOCREATEDB");

        if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, i, 4), "t") == 0)
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " CREATEUSER");
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " NOCREATEUSER");

        if (!PQgetisnull(res, i, 5))
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " VALID UNTIL '%s'",
                              PQgetvalue(res, i, 5));

        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

        printf("%s", buf->data);

        if (server_version >= 70300)
            dumpUserConfig(conn, username);


 * Dump groups.
static void
dumpGroups(PGconn *conn)
    PGresult   *res;
    int            i;

    res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT groname, grosysid, grolist FROM pg_group");

    if (PQntuples(res) > 0 || output_clean)
        printf("--\n-- Groups\n--\n\n");
    if (output_clean)
        printf("DELETE FROM pg_group;\n\n");

    for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
        PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
        char       *val;
        char       *tok;

        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE GROUP %s WITH SYSID %s;\n",
                          fmtId(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0)),
                          PQgetvalue(res, i, 1));

        val = strdup(PQgetvalue(res, i, 2));
        tok = strtok(val, ",{}");
        while (tok)
            PGresult   *res2;
            PQExpBuffer buf2 = createPQExpBuffer();
            int            j;

            appendPQExpBuffer(buf2, "SELECT usename FROM pg_shadow WHERE usesysid = %s;", tok);
            res2 = executeQuery(conn, buf2->data);

            for (j = 0; j < PQntuples(res2); j++)
                appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER GROUP %s ", fmtId(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0)));
                appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ADD USER %s;\n", fmtId(PQgetvalue(res2, j, 0)));


            tok = strtok(NULL, "{},");

        printf("%s", buf->data);


 * Dump tablespaces.
static void
dumpTablespaces(PGconn *conn)
    PGresult   *res;
    int            i;

     * Get all tablespaces except built-in ones (which we assume are named
     * pg_xxx)
    res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT spcname, "
                     "pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS spcowner, "
                       "spclocation, spcacl "
                       "FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace "
                       "WHERE spcname NOT LIKE 'pg\\_%'");

    if (PQntuples(res) > 0)
        printf("--\n-- Tablespaces\n--\n\n");

    for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
        PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
        char       *spcname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
        char       *spcowner = PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);
        char       *spclocation = PQgetvalue(res, i, 2);
        char       *spcacl = PQgetvalue(res, i, 3);
        char       *fspcname;

        /* needed for buildACLCommands() */
        fspcname = strdup(fmtId(spcname));

        if (output_clean)
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TABLESPACE %s;\n", fspcname);

        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TABLESPACE %s", fspcname);
        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " OWNER %s", fmtId(spcowner));

        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " LOCATION ");
        appendStringLiteral(buf, spclocation, true);
        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

        if (!skip_acls &&
            !buildACLCommands(fspcname, "TABLESPACE", spcacl, spcowner,
                              server_version, buf))
            fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse ACL list (%s) for tablespace \"%s\"\n"),
                    progname, spcacl, fspcname);

        printf("%s", buf->data);



 * Dump commands to create each database.
 * To minimize the number of reconnections (and possibly ensuing
 * password prompts) required by the output script, we emit all CREATE
 * DATABASE commands during the initial phase of the script, and then
 * run pg_dump for each database to dump the contents of that
 * database.  We skip databases marked not datallowconn, since we'd be
 * unable to connect to them anyway (and besides, we don't want to
 * dump template0).
static void
dumpCreateDB(PGconn *conn)
    PGresult   *res;
    int            i;

    printf("--\n-- Database creation\n--\n\n");

    if (server_version >= 80000)
        res = executeQuery(conn,
                           "SELECT datname, "
                           "coalesce(usename, (select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from
pg_databasewhere datname='template0'))), " 
                           "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
                           "datistemplate, datacl, "
                           "(SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace t WHERE t.oid = d.dattablespace) AS dattablespace "
        "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_shadow u ON (datdba = usesysid) "
                           "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
    else if (server_version >= 70300)
        res = executeQuery(conn,
                           "SELECT datname, "
                           "coalesce(usename, (select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from
pg_databasewhere datname='template0'))), " 
                           "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
                           "datistemplate, datacl, "
                           "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
        "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_shadow u ON (datdba = usesysid) "
                           "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
    else if (server_version >= 70100)
        res = executeQuery(conn,
                           "SELECT datname, "
                "(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=datdba), "
                           "(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from pg_database where
                           "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
                           "datistemplate, '' as datacl, "
                           "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
                           "FROM pg_database d "
                           "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
         * Note: 7.0 fails to cope with sub-select in COALESCE, so just
         * deal with getting a NULL by not printing any OWNER clause.
        res = executeQuery(conn,
                           "SELECT datname, "
                "(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=datdba), "
                           "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
                           "'f' as datistemplate, "
                           "'' as datacl, "
                           "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
                           "FROM pg_database d "
                           "ORDER BY 1");

    for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
        PQExpBuffer buf;
        char       *dbname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
        char       *dbowner = PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);
        char       *dbencoding = PQgetvalue(res, i, 2);
        char       *dbistemplate = PQgetvalue(res, i, 3);
        char       *dbacl = PQgetvalue(res, i, 4);
        char       *dbtablespace = PQgetvalue(res, i, 5);
        char       *fdbname;

        if (strcmp(dbname, "template1") == 0)

        buf = createPQExpBuffer();

        /* needed for buildACLCommands() */
        fdbname = strdup(fmtId(dbname));

        if (output_clean)
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP DATABASE %s;\n", fdbname);

        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE DATABASE %s", fdbname);

        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " WITH TEMPLATE = template0");

        if (strlen(dbowner) != 0)
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " OWNER = %s",

        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " ENCODING = ");
        appendStringLiteral(buf, dbencoding, true);

        /* Output tablespace if it isn't default */
        if (strcmp(dbtablespace, "pg_default") != 0)
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " TABLESPACE = %s",

        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

        if (strcmp(dbistemplate, "t") == 0)
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = 't' WHERE datname = ");
            appendStringLiteral(buf, dbname, true);
            appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

        if (!skip_acls &&
            !buildACLCommands(fdbname, "DATABASE", dbacl, dbowner,
                              server_version, buf))
            fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse ACL list (%s) for database \"%s\"\n"),
                    progname, dbacl, fdbname);

        printf("%s", buf->data);

        if (server_version >= 70300)
            dumpDatabaseConfig(conn, dbname);


 * Dump database-specific configuration
static void
dumpDatabaseConfig(PGconn *conn, const char *dbname)
    PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
    int            count = 1;

    for (;;)
        PGresult   *res;

        printfPQExpBuffer(buf, "SELECT datconfig[%d] FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ", count);
        appendStringLiteral(buf, dbname, true);
        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";");

        res = executeQuery(conn, buf->data);
        if (!PQgetisnull(res, 0, 0))
            makeAlterConfigCommand(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), "DATABASE", dbname);


 * Dump user-specific configuration
static void
dumpUserConfig(PGconn *conn, const char *username)
    PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
    int            count = 1;

    for (;;)
        PGresult   *res;

        printfPQExpBuffer(buf, "SELECT useconfig[%d] FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename = ", count);
        appendStringLiteral(buf, username, true);
        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";");

        res = executeQuery(conn, buf->data);
        if (!PQgetisnull(res, 0, 0))
            makeAlterConfigCommand(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), "USER", username);


 * Helper function for dumpXXXConfig().
static void
makeAlterConfigCommand(const char *arrayitem, const char *type, const char *name)
    char       *pos;
    char       *mine;
    PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();

    mine = strdup(arrayitem);
    pos = strchr(mine, '=');
    if (pos == NULL)

    *pos = 0;
    appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER %s %s ", type, fmtId(name));
    appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "SET %s TO ", fmtId(mine));

     * Some GUC variable names are 'LIST' type and hence must not be
     * quoted.
    if (strcasecmp(mine, "DateStyle") == 0
        || strcasecmp(mine, "search_path") == 0)
        appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%s", pos + 1);
        appendStringLiteral(buf, pos + 1, false);
    appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

    printf("%s", buf->data);

 * Dump contents of databases.
static void
dumpDatabases(PGconn *conn)
    PGresult   *res;
    int            i;

    if (server_version >= 70100)
        res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
        res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT datname FROM pg_database ORDER BY 1");

    for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
        int            ret;

        char       *dbname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);

        if (verbose)
            fprintf(stderr, _("%s: dumping database \"%s\"...\n"), progname, dbname);

        printf("\\connect %s\n\n", fmtId(dbname));
        ret = runPgDump(dbname);
        if (ret != 0)
            fprintf(stderr, _("%s: pg_dump failed on database \"%s\", exiting\n"), progname, dbname);


 * Run pg_dump on dbname.
static int
runPgDump(const char *dbname)
    PQExpBuffer cmd = createPQExpBuffer();
    const char *p;
    int            ret;

     * Win32 has to use double-quotes for args, rather than single quotes.
     * Strangely enough, this is the only place we pass a database name on
     * the command line, except template1 that doesn't need quoting.
#ifndef WIN32
    appendPQExpBuffer(cmd, "%s\"%s\" %s -Fp '", SYSTEMQUOTE, pg_dump_bin,
    appendPQExpBuffer(cmd, "%s\"%s\" %s -Fp \"", SYSTEMQUOTE, pg_dump_bin,

    /* Shell quoting is not quite like SQL quoting, so can't use fmtId */
    for (p = dbname; *p; p++)
#ifndef WIN32
        if (*p == '\'')
            appendPQExpBuffer(cmd, "'\"'\"'");
        if (*p == '"')
            appendPQExpBuffer(cmd, "\\\"");
            appendPQExpBufferChar(cmd, *p);

#ifndef WIN32
    appendPQExpBufferChar(cmd, '\'');
    appendPQExpBufferChar(cmd, '"');

    appendPQExpBuffer(cmd, "%s", SYSTEMQUOTE);

    if (verbose)
        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: running \"%s\"\n"), progname, cmd->data);


    ret = system(cmd->data);


    return ret;

 * Make a database connection with the given parameters.  An
 * interactive password prompt is automatically issued if required.
static PGconn *
connectDatabase(const char *dbname, const char *pghost, const char *pgport,
                const char *pguser, bool require_password)
    PGconn       *conn;
    char       *password = NULL;
    bool        need_pass = false;
    const char *remoteversion_str;

    if (require_password)
        password = simple_prompt("Password: ", 100, false);

     * Start the connection.  Loop until we have a password if requested
     * by backend.
        need_pass = false;
        conn = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, pgport, NULL, NULL, dbname, pguser, password);

        if (!conn)
            fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not connect to database \"%s\"\n"),
                    progname, dbname);

        if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD &&
            strcmp(PQerrorMessage(conn), "fe_sendauth: no password supplied\n") == 0 &&
            need_pass = true;
            password = NULL;
            password = simple_prompt("Password: ", 100, false);
    } while (need_pass);

    if (password)

    /* check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
    if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not connect to database \"%s\": %s\n"),
                progname, dbname, PQerrorMessage(conn));

    remoteversion_str = PQparameterStatus(conn, "server_version");
    if (!remoteversion_str)
        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not get server version\n"), progname);
    server_version = parse_version(remoteversion_str);
    if (server_version < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse server version \"%s\"\n"),
                progname, remoteversion_str);

    return conn;

 * Run a query, return the results, exit program on failure.
static PGresult *
executeQuery(PGconn *conn, const char *query)
    PGresult   *res;

    if (verbose)
        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: executing %s\n"), progname, query);

    res = PQexec(conn, query);
    if (!res ||
        PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: query failed: %s"), progname, PQerrorMessage(conn));
        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: query was: %s\n"), progname, query);

    return res;

 * dumpTimestamp
static void
dumpTimestamp(char *msg)
    char        buf[256];
    time_t        now = time(NULL);

    if (strftime(buf, 256, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime(&now)) != 0)
        printf("-- %s %s\n\n", msg, buf);

Re: pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port

Andrew Dunstan

Luiz K. Matsumura wrote:

> Hi,
> I  tried to use pg_dumpall in Win32 and receive a error message like
> this:
> pg_dump.exe: [archiver (db)] connection to database "test" failed:
> FATAL:  user "'postgres'" does not exist
> Well, the word "'postgres'" is  the word is between simple quotations
> marks and later between double quotations marks.
> Then, I assume that the error must be in string that pg_dumpall mounts
> to execute pg_dump
> I modified pg_dumpall.c lines between  160 and 270  to add a #ifndef
> WIN32... #endif clause to pgdumpopts to store
> the parameters with double quotations intead simple quotation marks in
> case of WIN32 ports
> But, I don't have how to test it.
> Please, somebody can test and fix the pg_dumpall.c of oficial source ?
> Thanks in advance
> Luiz

Please provide your patch as a context diff, not as the whole file, so
we can see what is changed.



Re: pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port

"Luiz K. Matsumura"

Andrew Dunstan wrote:

> Luiz K. Matsumura wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I  tried to use pg_dumpall in Win32 and receive a error message like
>> this:
>> pg_dump.exe: [archiver (db)] connection to database "test" failed:
>> FATAL:  user "'postgres'" does not exist
>> Well, the word "'postgres'" is  the word is between simple quotations
>> marks and later between double quotations marks.
>> Then, I assume that the error must be in string that pg_dumpall mounts
>> to execute pg_dump
>> I modified pg_dumpall.c lines between  160 and 270  to add a #ifndef
>> WIN32... #endif clause to pgdumpopts to store
>> the parameters with double quotations intead simple quotation marks in
>> case of WIN32 ports
>> But, I don't have how to test it.
>> Please, somebody can test and fix the pg_dumpall.c of oficial source ?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Luiz
> Please provide your patch as a context diff, not as the whole file, so
> we can see what is changed.
> cheers
> andrew
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
Ops, excuse-me. I'm a novice.

*** pg_dumpall.c    Tue Oct  5 18:53:27 2004
--- pg_dumpall.c.ori    Tue Oct  5 21:59:42 2004
*** 180,195 ****

              case 'h':
                  pghost = optarg;
- #ifndef WIN32
                  appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -h '%s'", pghost);
- #else
-                                 appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -h \"%s\"", pghost);
- #endif

              case 'i':
              case 'o':
                  appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -%c", c);
--- 180,188 ----
*** 201,211 ****

              case 'p':
                  pgport = optarg;
- #ifndef WIN32
                  appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -p '%s'", pgport);
- #else
-                                 appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -p \"%s\"", pgport);
- #endif

              case 's':
--- 194,200 ----
*** 214,233 ****

              case 'S':
- #ifndef WIN32
                  appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -S '%s'", optarg);
- #else
-                                 appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -S \"%s\"", optarg);
- #endif

              case 'U':
                  pguser = optarg;
- #ifndef WIN32
                  appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -U '%s'", pguser);
- #else
-                                 appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -U \"%s\"", pguser);
- #endif

              case 'v':
--- 203,214 ----

Re: pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port

Tom Lane
"Luiz K. Matsumura" <luiz@planit.com.br> writes:
> I modified pg_dumpall.c lines between  160 and 270  to add a #ifndef
> WIN32... #endif clause to pgdumpopts to store
> the parameters with double quotations intead simple quotation marks in
> case of WIN32 ports

This seems unnecessarily ugly.  Why not just go over to double quotes?

            regards, tom lane

Re: pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port

Bruce Momjian
Patch applied.  Thanks.


Luiz K. Matsumura wrote:
> Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> >
> >
> > Luiz K. Matsumura wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I  tried to use pg_dumpall in Win32 and receive a error message like
> >> this:
> >>
> >> pg_dump.exe: [archiver (db)] connection to database "test" failed:
> >> FATAL:  user "'postgres'" does not exist
> >>
> >> Well, the word "'postgres'" is  the word is between simple quotations
> >> marks and later between double quotations marks.
> >> Then, I assume that the error must be in string that pg_dumpall mounts
> >> to execute pg_dump
> >>
> >> I modified pg_dumpall.c lines between  160 and 270  to add a #ifndef
> >> WIN32... #endif clause to pgdumpopts to store
> >> the parameters with double quotations intead simple quotation marks in
> >> case of WIN32 ports
> >> But, I don't have how to test it.
> >> Please, somebody can test and fix the pg_dumpall.c of oficial source ?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance
> >>
> >> Luiz
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Please provide your patch as a context diff, not as the whole file, so
> > we can see what is changed.
> >
> > cheers
> >
> > andrew
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
> >
> Ops, excuse-me. I'm a novice.

> *** pg_dumpall.c    Tue Oct  5 18:53:27 2004
> --- pg_dumpall.c.ori    Tue Oct  5 21:59:42 2004
> ***************
> *** 180,195 ****
>               case 'h':
>                   pghost = optarg;
> - #ifndef WIN32
>                   appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -h '%s'", pghost);
> - #else
> -                                 appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -h \"%s\"", pghost);
> - #endif
> -
>                   break;
> -
> -
>               case 'i':
>               case 'o':
>                   appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -%c", c);
> --- 180,188 ----
> ***************
> *** 201,211 ****
>               case 'p':
>                   pgport = optarg;
> - #ifndef WIN32
>                   appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -p '%s'", pgport);
> - #else
> -                                 appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -p \"%s\"", pgport);
> - #endif
>                   break;
>               case 's':
> --- 194,200 ----
> ***************
> *** 214,233 ****
>                   break;
>               case 'S':
> - #ifndef WIN32
>                   appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -S '%s'", optarg);
> - #else
> -                                 appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -S \"%s\"", optarg);
> - #endif
>                   break;
>               case 'U':
>                   pguser = optarg;
> - #ifndef WIN32
>                   appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -U '%s'", pguser);
> - #else
> -                                 appendPQExpBuffer(pgdumpopts, " -U \"%s\"", pguser);
> - #endif
>                   break;
>               case 'v':
> --- 203,214 ----

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> "Luiz K. Matsumura" <luiz@planit.com.br> writes:
> > I modified pg_dumpall.c lines between  160 and 270  to add a #ifndef
> > WIN32... #endif clause to pgdumpopts to store
> > the parameters with double quotations intead simple quotation marks in
> > case of WIN32 ports
> This seems unnecessarily ugly.  Why not just go over to double quotes?

The patch was actually posted backward so maybe it wasn't clear but the
change is to use double quotes instead of single quotes for Win32
arguments just like we do in other cases in pg_dumpall.c.

Single quotes do not behave the same as single quotes in the WIn32
CMD.EXES processor.  For example, DIR "" and DIR '' produce different

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port

Andrew Dunstan

Bruce Momjian wrote:

>Tom Lane wrote:
>>"Luiz K. Matsumura" <luiz@planit.com.br> writes:
>>>I modified pg_dumpall.c lines between  160 and 270  to add a #ifndef
>>>WIN32... #endif clause to pgdumpopts to store
>>>the parameters with double quotations intead simple quotation marks in
>>>case of WIN32 ports
>>This seems unnecessarily ugly.  Why not just go over to double quotes?
>The patch was actually posted backward so maybe it wasn't clear but the
>change is to use double quotes instead of single quotes for Win32
>arguments just like we do in other cases in pg_dumpall.c.
>Single quotes do not behave the same as single quotes in the WIn32
>CMD.EXES processor.  For example, DIR "" and DIR '' produce different

Yes, but wasn't Tom's point that we could use double quotes on Unix too?
That makes sense to me unless we expect some horrible interpolation effects.



Re: pg_dumpall bug in PG 8.0b3 Win32 port

Bruce Momjian
Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Bruce Momjian wrote:
> >Tom Lane wrote:
> >
> >
> >>"Luiz K. Matsumura" <luiz@planit.com.br> writes:
> >>
> >>
> >>>I modified pg_dumpall.c lines between  160 and 270  to add a #ifndef
> >>>WIN32... #endif clause to pgdumpopts to store
> >>>the parameters with double quotations intead simple quotation marks in
> >>>case of WIN32 ports
> >>>
> >>>
> >>This seems unnecessarily ugly.  Why not just go over to double quotes?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >The patch was actually posted backward so maybe it wasn't clear but the
> >change is to use double quotes instead of single quotes for Win32
> >arguments just like we do in other cases in pg_dumpall.c.
> >
> >Single quotes do not behave the same as single quotes in the WIn32
> >CMD.EXES processor.  For example, DIR "" and DIR '' produce different
> >results.
> >
> >
> Yes, but wasn't Tom's point that we could use double quotes on Unix too?
> That makes sense to me unless we expect some horrible interpolation effects.

Oh, OK.  Well, if we use double-quotes we don't allow double-quotes in
the input, as well adding handling of dollar signs and other things.
Single quotes are more robust under Unix and I don't want to risk
changing that.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073