Обсуждение: Reorder definitions in parsenodes.h


Reorder definitions in parsenodes.h

Fernando Nasser
This allows Stmt nodes to refer to smaller nodes.  This is needed
for schemas as we plan to use RangeVar in several statements
(the option would be to define the field as struct RangeVar *,
but it is cleaner to use the type defined for that).

I am trying to do the reorg now so that any changes due to schemas
show up in a cleaner way.

I kept Query at the top for developers convenience.
Them it goes:
_ Supporting data structures for Parse Trees
_ Nodes for a Domain Creation tree (?)
_ Nodes for a Query tree
_ Optimizable Statements
_ Other Statements (no optimizations required)

I left the enums that are only used in one place close
to the definition that uses/is related to it.
The inhOption one is used in many places, so I moved
it closer to the includes at the top of the file.

The context diff results weird, so I've attached the resulting
file as well so people can look at it.

Fernando Nasser
Red Hat Canada Ltd.                     E-Mail:  fnasser@redhat.com
2323 Yonge Street, Suite #300
Toronto, Ontario   M4P 2C9/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * parsenodes.h
 *      definitions for parse tree nodes
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $Id: parsenodes.h,v 1.157 2002/03/06 20:35:00 momjian Exp $

#include "nodes/primnodes.h"

typedef enum InhOption
    INH_NO,                        /* Do NOT scan child tables */
    INH_YES,                    /* DO scan child tables */
    INH_DEFAULT                    /* Use current SQL_inheritance option */
} InhOption;

 *    Query Tree

 * Query -
 *      all statments are turned into a Query tree (via transformStmt)
 *      for further processing by the optimizer
 *      utility statements (i.e. non-optimizable statements)
 *      have the *utilityStmt field set.
 * we need the isPortal flag because portal names can be null too; can
 * get rid of it if we support CURSOR as a commandType.
typedef struct Query
    NodeTag        type;

    CmdType        commandType;    /* select|insert|update|delete|utility */

    Node       *utilityStmt;    /* non-null if this is a non-optimizable
                                 * statement */

    int            resultRelation; /* target relation (index into rtable) */
    char       *into;            /* portal (cursor) name */
    bool        isPortal;        /* is this a retrieve into portal? */
    bool        isBinary;        /* binary portal? */
    bool        isTemp;            /* is 'into' a temp table? */

    bool        hasAggs;        /* has aggregates in tlist or havingQual */
    bool        hasSubLinks;    /* has subquery SubLink */

    bool        originalQuery;    /* marks original query through rewriting */

    List       *rtable;            /* list of range table entries */
    FromExpr   *jointree;        /* table join tree (FROM and WHERE
                                 * clauses) */

    List       *rowMarks;        /* integer list of RT indexes of relations
                                 * that are selected FOR UPDATE */

    List       *targetList;        /* target list (of TargetEntry) */

    List       *groupClause;    /* a list of GroupClause's */

    Node       *havingQual;        /* qualifications applied to groups */

    List       *distinctClause; /* a list of SortClause's */

    List       *sortClause;        /* a list of SortClause's */

    Node       *limitOffset;    /* # of result tuples to skip */
    Node       *limitCount;        /* # of result tuples to return */

    Node       *setOperations;    /* set-operation tree if this is top level
                                 * of a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT query */

     * If the resultRelation turns out to be the parent of an inheritance
     * tree, the planner will add all the child tables to the rtable and
     * store a list of the rtindexes of all the result relations here.
     * This is done at plan time, not parse time, since we don't want to
     * commit to the exact set of child tables at parse time.  This field
     * ought to go in some sort of TopPlan plan node, not in the Query.
    List       *resultRelations;    /* integer list of RT indexes, or NIL */

    /* internal to planner */
    List       *base_rel_list;    /* list of base-relation RelOptInfos */
    List       *other_rel_list; /* list of other 1-relation RelOptInfos */
    List       *join_rel_list;    /* list of join-relation RelOptInfos */
    List       *equi_key_list;    /* list of lists of equijoined
                                 * PathKeyItems */
    List       *query_pathkeys; /* pathkeys for query_planner()'s result */
} Query;

 *    Supporting data structures for Parse Trees
 *    Most of these node types appear in raw parsetrees output by the grammar,
 *    and get transformed to something else by the analyzer.    A few of them
 *    are used as-is in transformed querytrees.

 * TypeName - specifies a type in definitions
typedef struct TypeName
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;            /* name of the type */
    bool        timezone;        /* timezone specified? */
    bool        setof;            /* is a set? */
    int32        typmod;            /* type modifier */
    List       *arrayBounds;    /* array bounds */
    char       *attrname;        /* field name when using %TYPE */
} TypeName;

 * ParamNo - specifies a parameter reference
typedef struct ParamNo
    NodeTag        type;
    int            number;            /* the number of the parameter */
    TypeName   *typename;        /* the typecast */
    List       *indirection;    /* array references */
} ParamNo;

 * A_Expr - binary expressions
typedef struct A_Expr
    NodeTag        type;
    int            oper;            /* type of operation (OP,OR,AND,NOT) */
    char       *opname;            /* name of operator */
    Node       *lexpr;            /* left argument */
    Node       *rexpr;            /* right argument */
} A_Expr;

 * Attr -
 *      specifies an Attribute (ie. a Column); could have nested dots or
 *      array references.
typedef struct Attr
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* name of relation (can be "*") */
    ParamNo    *paramNo;        /* or a parameter */
    List       *attrs;            /* attributes (possibly nested); list of
                                 * Values (strings) */
    List       *indirection;    /* array refs (list of A_Indices') */
} Attr;

 * A_Const - a constant expression
typedef struct A_Const
    NodeTag        type;
    Value        val;            /* the value (with the tag) */
    TypeName   *typename;        /* typecast */
} A_Const;

 * TypeCast - a CAST expression
 * NOTE: for mostly historical reasons, A_Const and ParamNo parsenodes contain
 * room for a TypeName; we only generate a separate TypeCast node if the
 * argument to be casted is neither of those kinds of nodes.  In theory either
 * representation would work, but it is convenient (especially for A_Const)
 * to have the target type immediately available.
typedef struct TypeCast
    NodeTag        type;
    Node       *arg;            /* the expression being casted */
    TypeName   *typename;        /* the target type */
} TypeCast;

 * CaseExpr - a CASE expression
typedef struct CaseExpr
    NodeTag        type;
    Oid            casetype;
    Node       *arg;            /* implicit equality comparison argument */
    List       *args;            /* the arguments (list of WHEN clauses) */
    Node       *defresult;        /* the default result (ELSE clause) */
} CaseExpr;

 * CaseWhen - an argument to a CASE expression
typedef struct CaseWhen
    NodeTag        type;
    Node       *expr;            /* comparison expression */
    Node       *result;            /* substitution result */
} CaseWhen;

/* ----------------
 * NullTest
 * NullTest represents the operation of testing a value for NULLness.
 * Currently, we only support scalar input values, but eventually a
 * row-constructor input should be supported.
 * The appropriate test is performed and returned as a boolean Datum.
 * ----------------

typedef enum NullTestType
} NullTestType;

typedef struct NullTest
    NodeTag        type;
    Node       *arg;            /* input expression */
    NullTestType nulltesttype;    /* IS NULL, IS NOT NULL */
} NullTest;

/* ----------------
 * BooleanTest
 * BooleanTest represents the operation of determining whether a boolean
 * is TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN (ie, NULL).  All six meaningful combinations
 * are supported.  Note that a NULL input does *not* cause a NULL result.
 * The appropriate test is performed and returned as a boolean Datum.
 * ----------------

typedef enum BoolTestType
} BoolTestType;

typedef struct BooleanTest
    NodeTag        type;
    Node       *arg;            /* input expression */
    BoolTestType booltesttype;    /* test type */
} BooleanTest;

 * ColumnDef - column definition (used in various creates)
 * If the column has a default value, we may have the value expression
 * in either "raw" form (an untransformed parse tree) or "cooked" form
 * (the nodeToString representation of an executable expression tree),
 * depending on how this ColumnDef node was created (by parsing, or by
 * inheritance from an existing relation).    We should never have both
 * in the same node!
 * The constraints list may contain a CONSTR_DEFAULT item in a raw
 * parsetree produced by gram.y, but transformCreateStmt will remove
 * the item and set raw_default instead.  CONSTR_DEFAULT items
 * should not appear in any subsequent processing.
typedef struct ColumnDef
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *colname;        /* name of column */
    TypeName   *typename;        /* type of column */
    bool        is_not_null;    /* NOT NULL constraint specified? */
    Node       *raw_default;    /* default value (untransformed parse
                                 * tree) */
    char       *cooked_default; /* nodeToString representation */
    List       *constraints;    /* other constraints on column */
} ColumnDef;

 * Ident -
 *      an identifier (could be an attribute or a relation name). Depending
 *      on the context at transformStmt time, the identifier is treated as
 *      either a relation name (in which case, isRel will be set) or an
 *      attribute (in which case, it will be transformed into an Attr).
typedef struct Ident
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;            /* its name */
    List       *indirection;    /* array references */
    bool        isRel;            /* is this a relation or a column? */
} Ident;

 * FuncCall - a function or aggregate invocation
 * agg_star indicates we saw a 'foo(*)' construct, while agg_distinct
 * indicates we saw 'foo(DISTINCT ...)'.  In either case, the construct
 * *must* be an aggregate call.  Otherwise, it might be either an
 * aggregate or some other kind of function.
typedef struct FuncCall
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *funcname;        /* name of function */
    List       *args;            /* the arguments (list of exprs) */
    bool        agg_star;        /* argument was really '*' */
    bool        agg_distinct;    /* arguments were labeled DISTINCT */
} FuncCall;

 * A_Indices - array reference or bounds ([lidx:uidx] or [uidx])
typedef struct A_Indices
    NodeTag        type;
    Node       *lidx;            /* could be NULL */
    Node       *uidx;
} A_Indices;

 * ResTarget -
 *      result target (used in target list of pre-transformed Parse trees)
 * In a SELECT or INSERT target list, 'name' is either NULL or
 * the column name assigned to the value.  (If there is an 'AS ColumnLabel'
 * clause, the grammar sets 'name' from it; otherwise 'name' is initially NULL
 * and is filled in during the parse analysis phase.)
 * The 'indirection' field is not used at all.
 * In an UPDATE target list, 'name' is the name of the destination column,
 * and 'indirection' stores any subscripts attached to the destination.
 * That is, our representation is UPDATE table SET name [indirection] = val.
typedef struct ResTarget
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;            /* column name or NULL */
    List       *indirection;    /* subscripts for destination column, or
                                 * NIL */
    Node       *val;            /* the value expression to compute or
                                 * assign */
} ResTarget;

 * SortGroupBy - for ORDER BY clause
typedef struct SortGroupBy
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *useOp;            /* operator to use */
    Node       *node;            /* Expression  */
} SortGroupBy;

 * RangeVar - range variable, used in FROM clauses
typedef struct RangeVar
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* the relation name */
    InhOption    inhOpt;            /* expand rel by inheritance? */
    Attr       *name;            /* optional table alias & column aliases */
} RangeVar;

 * RangeSubselect - subquery appearing in a FROM clause
typedef struct RangeSubselect
    NodeTag        type;
    Node       *subquery;        /* the untransformed sub-select clause */
    Attr       *name;            /* table alias & optional column aliases */
} RangeSubselect;

 * IndexElem - index parameters (used in CREATE INDEX)
 * For a plain index, each 'name' is an attribute name in the heap relation,
 * and 'args' is NIL.  For a functional index, only one IndexElem is allowed.
 * It has name = name of function and args = list of attribute names that
 * are the function's arguments.
typedef struct IndexElem
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;            /* name of attribute to index, or function */
    List       *args;            /* list of names of function arguments */
    char       *class;            /* name of desired opclass; NULL = default */
} IndexElem;

 * DefElem -
 *      a definition (used in definition lists in the form of defname = arg)
typedef struct DefElem
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *defname;
    Node       *arg;            /* a (Value *) or a (TypeName *) */
} DefElem;

 *    Nodes for a Domain Creation tree
/* ----------------------
 *        CreateDomain Statement
 * ----------------------
 * Down here as it required TypeName to be defined first.
typedef struct CreateDomainStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *domainname;            /* name of domain to create */
    TypeName   *typename;            /* the typecast */
    List       *constraints;        /* constraints (list of Constraint nodes) */
} CreateDomainStmt;

 *    Nodes for a Query tree

 * TargetEntry -
 *       a target  entry (used in the transformed target list)
 * one of resdom or fjoin is not NULL. a target list is
 *        ((<resdom | fjoin> expr) (<resdom | fjoin> expr) ...)
typedef struct TargetEntry
    NodeTag        type;
    Resdom       *resdom;            /* fjoin overload this to be a list?? */
    Fjoin       *fjoin;
    Node       *expr;
} TargetEntry;

 * RangeTblEntry -
 *      A range table is a List of RangeTblEntry nodes.
 *      Currently we use the same node type for both plain relation references
 *      and sub-selects in the FROM clause.  It might be cleaner to abstract
 *      the common fields into a "superclass" nodetype.
 *      alias is an Attr node representing the AS alias-clause attached to the
 *      FROM expression, or NULL if no clause.
 *      eref is the table reference name and column reference names (either
 *      real or aliases).  Note that system columns (OID etc) are not included
 *      in the column list.
 *      eref->relname is required to be present, and should generally be used
 *      to identify the RTE for error messages etc.
 *      inh is TRUE for relation references that should be expanded to include
 *      inheritance children, if the rel has any.  This *must* be FALSE for
 *      subquery RTEs.
 *      inFromCl marks those range variables that are listed in the FROM clause.
 *      In SQL, the query can only refer to range variables listed in the
 *      FROM clause, but POSTQUEL allows you to refer to tables not listed,
 *      in which case a range table entry will be generated.    We still support
 *      this POSTQUEL feature, although there is some doubt whether it's
 *      convenient or merely confusing.  The flag is needed since an
 *      implicitly-added RTE shouldn't change the namespace for unqualified
 *      column names processed later, and it also shouldn't affect the
 *      expansion of '*'.
 *      checkForRead, checkForWrite, and checkAsUser control run-time access
 *      permissions checks.  A rel will be checked for read or write access
 *      (or both, or neither) per checkForRead and checkForWrite.  If
 *      checkAsUser is not InvalidOid, then do the permissions checks using
 *      the access rights of that user, not the current effective user ID.
 *      (This allows rules to act as setuid gateways.)
typedef struct RangeTblEntry
    NodeTag        type;

     * Fields valid for a plain relation RTE (else NULL/zero):
    char       *relname;        /* real name of the relation */
    Oid            relid;            /* OID of the relation */

     * Fields valid for a subquery RTE (else NULL):
    Query       *subquery;        /* the sub-query */

     * Fields valid in all RTEs:
    Attr       *alias;            /* user-written alias clause, if any */
    Attr       *eref;            /* expanded reference names */
    bool        inh;            /* inheritance requested? */
    bool        inFromCl;        /* present in FROM clause */
    bool        checkForRead;    /* check rel for read access */
    bool        checkForWrite;    /* check rel for write access */
    Oid            checkAsUser;    /* if not zero, check access as this user */
} RangeTblEntry;

 * SortClause -
 *       representation of ORDER BY clauses
 * tleSortGroupRef must match ressortgroupref of exactly one Resdom of the
 * associated targetlist; that is the expression to be sorted (or grouped) by.
 * sortop is the OID of the ordering operator.
 * SortClauses are also used to identify Resdoms that we will do a "Unique"
 * filter step on (for SELECT DISTINCT and SELECT DISTINCT ON).  The
 * distinctClause list is simply a copy of the relevant members of the
 * sortClause list.  Note that distinctClause can be a subset of sortClause,
 * but cannot have members not present in sortClause; and the members that
 * do appear must be in the same order as in sortClause.
typedef struct SortClause
    NodeTag        type;
    Index        tleSortGroupRef;    /* reference into targetlist */
    Oid            sortop;            /* the sort operator to use */
} SortClause;

 * GroupClause -
 *       representation of GROUP BY clauses
 * GroupClause is exactly like SortClause except for the nodetag value
 * (it's probably not even really necessary to have two different
 * nodetags...).  We have routines that operate interchangeably on both.
typedef SortClause GroupClause;

 *        Optimizable Statements

/* ----------------------
 *        Insert Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct InsertStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* relation to insert into */
    List       *cols;            /* optional: names of the target columns */

     * An INSERT statement has *either* VALUES or SELECT, never both. If
     * VALUES, a targetList is supplied (empty for DEFAULT VALUES). If
     * SELECT, a complete SelectStmt (or set-operation tree) is supplied.
    List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
    Node       *selectStmt;        /* the source SELECT */
} InsertStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Delete Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct DeleteStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* relation to delete from */
    Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
    InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
} DeleteStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Update Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct UpdateStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* relation to update */
    List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
    Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
    List       *fromClause;        /* the from clause */
    InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
} UpdateStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Select Statement
 * A "simple" SELECT is represented in the output of gram.y by a single
 * SelectStmt node.  A SELECT construct containing set operators (UNION,
 * INTERSECT, EXCEPT) is represented by a tree of SelectStmt nodes, in
 * which the leaf nodes are component SELECTs and the internal nodes
 * represent UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators.  Using the same node
 * type for both leaf and internal nodes allows gram.y to stick ORDER BY,
 * LIMIT, etc, clause values into a SELECT statement without worrying
 * whether it is a simple or compound SELECT.
 * ----------------------
typedef enum SetOperation
    SETOP_NONE = 0,
} SetOperation;

typedef struct SelectStmt
    NodeTag        type;

     * These fields are used only in "leaf" SelectStmts.
    List       *distinctClause; /* NULL, list of DISTINCT ON exprs, or
                                 * lcons(NIL,NIL) for all (SELECT
                                 * DISTINCT) */
    char       *into;            /* name of table (for select into table) */
    bool        istemp;            /* into is a temp table? */
    List       *intoColNames;    /* column names for into table */
    List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
    List       *fromClause;        /* the FROM clause */
    Node       *whereClause;    /* WHERE qualification */
    List       *groupClause;    /* GROUP BY clauses */
    Node       *havingClause;    /* HAVING conditional-expression */

     * These fields are used in both "leaf" SelectStmts and upper-level
     * SelectStmts.  portalname/binary may only be set at the top level.
    List       *sortClause;        /* sort clause (a list of SortGroupBy's) */
    char       *portalname;        /* the portal (cursor) to create */
    bool        binary;            /* a binary (internal) portal? */
    Node       *limitOffset;    /* # of result tuples to skip */
    Node       *limitCount;        /* # of result tuples to return */
    List       *forUpdate;        /* FOR UPDATE clause */

     * These fields are used only in upper-level SelectStmts.
    SetOperation op;            /* type of set op */
    bool        all;            /* ALL specified? */
    struct SelectStmt *larg;    /* left child */
    struct SelectStmt *rarg;    /* right child */
    /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */
} SelectStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Set Operation node for post-analysis query trees
 * After parse analysis, a SELECT with set operations is represented by a
 * top-level Query node containing the leaf SELECTs as subqueries in its
 * range table.  Its setOperations field shows the tree of set operations,
 * with leaf SelectStmt nodes replaced by RangeTblRef nodes, and internal
 * nodes replaced by SetOperationStmt nodes.
 * ----------------------
typedef struct SetOperationStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    SetOperation op;            /* type of set op */
    bool        all;            /* ALL specified? */
    Node       *larg;            /* left child */
    Node       *rarg;            /* right child */
    /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */

    /* Fields derived during parse analysis: */
    List       *colTypes;        /* integer list of OIDs of output column
                                 * types */
} SetOperationStmt;

 *        Other Statements (no optimizations required)
 *        Some of them require a little bit of transformation (which is also
 *        done by transformStmt). The whole structure is then passed on to
 *        ProcessUtility (by-passing the optimization step) as the utilityStmt
 *        field in Query.

/* ----------------------
 *    Alter Table
 * The fields are used in different ways by the different variants of
 * this command.
 * ----------------------
typedef struct AlterTableStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char        subtype;        /*------------
                                 *    A = add column
                                 *    T = alter column default
                                 *    S = alter column statistics
                                 *  M = alter column storage
                                 *    D = drop column
                                 *    C = add constraint
                                 *    X = drop constraint
                                 *    E = create toast table
                                 *    U = change owner
    char       *relname;        /* table to work on */
    InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
    char       *name;            /* column or constraint name to act on, or
                                 * new owner */
    Node       *def;            /* definition of new column or constraint */
    int            behavior;        /* CASCADE or RESTRICT drop behavior */
} AlterTableStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Grant Statement
 * ----------------------

typedef struct GrantStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    bool        is_grant;        /* not revoke */
    int            objtype;
    List       *objects;
    List       *privileges;
    List       *grantees;
} GrantStmt;

typedef struct PrivGrantee
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *username;        /* if both are NULL then PUBLIC */
    char       *groupname;
} PrivGrantee;

typedef struct FuncWithArgs
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *funcname;
    List       *funcargs;
} FuncWithArgs;

/* This is only used internally in gram.y. */
typedef struct PrivTarget
    NodeTag        type;
    int            objtype;
    List       *objs;
} PrivTarget;

/* ----------------------
 *        Close Portal Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct ClosePortalStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *portalname;        /* name of the portal (cursor) */
} ClosePortalStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Copy Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct CopyStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    bool        binary;            /* is a binary copy? */
    char       *relname;        /* the relation to copy */
    bool        oids;            /* copy oid's? */
    int            direction;        /* TO or FROM */
    char       *filename;        /* if NULL, use stdin/stdout */
    char       *delimiter;        /* delimiter character, \t by default */
    char       *null_print;        /* how to print NULLs, `\N' by default */
} CopyStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create Table Statement
 * NOTE: in the raw gram.y output, ColumnDef, Constraint, and FkConstraint
 * nodes are intermixed in tableElts, and constraints is NIL.  After parse
 * analysis, tableElts contains just ColumnDefs, and constraints contains
 * just Constraint nodes (in fact, only CONSTR_CHECK nodes, in the present
 * implementation).
 * ----------------------
typedef struct CreateStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* name of relation to create */
    List       *tableElts;        /* column definitions (list of ColumnDef) */
    List       *inhRelnames;    /* relations to inherit from (list of
                                 * T_String Values) */
    List       *constraints;    /* constraints (list of Constraint nodes) */
    bool        istemp;            /* is this a temp table? */
    bool        hasoids;        /* should it have OIDs? */
} CreateStmt;

/* ----------
 * Definitions for plain (non-FOREIGN KEY) constraints in CreateStmt
 * XXX probably these ought to be unified with FkConstraints at some point?
 * For constraints that use expressions (CONSTR_DEFAULT, CONSTR_CHECK)
 * we may have the expression in either "raw" form (an untransformed
 * parse tree) or "cooked" form (the nodeToString representation of
 * an executable expression tree), depending on how this Constraint
 * node was created (by parsing, or by inheritance from an existing
 * relation).  We should never have both in the same node!
 * Constraint attributes (DEFERRABLE etc) are initially represented as
 * separate Constraint nodes for simplicity of parsing.  analyze.c makes
 * a pass through the constraints list to attach the info to the appropriate
 * FkConstraint node (and, perhaps, someday to other kinds of constraints).
 * ----------

typedef enum ConstrType            /* types of constraints */
    CONSTR_NULL,                /* not SQL92, but a lot of people expect
                                 * it */
    CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRABLE,        /* attributes for previous constraint node */
} ConstrType;

typedef struct Constraint
    NodeTag        type;
    ConstrType    contype;
    char       *name;            /* name, or NULL if unnamed */
    Node       *raw_expr;        /* expr, as untransformed parse tree */
    char       *cooked_expr;    /* expr, as nodeToString representation */
    List       *keys;            /* Ident nodes naming referenced column(s) */
} Constraint;

/* ----------
 * Definitions for FOREIGN KEY constraints in CreateStmt
 * ----------
#define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_NOACTION        0x0000
#define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_RESTRICT        0x0001
#define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_CASCADE            0x0002
#define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_SETNULL            0x0004
#define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_SETDEFAULT        0x0008

#define FKCONSTR_ON_DELETE_MASK            0x000F

#define FKCONSTR_ON_UPDATE_MASK            0x00F0

typedef struct FkConstraint
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *constr_name;    /* Constraint name */
    char       *pktable_name;    /* Primary key table name */
    List       *fk_attrs;        /* Attributes of foreign key */
    List       *pk_attrs;        /* Corresponding attrs in PK table */
    char       *match_type;        /* FULL or PARTIAL */
    int32        actions;        /* ON DELETE/UPDATE actions */
    bool        deferrable;        /* DEFERRABLE */
    bool        initdeferred;    /* INITIALLY DEFERRED */
} FkConstraint;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create/Drop TRIGGER Statements
 * ----------------------

typedef struct CreateTrigStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *trigname;        /* TRIGGER' name */
    char       *relname;        /* triggered relation */
    char       *funcname;        /* function to call (or NULL) */
    List       *args;            /* list of (T_String) Values or NULL */
    bool        before;            /* BEFORE/AFTER */
    bool        row;            /* ROW/STATEMENT */
    char        actions[4];        /* Insert, Update, Delete */
    char       *lang;            /* currently not used, always NULL */
    char       *text;            /* AS 'text' */
    List       *attr;            /* UPDATE OF a, b,... (NI) or NULL */
    char       *when;            /* WHEN 'a > 10 ...' (NI) or NULL */

    /* The following are used for referential */
    /* integrity constraint triggers */
    bool        isconstraint;    /* This is an RI trigger */
    bool        deferrable;        /* [NOT] DEFERRABLE */
    bool        initdeferred;    /* INITIALLY {DEFERRED|IMMEDIATE} */
    char       *constrrelname;    /* opposite relation */
} CreateTrigStmt;

typedef struct DropTrigStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *trigname;        /* TRIGGER' name */
    char       *relname;        /* triggered relation */
} DropTrigStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create/Drop PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct CreatePLangStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *plname;            /* PL name */
    char       *plhandler;        /* PL call handler function */
    char       *plcompiler;        /* lancompiler text */
    bool        pltrusted;        /* PL is trusted */
} CreatePLangStmt;

typedef struct DropPLangStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *plname;            /* PL name */
} DropPLangStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *    Create/Alter/Drop User Statements
 * ----------------------
typedef struct CreateUserStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *user;            /* PostgreSQL user login name */
    List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
} CreateUserStmt;

typedef struct AlterUserStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *user;            /* PostgreSQL user login name */
    List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
} AlterUserStmt;

typedef struct AlterUserSetStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *user;
    char       *variable;
    List       *value;
} AlterUserSetStmt;

typedef struct DropUserStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    List       *users;            /* List of users to remove */
} DropUserStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create/Alter/Drop Group Statements
 * ----------------------
typedef struct CreateGroupStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;            /* name of the new group */
    List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
} CreateGroupStmt;

typedef struct AlterGroupStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;            /* name of group to alter */
    int            action;            /* +1 = add, -1 = drop user */
    List       *listUsers;        /* list of users to add/drop */
} AlterGroupStmt;

typedef struct DropGroupStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;
} DropGroupStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create SEQUENCE Statement
 * ----------------------

typedef struct CreateSeqStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *seqname;        /* the relation to create */
    bool        istemp;            /* is this a temp sequence? */
    List       *options;
} CreateSeqStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create Version Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct VersionStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* the new relation */
    int            direction;        /* FORWARD | BACKWARD */
    char       *fromRelname;    /* relation to create a version */
    char       *date;            /* date of the snapshot */
} VersionStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create {Operator|Type|Aggregate} Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct DefineStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    int            defType;        /* OPERATOR|P_TYPE|AGGREGATE */
    char       *defname;
    List       *definition;        /* a list of DefElem */
} DefineStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Drop Table|Sequence|View|Index|Rule|Type Statement
 * ----------------------

#define DROP_TABLE      1
#define DROP_VIEW      3
#define DROP_INDEX      4
#define DROP_RULE      5
#define DROP_TYPE_P   6
#define DROP_DOMAIN_P 7

typedef struct DropStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    List       *names;
    int            removeType;
    int               behavior;        /* CASCADE or RESTRICT drop behavior */
} DropStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *                Truncate Table Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct TruncateStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relName;        /* relation to be truncated */
} TruncateStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *                Comment On Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct CommentStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    int            objtype;        /* Object's type */
    char       *objname;        /* Name of the object */
    char       *objproperty;    /* Property Id (such as column) */
    List       *objlist;        /* Arguments for VAL objects */
    char       *comment;        /* The comment to insert */
} CommentStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Begin Recipe Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct RecipeStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *recipeName;        /* name of the recipe */
} RecipeStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Fetch Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct FetchStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    int            direction;        /* FORWARD or BACKWARD */
    int            howMany;        /* amount to fetch ("ALL" --> 0) */
    char       *portalname;        /* name of portal (cursor) */
    bool        ismove;            /* TRUE if MOVE */
} FetchStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create Index Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct IndexStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *idxname;        /* name of the index */
    char       *relname;        /* name of relation to index on */
    char       *accessMethod;    /* name of access method (eg. btree) */
    List       *indexParams;    /* a list of IndexElem */
    Node       *whereClause;    /* qualification (partial-index predicate) */
    List       *rangetable;        /* range table for qual, filled in by
                                 * transformStmt() */
    bool        unique;            /* is index unique? */
    bool        primary;        /* is index on primary key? */
} IndexStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create Function Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct ProcedureStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    bool        replace;        /* T => replace if already exists */
    char       *funcname;        /* name of function to create */
    List       *argTypes;        /* list of argument types (TypeName nodes) */
    Node       *returnType;        /* the return type (a TypeName node) */
    List       *withClause;        /* a list of DefElem */
    List       *as;                /* definition of function body */
    char       *language;        /* C, SQL, etc */
} ProcedureStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Drop Aggregate Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct RemoveAggrStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *aggname;        /* aggregate to drop */
    Node       *aggtype;        /* TypeName for input datatype, or NULL */
} RemoveAggrStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Drop Function Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct RemoveFuncStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *funcname;        /* function to drop */
    List       *args;            /* types of the arguments */
} RemoveFuncStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Drop Operator Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct RemoveOperStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *opname;            /* operator to drop */
    List       *args;            /* types of the arguments */
} RemoveOperStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Alter Table Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct RenameStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* relation to be altered */
    InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
    char       *column;            /* if NULL, rename the relation name to
                                 * the new name. Otherwise, rename this
                                 * column name. */
    char       *newname;        /* the new name */
} RenameStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create Rule Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct RuleStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *rulename;        /* name of the rule */
    Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
    CmdType        event;            /* RETRIEVE */
    struct Attr *object;        /* object affected */
    bool        instead;        /* is a 'do instead'? */
    List       *actions;        /* the action statements */
} RuleStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Notify Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct NotifyStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* relation to notify */
} NotifyStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Listen Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct ListenStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* relation to listen on */
} ListenStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Unlisten Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct UnlistenStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* relation to unlisten on */
} UnlistenStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        {Begin|Abort|End} Transaction Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct TransactionStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    int            command;        /* BEGIN|END|ABORT */
} TransactionStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Create View Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct ViewStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *viewname;        /* name of the view */
    List       *aliases;        /* target column names */
    Query       *query;            /* the SQL statement */
} ViewStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Load Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct LoadStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *filename;        /* file to load */
} LoadStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Createdb Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct CreatedbStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *dbname;            /* name of database to create */
    char       *dbowner;        /* name of owner (NULL = default) */
    char       *dbpath;            /* location of database (NULL = default) */
    char       *dbtemplate;        /* template to use (NULL = default) */
    int            encoding;        /* MULTIBYTE encoding (-1 = use default) */
} CreatedbStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *    Alter Database
 * ----------------------
typedef struct AlterDatabaseSetStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *dbname;
    char       *variable;
    List       *value;
} AlterDatabaseSetStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Dropdb Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct DropdbStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *dbname;            /* database to drop */
} DropdbStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Cluster Statement (support pbrown's cluster index implementation)
 * ----------------------
typedef struct ClusterStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *relname;        /* relation being indexed */
    char       *indexname;        /* original index defined */
} ClusterStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Vacuum and Analyze Statements
 * Even though these are nominally two statements, it's convenient to use
 * just one node type for both.
 * ----------------------
typedef struct VacuumStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    bool        vacuum;            /* do VACUUM step */
    bool        full;            /* do FULL (non-concurrent) vacuum */
    bool        analyze;        /* do ANALYZE step */
    bool        freeze;            /* early-freeze option */
    bool        verbose;        /* print progress info */
    char       *vacrel;            /* name of single table to process, or
                                 * NULL */
    List       *va_cols;        /* list of column names, or NIL for all */
} VacuumStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        Explain Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct ExplainStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    Query       *query;            /* the query */
    bool        verbose;        /* print plan info */
    bool        analyze;        /* get statistics by executing plan */
} ExplainStmt;

/* ----------------------
 * Checkpoint Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct CheckPointStmt
    NodeTag        type;
} CheckPointStmt;

/* ----------------------
 * Set Statement
 * ----------------------

typedef struct VariableSetStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;
    List       *args;
} VariableSetStmt;

/* ----------------------
 * Show Statement
 * ----------------------

typedef struct VariableShowStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;
} VariableShowStmt;

/* ----------------------
 * Reset Statement
 * ----------------------

typedef struct VariableResetStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    char       *name;
} VariableResetStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        LOCK Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct LockStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    List       *rellist;        /* relations to lock */
    int            mode;            /* lock mode */
} LockStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        SET CONSTRAINTS Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct ConstraintsSetStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    List       *constraints;
    bool        deferred;
} ConstraintsSetStmt;

/* ----------------------
 *        REINDEX Statement
 * ----------------------
typedef struct ReindexStmt
    NodeTag        type;
    int            reindexType;    /* INDEX|TABLE|DATABASE */
    const char *name;            /* name to reindex */
    bool        force;
    bool        all;
} ReindexStmt;

#endif   /* PARSENODES_H */
Index: src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h,v
retrieving revision 1.157
diff -c -p -r1.157 parsenodes.h
*** src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h    2002/03/06 20:35:00    1.157
--- src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h    2002/03/07 15:55:07
*** 16,21 ****
--- 16,30 ----

  #include "nodes/primnodes.h"

+ typedef enum InhOption
+ {
+     INH_NO,                        /* Do NOT scan child tables */
+     INH_YES,                    /* DO scan child tables */
+     INH_DEFAULT                    /* Use current SQL_inheritance option */
+ } InhOption;
   *    Query Tree
*************** typedef struct Query
*** 92,1419 ****
      List       *query_pathkeys; /* pathkeys for query_planner()'s result */
  } Query;

- typedef enum InhOption
- {
-     INH_NO,                        /* Do NOT scan child tables */
-     INH_YES,                    /* DO scan child tables */
-     INH_DEFAULT                    /* Use current SQL_inheritance option */
- } InhOption;

! /*****************************************************************************
!  *        Other Statements (no optimizations required)
!  *        Some of them require a little bit of transformation (which is also
!  *        done by transformStmt). The whole structure is then passed on to
!  *        ProcessUtility (by-passing the optimization step) as the utilityStmt
!  *        field in Query.
!  *****************************************************************************/

! /* ----------------------
!  *    Alter Table
!  *
!  * The fields are used in different ways by the different variants of
!  * this command.
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct AlterTableStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char        subtype;        /*------------
!                                  *    A = add column
!                                  *    T = alter column default
!                                  *    S = alter column statistics
!                                  *  M = alter column storage
!                                  *    D = drop column
!                                  *    C = add constraint
!                                  *    X = drop constraint
!                                  *    E = create toast table
!                                  *    U = change owner
!                                  *------------
!                                  */
!     char       *relname;        /* table to work on */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
!     char       *name;            /* column or constraint name to act on, or
!                                  * new owner */
!     Node       *def;            /* definition of new column or constraint */
!     int            behavior;        /* CASCADE or RESTRICT drop behavior */
! } AlterTableStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Grant Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct GrantStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     bool        is_grant;        /* not revoke */
!     int            objtype;
!     List       *objects;
!     List       *privileges;
!     List       *grantees;
! } GrantStmt;

! typedef struct PrivGrantee
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *username;        /* if both are NULL then PUBLIC */
!     char       *groupname;
! } PrivGrantee;

! typedef struct FuncWithArgs
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *funcname;
!     List       *funcargs;
! } FuncWithArgs;

! /* This is only used internally in gram.y. */
! typedef struct PrivTarget
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            objtype;
!     List       *objs;
! } PrivTarget;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Close Portal Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ClosePortalStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *portalname;        /* name of the portal (cursor) */
! } ClosePortalStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Copy Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct CopyStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     bool        binary;            /* is a binary copy? */
!     char       *relname;        /* the relation to copy */
!     bool        oids;            /* copy oid's? */
!     int            direction;        /* TO or FROM */
!     char       *filename;        /* if NULL, use stdin/stdout */
!     char       *delimiter;        /* delimiter character, \t by default */
!     char       *null_print;        /* how to print NULLs, `\N' by default */
! } CopyStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Table Statement
!  *
!  * NOTE: in the raw gram.y output, ColumnDef, Constraint, and FkConstraint
!  * nodes are intermixed in tableElts, and constraints is NIL.  After parse
!  * analysis, tableElts contains just ColumnDefs, and constraints contains
!  * just Constraint nodes (in fact, only CONSTR_CHECK nodes, in the present
!  * implementation).
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreateStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* name of relation to create */
!     List       *tableElts;        /* column definitions (list of ColumnDef) */
!     List       *inhRelnames;    /* relations to inherit from (list of
!                                  * T_String Values) */
!     List       *constraints;    /* constraints (list of Constraint nodes) */
!     bool        istemp;            /* is this a temp table? */
!     bool        hasoids;        /* should it have OIDs? */
! } CreateStmt;

! /* ----------
!  * Definitions for plain (non-FOREIGN KEY) constraints in CreateStmt
!  *
!  * XXX probably these ought to be unified with FkConstraints at some point?
!  *
!  * For constraints that use expressions (CONSTR_DEFAULT, CONSTR_CHECK)
!  * we may have the expression in either "raw" form (an untransformed
!  * parse tree) or "cooked" form (the nodeToString representation of
!  * an executable expression tree), depending on how this Constraint
!  * node was created (by parsing, or by inheritance from an existing
!  * relation).  We should never have both in the same node!
!  * Constraint attributes (DEFERRABLE etc) are initially represented as
!  * separate Constraint nodes for simplicity of parsing.  analyze.c makes
!  * a pass through the constraints list to attach the info to the appropriate
!  * FkConstraint node (and, perhaps, someday to other kinds of constraints).
!  * ----------

! typedef enum ConstrType            /* types of constraints */
!     CONSTR_NULL,                /* not SQL92, but a lot of people expect
!                                  * it */
!     CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRABLE,        /* attributes for previous constraint node */
! } ConstrType;

! typedef struct Constraint
      NodeTag        type;
!     ConstrType    contype;
!     char       *name;            /* name, or NULL if unnamed */
!     Node       *raw_expr;        /* expr, as untransformed parse tree */
!     char       *cooked_expr;    /* expr, as nodeToString representation */
!     List       *keys;            /* Ident nodes naming referenced column(s) */
! } Constraint;

! /* ----------
!  * Definitions for FOREIGN KEY constraints in CreateStmt
!  * ----------
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_NOACTION        0x0000
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_RESTRICT        0x0001
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_CASCADE            0x0002
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_SETNULL            0x0004
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_SETDEFAULT        0x0008
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_DELETE_MASK            0x000F
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_DELETE_SHIFT        0
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_UPDATE_MASK            0x00F0
- #define FKCONSTR_ON_UPDATE_SHIFT        4

! typedef struct FkConstraint
!     NodeTag        type;
!     char       *constr_name;    /* Constraint name */
!     char       *pktable_name;    /* Primary key table name */
!     List       *fk_attrs;        /* Attributes of foreign key */
!     List       *pk_attrs;        /* Corresponding attrs in PK table */
!     char       *match_type;        /* FULL or PARTIAL */
!     int32        actions;        /* ON DELETE/UPDATE actions */
!     bool        deferrable;        /* DEFERRABLE */
!     bool        initdeferred;    /* INITIALLY DEFERRED */
! } FkConstraint;
! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create/Drop TRIGGER Statements
!  * ----------------------
!  */

! typedef struct CreateTrigStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *trigname;        /* TRIGGER' name */
!     char       *relname;        /* triggered relation */
!     char       *funcname;        /* function to call (or NULL) */
!     List       *args;            /* list of (T_String) Values or NULL */
!     bool        before;            /* BEFORE/AFTER */
!     bool        row;            /* ROW/STATEMENT */
!     char        actions[4];        /* Insert, Update, Delete */
!     char       *lang;            /* currently not used, always NULL */
!     char       *text;            /* AS 'text' */
!     List       *attr;            /* UPDATE OF a, b,... (NI) or NULL */
!     char       *when;            /* WHEN 'a > 10 ...' (NI) or NULL */
!     /* The following are used for referential */
!     /* integrity constraint triggers */
!     bool        isconstraint;    /* This is an RI trigger */
!     bool        deferrable;        /* [NOT] DEFERRABLE */
!     bool        initdeferred;    /* INITIALLY {DEFERRED|IMMEDIATE} */
!     char       *constrrelname;    /* opposite relation */
! } CreateTrigStmt;

! typedef struct DropTrigStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *trigname;        /* TRIGGER' name */
!     char       *relname;        /* triggered relation */
! } DropTrigStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create/Drop PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreatePLangStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *plname;            /* PL name */
!     char       *plhandler;        /* PL call handler function */
!     char       *plcompiler;        /* lancompiler text */
!     bool        pltrusted;        /* PL is trusted */
! } CreatePLangStmt;

! typedef struct DropPLangStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *plname;            /* PL name */
! } DropPLangStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *    Create/Alter/Drop User Statements
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreateUserStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *user;            /* PostgreSQL user login name */
!     List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
! } CreateUserStmt;

! typedef struct AlterUserStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *user;            /* PostgreSQL user login name */
!     List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
! } AlterUserStmt;

! typedef struct AlterUserSetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *user;
!     char       *variable;
!     List       *value;
! } AlterUserSetStmt;

! typedef struct DropUserStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     List       *users;            /* List of users to remove */
! } DropUserStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create/Alter/Drop Group Statements
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreateGroupStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* name of the new group */
!     List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
! } CreateGroupStmt;

! typedef struct AlterGroupStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* name of group to alter */
!     int            action;            /* +1 = add, -1 = drop user */
!     List       *listUsers;        /* list of users to add/drop */
! } AlterGroupStmt;

! typedef struct DropGroupStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;
! } DropGroupStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create SEQUENCE Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreateSeqStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *seqname;        /* the relation to create */
!     bool        istemp;            /* is this a temp sequence? */
!     List       *options;
! } CreateSeqStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Version Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct VersionStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* the new relation */
!     int            direction;        /* FORWARD | BACKWARD */
!     char       *fromRelname;    /* relation to create a version */
!     char       *date;            /* date of the snapshot */
! } VersionStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create {Operator|Type|Aggregate} Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct DefineStmt
      NodeTag        type;
-     int            defType;        /* OPERATOR|P_TYPE|AGGREGATE */
-     char       *defname;
-     List       *definition;        /* a list of DefElem */
- } DefineStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Drop Table|Sequence|View|Index|Rule|Type Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */

! #define DROP_TABLE      1
! #define DROP_SEQUENCE 2
! #define DROP_VIEW      3
! #define DROP_INDEX      4
! #define DROP_RULE      5
! #define DROP_TYPE_P   6
! #define DROP_DOMAIN_P 7

! typedef struct DropStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     List       *names;
!     int            removeType;
!     int               behavior;        /* CASCADE or RESTRICT drop behavior */
! } DropStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *                Truncate Table Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct TruncateStmt
! {
!     NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relName;        /* relation to be truncated */
! } TruncateStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *                Comment On Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CommentStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            objtype;        /* Object's type */
!     char       *objname;        /* Name of the object */
!     char       *objproperty;    /* Property Id (such as column) */
!     List       *objlist;        /* Arguments for VAL objects */
!     char       *comment;        /* The comment to insert */
! } CommentStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Begin Recipe Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct RecipeStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *recipeName;        /* name of the recipe */
! } RecipeStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Fetch Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct FetchStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            direction;        /* FORWARD or BACKWARD */
!     int            howMany;        /* amount to fetch ("ALL" --> 0) */
!     char       *portalname;        /* name of portal (cursor) */
!     bool        ismove;            /* TRUE if MOVE */
! } FetchStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Index Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct IndexStmt
!     NodeTag        type;
!     char       *idxname;        /* name of the index */
!     char       *relname;        /* name of relation to index on */
!     char       *accessMethod;    /* name of access method (eg. btree) */
!     List       *indexParams;    /* a list of IndexElem */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* qualification (partial-index predicate) */
!     List       *rangetable;        /* range table for qual, filled in by
!                                  * transformStmt() */
!     bool        unique;            /* is index unique? */
!     bool        primary;        /* is index on primary key? */
! } IndexStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Function Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct ProcedureStmt
      NodeTag        type;
-     bool        replace;        /* T => replace if already exists */
-     char       *funcname;        /* name of function to create */
-     List       *argTypes;        /* list of argument types (TypeName nodes) */
-     Node       *returnType;        /* the return type (a TypeName node) */
-     List       *withClause;        /* a list of DefElem */
-     List       *as;                /* definition of function body */
-     char       *language;        /* C, SQL, etc */
- } ProcedureStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Drop Aggregate Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct RemoveAggrStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *aggname;        /* aggregate to drop */
!     Node       *aggtype;        /* TypeName for input datatype, or NULL */
! } RemoveAggrStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Drop Function Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct RemoveFuncStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *funcname;        /* function to drop */
!     List       *args;            /* types of the arguments */
! } RemoveFuncStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Drop Operator Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct RemoveOperStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *opname;            /* operator to drop */
!     List       *args;            /* types of the arguments */
! } RemoveOperStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Alter Table Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct RenameStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to be altered */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
!     char       *column;            /* if NULL, rename the relation name to
!                                  * the new name. Otherwise, rename this
!                                  * column name. */
!     char       *newname;        /* the new name */
! } RenameStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Rule Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct RuleStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *rulename;        /* name of the rule */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
!     CmdType        event;            /* RETRIEVE */
!     struct Attr *object;        /* object affected */
!     bool        instead;        /* is a 'do instead'? */
!     List       *actions;        /* the action statements */
! } RuleStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Notify Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct NotifyStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to notify */
! } NotifyStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Listen Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct ListenStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to listen on */
! } ListenStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Unlisten Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct UnlistenStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to unlisten on */
! } UnlistenStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        {Begin|Abort|End} Transaction Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct TransactionStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            command;        /* BEGIN|END|ABORT */
! } TransactionStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create View Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ViewStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *viewname;        /* name of the view */
!     List       *aliases;        /* target column names */
!     Query       *query;            /* the SQL statement */
! } ViewStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Load Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct LoadStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *filename;        /* file to load */
! } LoadStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Createdb Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct CreatedbStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *dbname;            /* name of database to create */
!     char       *dbowner;        /* name of owner (NULL = default) */
!     char       *dbpath;            /* location of database (NULL = default) */
!     char       *dbtemplate;        /* template to use (NULL = default) */
!     int            encoding;        /* MULTIBYTE encoding (-1 = use default) */
! } CreatedbStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *    Alter Database
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct AlterDatabaseSetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *dbname;
!     char       *variable;
!     List       *value;
! } AlterDatabaseSetStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Dropdb Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct DropdbStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *dbname;            /* database to drop */
! } DropdbStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Cluster Statement (support pbrown's cluster index implementation)
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct ClusterStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation being indexed */
!     char       *indexname;        /* original index defined */
! } ClusterStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Vacuum and Analyze Statements
!  *
!  * Even though these are nominally two statements, it's convenient to use
!  * just one node type for both.
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct VacuumStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     bool        vacuum;            /* do VACUUM step */
!     bool        full;            /* do FULL (non-concurrent) vacuum */
!     bool        analyze;        /* do ANALYZE step */
!     bool        freeze;            /* early-freeze option */
!     bool        verbose;        /* print progress info */
!     char       *vacrel;            /* name of single table to process, or
!                                  * NULL */
!     List       *va_cols;        /* list of column names, or NIL for all */
! } VacuumStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Explain Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct ExplainStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     Query       *query;            /* the query */
!     bool        verbose;        /* print plan info */
!     bool        analyze;        /* get statistics by executing plan */
! } ExplainStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  * Checkpoint Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct CheckPointStmt
      NodeTag        type;
! } CheckPointStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  * Set Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct VariableSetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;
!     List       *args;
! } VariableSetStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  * Show Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */

! typedef struct VariableShowStmt
      NodeTag        type;
      char       *name;
! } VariableShowStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  * Reset Statement
   * ----------------------

! typedef struct VariableResetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;
! } VariableResetStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        LOCK Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct LockStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     List       *rellist;        /* relations to lock */
!     int            mode;            /* lock mode */
! } LockStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        SET CONSTRAINTS Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct ConstraintsSetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     List       *constraints;
!     bool        deferred;
! } ConstraintsSetStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        REINDEX Statement
   * ----------------------
- typedef struct ReindexStmt
- {
-     NodeTag        type;
-     int            reindexType;    /* INDEX|TABLE|DATABASE */
-     const char *name;            /* name to reindex */
-     bool        force;
-     bool        all;
- } ReindexStmt;

! /*****************************************************************************
!  *        Optimizable Statements
!  *****************************************************************************/

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Insert Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct InsertStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to insert into */
!     List       *cols;            /* optional: names of the target columns */
!     /*
!      * An INSERT statement has *either* VALUES or SELECT, never both. If
!      * VALUES, a targetList is supplied (empty for DEFAULT VALUES). If
!      * SELECT, a complete SelectStmt (or set-operation tree) is supplied.
!      */
!     List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
!     Node       *selectStmt;        /* the source SELECT */
! } InsertStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Delete Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct DeleteStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to delete from */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
! } DeleteStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Update Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct UpdateStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to update */
!     List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
!     List       *fromClause;        /* the from clause */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
! } UpdateStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Select Statement
!  *
!  * A "simple" SELECT is represented in the output of gram.y by a single
!  * SelectStmt node.  A SELECT construct containing set operators (UNION,
!  * INTERSECT, EXCEPT) is represented by a tree of SelectStmt nodes, in
!  * which the leaf nodes are component SELECTs and the internal nodes
!  * represent UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators.  Using the same node
!  * type for both leaf and internal nodes allows gram.y to stick ORDER BY,
!  * LIMIT, etc, clause values into a SELECT statement without worrying
!  * whether it is a simple or compound SELECT.
   * ----------------------
! typedef enum SetOperation
! {
!     SETOP_NONE = 0,
! } SetOperation;
! typedef struct SelectStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     /*
!      * These fields are used only in "leaf" SelectStmts.
!      */
!     List       *distinctClause; /* NULL, list of DISTINCT ON exprs, or
!                                  * lcons(NIL,NIL) for all (SELECT
!                                  * DISTINCT) */
!     char       *into;            /* name of table (for select into table) */
!     bool        istemp;            /* into is a temp table? */
!     List       *intoColNames;    /* column names for into table */
!     List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
!     List       *fromClause;        /* the FROM clause */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* WHERE qualification */
!     List       *groupClause;    /* GROUP BY clauses */
!     Node       *havingClause;    /* HAVING conditional-expression */
!     /*
!      * These fields are used in both "leaf" SelectStmts and upper-level
!      * SelectStmts.  portalname/binary may only be set at the top level.
!      */
!     List       *sortClause;        /* sort clause (a list of SortGroupBy's) */
!     char       *portalname;        /* the portal (cursor) to create */
!     bool        binary;            /* a binary (internal) portal? */
!     Node       *limitOffset;    /* # of result tuples to skip */
!     Node       *limitCount;        /* # of result tuples to return */
!     List       *forUpdate;        /* FOR UPDATE clause */
!     /*
!      * These fields are used only in upper-level SelectStmts.
!      */
!     SetOperation op;            /* type of set op */
!     bool        all;            /* ALL specified? */
!     struct SelectStmt *larg;    /* left child */
!     struct SelectStmt *rarg;    /* right child */
!     /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */
! } SelectStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Set Operation node for post-analysis query trees
!  *
!  * After parse analysis, a SELECT with set operations is represented by a
!  * top-level Query node containing the leaf SELECTs as subqueries in its
!  * range table.  Its setOperations field shows the tree of set operations,
!  * with leaf SelectStmt nodes replaced by RangeTblRef nodes, and internal
!  * nodes replaced by SetOperationStmt nodes.
   * ----------------------
-  */
- typedef struct SetOperationStmt
- {
-     NodeTag        type;
-     SetOperation op;            /* type of set op */
-     bool        all;            /* ALL specified? */
-     Node       *larg;            /* left child */
-     Node       *rarg;            /* right child */
-     /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */
-     /* Fields derived during parse analysis: */
-     List       *colTypes;        /* integer list of OIDs of output column
-                                  * types */
- } SetOperationStmt;
- /****************************************************************************
-  *    Supporting data structures for Parse Trees
-  *
-  *    Most of these node types appear in raw parsetrees output by the grammar,
-  *    and get transformed to something else by the analyzer.    A few of them
-  *    are used as-is in transformed querytrees.
-  ****************************************************************************/
- /*
-  * TypeName - specifies a type in definitions
! typedef struct TypeName
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* name of the type */
!     bool        timezone;        /* timezone specified? */
!     bool        setof;            /* is a set? */
!     int32        typmod;            /* type modifier */
!     List       *arrayBounds;    /* array bounds */
!     char       *attrname;        /* field name when using %TYPE */
! } TypeName;

! /*
!  * ParamNo - specifies a parameter reference
! typedef struct ParamNo
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            number;            /* the number of the parameter */
!     TypeName   *typename;        /* the typecast */
!     List       *indirection;    /* array references */
! } ParamNo;

! /*
!  * A_Expr - binary expressions
! typedef struct A_Expr
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            oper;            /* type of operation (OP,OR,AND,NOT) */
!     char       *opname;            /* name of operator */
!     Node       *lexpr;            /* left argument */
!     Node       *rexpr;            /* right argument */
! } A_Expr;

! /*
!  * Attr -
!  *      specifies an Attribute (ie. a Column); could have nested dots or
!  *      array references.
!  *
! typedef struct Attr
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* name of relation (can be "*") */
!     ParamNo    *paramNo;        /* or a parameter */
!     List       *attrs;            /* attributes (possibly nested); list of
!                                  * Values (strings) */
!     List       *indirection;    /* array refs (list of A_Indices') */
! } Attr;

! /*
!  * A_Const - a constant expression
! typedef struct A_Const
      NodeTag        type;
!     Value        val;            /* the value (with the tag) */
!     TypeName   *typename;        /* typecast */
! } A_Const;

! /*
!  * TypeCast - a CAST expression
!  *
!  * NOTE: for mostly historical reasons, A_Const and ParamNo parsenodes contain
!  * room for a TypeName; we only generate a separate TypeCast node if the
!  * argument to be casted is neither of those kinds of nodes.  In theory either
!  * representation would work, but it is convenient (especially for A_Const)
!  * to have the target type immediately available.
! typedef struct TypeCast
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *arg;            /* the expression being casted */
!     TypeName   *typename;        /* the target type */
! } TypeCast;

! /*
!  * CaseExpr - a CASE expression
! typedef struct CaseExpr
      NodeTag        type;
!     Oid            casetype;
!     Node       *arg;            /* implicit equality comparison argument */
!     List       *args;            /* the arguments (list of WHEN clauses) */
!     Node       *defresult;        /* the default result (ELSE clause) */
! } CaseExpr;

! /*
!  * CaseWhen - an argument to a CASE expression
! typedef struct CaseWhen
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *expr;            /* comparison expression */
!     Node       *result;            /* substitution result */
! } CaseWhen;

! /* ----------------
!  * NullTest
!  *
!  * NullTest represents the operation of testing a value for NULLness.
!  * Currently, we only support scalar input values, but eventually a
!  * row-constructor input should be supported.
!  * The appropriate test is performed and returned as a boolean Datum.
!  * ----------------
! typedef enum NullTestType
! {
! } NullTestType;
! typedef struct NullTest
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *arg;            /* input expression */
!     NullTestType nulltesttype;    /* IS NULL, IS NOT NULL */
! } NullTest;

! /* ----------------
!  * BooleanTest
!  *
!  * BooleanTest represents the operation of determining whether a boolean
!  * is TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN (ie, NULL).  All six meaningful combinations
!  * are supported.  Note that a NULL input does *not* cause a NULL result.
!  * The appropriate test is performed and returned as a boolean Datum.
!  * ----------------
! typedef enum BoolTestType
! {
! } BoolTestType;
! typedef struct BooleanTest
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *arg;            /* input expression */
!     BoolTestType booltesttype;    /* test type */
! } BooleanTest;

! /*
!  * ColumnDef - column definition (used in various creates)
!  *
!  * If the column has a default value, we may have the value expression
!  * in either "raw" form (an untransformed parse tree) or "cooked" form
!  * (the nodeToString representation of an executable expression tree),
!  * depending on how this ColumnDef node was created (by parsing, or by
!  * inheritance from an existing relation).    We should never have both
!  * in the same node!
!  *
!  * The constraints list may contain a CONSTR_DEFAULT item in a raw
!  * parsetree produced by gram.y, but transformCreateStmt will remove
!  * the item and set raw_default instead.  CONSTR_DEFAULT items
!  * should not appear in any subsequent processing.
! typedef struct ColumnDef
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *colname;        /* name of column */
!     TypeName   *typename;        /* type of column */
!     bool        is_not_null;    /* NOT NULL constraint specified? */
!     Node       *raw_default;    /* default value (untransformed parse
!                                  * tree) */
!     char       *cooked_default; /* nodeToString representation */
!     List       *constraints;    /* other constraints on column */
! } ColumnDef;

! /*
!  * Ident -
!  *      an identifier (could be an attribute or a relation name). Depending
!  *      on the context at transformStmt time, the identifier is treated as
!  *      either a relation name (in which case, isRel will be set) or an
!  *      attribute (in which case, it will be transformed into an Attr).
! typedef struct Ident
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* its name */
!     List       *indirection;    /* array references */
!     bool        isRel;            /* is this a relation or a column? */
! } Ident;

! /*
!  * FuncCall - a function or aggregate invocation
!  *
!  * agg_star indicates we saw a 'foo(*)' construct, while agg_distinct
!  * indicates we saw 'foo(DISTINCT ...)'.  In either case, the construct
!  * *must* be an aggregate call.  Otherwise, it might be either an
!  * aggregate or some other kind of function.
! typedef struct FuncCall
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *funcname;        /* name of function */
!     List       *args;            /* the arguments (list of exprs) */
!     bool        agg_star;        /* argument was really '*' */
!     bool        agg_distinct;    /* arguments were labeled DISTINCT */
! } FuncCall;

! /*
!  * A_Indices - array reference or bounds ([lidx:uidx] or [uidx])
! typedef struct A_Indices
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *lidx;            /* could be NULL */
!     Node       *uidx;
! } A_Indices;

! /*
!  * ResTarget -
!  *      result target (used in target list of pre-transformed Parse trees)
!  *
!  * In a SELECT or INSERT target list, 'name' is either NULL or
!  * the column name assigned to the value.  (If there is an 'AS ColumnLabel'
!  * clause, the grammar sets 'name' from it; otherwise 'name' is initially NULL
!  * and is filled in during the parse analysis phase.)
!  * The 'indirection' field is not used at all.
!  *
!  * In an UPDATE target list, 'name' is the name of the destination column,
!  * and 'indirection' stores any subscripts attached to the destination.
!  * That is, our representation is UPDATE table SET name [indirection] = val.
! typedef struct ResTarget
! {
!     NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* column name or NULL */
!     List       *indirection;    /* subscripts for destination column, or
!                                  * NIL */
!     Node       *val;            /* the value expression to compute or
!                                  * assign */
! } ResTarget;

! /*
!  * SortGroupBy - for ORDER BY clause
! typedef struct SortGroupBy
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *useOp;            /* operator to use */
!     Node       *node;            /* Expression  */
! } SortGroupBy;

! /*
!  * RangeVar - range variable, used in FROM clauses
! typedef struct RangeVar
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* the relation name */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* expand rel by inheritance? */
!     Attr       *name;            /* optional table alias & column aliases */
! } RangeVar;

! /*
!  * RangeSubselect - subquery appearing in a FROM clause
! typedef struct RangeSubselect
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *subquery;        /* the untransformed sub-select clause */
!     Attr       *name;            /* table alias & optional column aliases */
! } RangeSubselect;

! /*
!  * IndexElem - index parameters (used in CREATE INDEX)
!  * For a plain index, each 'name' is an attribute name in the heap relation,
!  * and 'args' is NIL.  For a functional index, only one IndexElem is allowed.
!  * It has name = name of function and args = list of attribute names that
!  * are the function's arguments.
! typedef struct IndexElem
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* name of attribute to index, or function */
!     List       *args;            /* list of names of function arguments */
!     char       *class;            /* name of desired opclass; NULL = default */
! } IndexElem;

! /*
!  * DefElem -
!  *      a definition (used in definition lists in the form of defname = arg)
! typedef struct DefElem
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *defname;
!     Node       *arg;            /* a (Value *) or a (TypeName *) */
! } DefElem;

- /****************************************************************************
-  *    Nodes for a Domain Creation tree
-  ****************************************************************************/
  /* ----------------------
!  *        CreateDomain Statement
   * ----------------------
-  * Down here as it required TypeName to be defined first.
! typedef struct CreateDomainStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *domainname;            /* name of domain to create */
!     TypeName   *typename;            /* the typecast */
!     List       *constraints;        /* constraints (list of Constraint nodes) */
! } CreateDomainStmt;
! /****************************************************************************
!  *    Nodes for a Query tree
!  ****************************************************************************/

! /*
!  * TargetEntry -
!  *       a target  entry (used in the transformed target list)
!  *
!  * one of resdom or fjoin is not NULL. a target list is
!  *        ((<resdom | fjoin> expr) (<resdom | fjoin> expr) ...)
! typedef struct TargetEntry
      NodeTag        type;
!     Resdom       *resdom;            /* fjoin overload this to be a list?? */
!     Fjoin       *fjoin;
!     Node       *expr;
! } TargetEntry;

! /*--------------------
!  * RangeTblEntry -
!  *      A range table is a List of RangeTblEntry nodes.
!  *
!  *      Currently we use the same node type for both plain relation references
!  *      and sub-selects in the FROM clause.  It might be cleaner to abstract
!  *      the common fields into a "superclass" nodetype.
!  *
!  *      alias is an Attr node representing the AS alias-clause attached to the
!  *      FROM expression, or NULL if no clause.
!  *
!  *      eref is the table reference name and column reference names (either
!  *      real or aliases).  Note that system columns (OID etc) are not included
!  *      in the column list.
!  *      eref->relname is required to be present, and should generally be used
!  *      to identify the RTE for error messages etc.
!  *
!  *      inh is TRUE for relation references that should be expanded to include
!  *      inheritance children, if the rel has any.  This *must* be FALSE for
!  *      subquery RTEs.
!  *
!  *      inFromCl marks those range variables that are listed in the FROM clause.
!  *      In SQL, the query can only refer to range variables listed in the
!  *      FROM clause, but POSTQUEL allows you to refer to tables not listed,
!  *      in which case a range table entry will be generated.    We still support
!  *      this POSTQUEL feature, although there is some doubt whether it's
!  *      convenient or merely confusing.  The flag is needed since an
!  *      implicitly-added RTE shouldn't change the namespace for unqualified
!  *      column names processed later, and it also shouldn't affect the
!  *      expansion of '*'.
!  *
!  *      checkForRead, checkForWrite, and checkAsUser control run-time access
!  *      permissions checks.  A rel will be checked for read or write access
!  *      (or both, or neither) per checkForRead and checkForWrite.  If
!  *      checkAsUser is not InvalidOid, then do the permissions checks using
!  *      the access rights of that user, not the current effective user ID.
!  *      (This allows rules to act as setuid gateways.)
!  *--------------------
! typedef struct RangeTblEntry
      NodeTag        type;

!     /*
!      * Fields valid for a plain relation RTE (else NULL/zero):
!      */
!     char       *relname;        /* real name of the relation */
!     Oid            relid;            /* OID of the relation */

!     /*
!      * Fields valid for a subquery RTE (else NULL):
!      */
!     Query       *subquery;        /* the sub-query */

!     /*
!      * Fields valid in all RTEs:
!      */
!     Attr       *alias;            /* user-written alias clause, if any */
!     Attr       *eref;            /* expanded reference names */
!     bool        inh;            /* inheritance requested? */
!     bool        inFromCl;        /* present in FROM clause */
!     bool        checkForRead;    /* check rel for read access */
!     bool        checkForWrite;    /* check rel for write access */
!     Oid            checkAsUser;    /* if not zero, check access as this user */
! } RangeTblEntry;

! /*
!  * SortClause -
!  *       representation of ORDER BY clauses
!  *
!  * tleSortGroupRef must match ressortgroupref of exactly one Resdom of the
!  * associated targetlist; that is the expression to be sorted (or grouped) by.
!  * sortop is the OID of the ordering operator.
!  *
!  * SortClauses are also used to identify Resdoms that we will do a "Unique"
!  * filter step on (for SELECT DISTINCT and SELECT DISTINCT ON).  The
!  * distinctClause list is simply a copy of the relevant members of the
!  * sortClause list.  Note that distinctClause can be a subset of sortClause,
!  * but cannot have members not present in sortClause; and the members that
!  * do appear must be in the same order as in sortClause.
! typedef struct SortClause
      NodeTag        type;
!     Index        tleSortGroupRef;    /* reference into targetlist */
!     Oid            sortop;            /* the sort operator to use */
! } SortClause;

! /*
!  * GroupClause -
!  *       representation of GROUP BY clauses
!  *
!  * GroupClause is exactly like SortClause except for the nodetag value
!  * (it's probably not even really necessary to have two different
!  * nodetags...).  We have routines that operate interchangeably on both.
! typedef SortClause GroupClause;

  #endif   /* PARSENODES_H */
--- 101,1409 ----
      List       *query_pathkeys; /* pathkeys for query_planner()'s result */
  } Query;

! /****************************************************************************
!  *    Supporting data structures for Parse Trees
!  *    Most of these node types appear in raw parsetrees output by the grammar,
!  *    and get transformed to something else by the analyzer.    A few of them
!  *    are used as-is in transformed querytrees.
!  ****************************************************************************/

! /*
!  * TypeName - specifies a type in definitions
! typedef struct TypeName
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* name of the type */
!     bool        timezone;        /* timezone specified? */
!     bool        setof;            /* is a set? */
!     int32        typmod;            /* type modifier */
!     List       *arrayBounds;    /* array bounds */
!     char       *attrname;        /* field name when using %TYPE */
! } TypeName;

! /*
!  * ParamNo - specifies a parameter reference
! typedef struct ParamNo
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            number;            /* the number of the parameter */
!     TypeName   *typename;        /* the typecast */
!     List       *indirection;    /* array references */
! } ParamNo;

! /*
!  * A_Expr - binary expressions
!  */
! typedef struct A_Expr
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            oper;            /* type of operation (OP,OR,AND,NOT) */
!     char       *opname;            /* name of operator */
!     Node       *lexpr;            /* left argument */
!     Node       *rexpr;            /* right argument */
! } A_Expr;

! /*
!  * Attr -
!  *      specifies an Attribute (ie. a Column); could have nested dots or
!  *      array references.
!  *
!  */
! typedef struct Attr
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* name of relation (can be "*") */
!     ParamNo    *paramNo;        /* or a parameter */
!     List       *attrs;            /* attributes (possibly nested); list of
!                                  * Values (strings) */
!     List       *indirection;    /* array refs (list of A_Indices') */
! } Attr;

! /*
!  * A_Const - a constant expression
!  */
! typedef struct A_Const
      NodeTag        type;
!     Value        val;            /* the value (with the tag) */
!     TypeName   *typename;        /* typecast */
! } A_Const;

! /*
!  * TypeCast - a CAST expression
!  *
!  * NOTE: for mostly historical reasons, A_Const and ParamNo parsenodes contain
!  * room for a TypeName; we only generate a separate TypeCast node if the
!  * argument to be casted is neither of those kinds of nodes.  In theory either
!  * representation would work, but it is convenient (especially for A_Const)
!  * to have the target type immediately available.
! typedef struct TypeCast
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *arg;            /* the expression being casted */
!     TypeName   *typename;        /* the target type */
! } TypeCast;

! /*
!  * CaseExpr - a CASE expression
! typedef struct CaseExpr
      NodeTag        type;
!     Oid            casetype;
!     Node       *arg;            /* implicit equality comparison argument */
!     List       *args;            /* the arguments (list of WHEN clauses) */
!     Node       *defresult;        /* the default result (ELSE clause) */
! } CaseExpr;

! /*
!  * CaseWhen - an argument to a CASE expression
! typedef struct CaseWhen
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *expr;            /* comparison expression */
!     Node       *result;            /* substitution result */
! } CaseWhen;

! /* ----------------
!  * NullTest
!  * NullTest represents the operation of testing a value for NULLness.
!  * Currently, we only support scalar input values, but eventually a
!  * row-constructor input should be supported.
!  * The appropriate test is performed and returned as a boolean Datum.
!  * ----------------

! typedef enum NullTestType
! } NullTestType;

! typedef struct NullTest
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *arg;            /* input expression */
!     NullTestType nulltesttype;    /* IS NULL, IS NOT NULL */
! } NullTest;

! /* ----------------
!  * BooleanTest
!  *
!  * BooleanTest represents the operation of determining whether a boolean
!  * is TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN (ie, NULL).  All six meaningful combinations
!  * are supported.  Note that a NULL input does *not* cause a NULL result.
!  * The appropriate test is performed and returned as a boolean Datum.
!  * ----------------

! typedef enum BoolTestType
! } BoolTestType;

! typedef struct BooleanTest
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *arg;            /* input expression */
!     BoolTestType booltesttype;    /* test type */
! } BooleanTest;

! /*
!  * ColumnDef - column definition (used in various creates)
!  *
!  * If the column has a default value, we may have the value expression
!  * in either "raw" form (an untransformed parse tree) or "cooked" form
!  * (the nodeToString representation of an executable expression tree),
!  * depending on how this ColumnDef node was created (by parsing, or by
!  * inheritance from an existing relation).    We should never have both
!  * in the same node!
!  *
!  * The constraints list may contain a CONSTR_DEFAULT item in a raw
!  * parsetree produced by gram.y, but transformCreateStmt will remove
!  * the item and set raw_default instead.  CONSTR_DEFAULT items
!  * should not appear in any subsequent processing.
!  */
! typedef struct ColumnDef
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *colname;        /* name of column */
!     TypeName   *typename;        /* type of column */
!     bool        is_not_null;    /* NOT NULL constraint specified? */
!     Node       *raw_default;    /* default value (untransformed parse
!                                  * tree) */
!     char       *cooked_default; /* nodeToString representation */
!     List       *constraints;    /* other constraints on column */
! } ColumnDef;

! /*
!  * Ident -
!  *      an identifier (could be an attribute or a relation name). Depending
!  *      on the context at transformStmt time, the identifier is treated as
!  *      either a relation name (in which case, isRel will be set) or an
!  *      attribute (in which case, it will be transformed into an Attr).
! typedef struct Ident
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* its name */
!     List       *indirection;    /* array references */
!     bool        isRel;            /* is this a relation or a column? */
! } Ident;

! /*
!  * FuncCall - a function or aggregate invocation
!  *
!  * agg_star indicates we saw a 'foo(*)' construct, while agg_distinct
!  * indicates we saw 'foo(DISTINCT ...)'.  In either case, the construct
!  * *must* be an aggregate call.  Otherwise, it might be either an
!  * aggregate or some other kind of function.
!  */
! typedef struct FuncCall
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *funcname;        /* name of function */
!     List       *args;            /* the arguments (list of exprs) */
!     bool        agg_star;        /* argument was really '*' */
!     bool        agg_distinct;    /* arguments were labeled DISTINCT */
! } FuncCall;

! /*
!  * A_Indices - array reference or bounds ([lidx:uidx] or [uidx])
! typedef struct A_Indices
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *lidx;            /* could be NULL */
!     Node       *uidx;
! } A_Indices;

! /*
!  * ResTarget -
!  *      result target (used in target list of pre-transformed Parse trees)
!  *
!  * In a SELECT or INSERT target list, 'name' is either NULL or
!  * the column name assigned to the value.  (If there is an 'AS ColumnLabel'
!  * clause, the grammar sets 'name' from it; otherwise 'name' is initially NULL
!  * and is filled in during the parse analysis phase.)
!  * The 'indirection' field is not used at all.
!  *
!  * In an UPDATE target list, 'name' is the name of the destination column,
!  * and 'indirection' stores any subscripts attached to the destination.
!  * That is, our representation is UPDATE table SET name [indirection] = val.
!  */
! typedef struct ResTarget
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* column name or NULL */
!     List       *indirection;    /* subscripts for destination column, or
!                                  * NIL */
!     Node       *val;            /* the value expression to compute or
!                                  * assign */
! } ResTarget;

! /*
!  * SortGroupBy - for ORDER BY clause
!  */
! typedef struct SortGroupBy
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *useOp;            /* operator to use */
!     Node       *node;            /* Expression  */
! } SortGroupBy;

! /*
!  * RangeVar - range variable, used in FROM clauses
!  */
! typedef struct RangeVar
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* the relation name */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* expand rel by inheritance? */
!     Attr       *name;            /* optional table alias & column aliases */
! } RangeVar;

! /*
!  * RangeSubselect - subquery appearing in a FROM clause
! typedef struct RangeSubselect
      NodeTag        type;
!     Node       *subquery;        /* the untransformed sub-select clause */
!     Attr       *name;            /* table alias & optional column aliases */
! } RangeSubselect;

! /*
!  * IndexElem - index parameters (used in CREATE INDEX)
!  *
!  * For a plain index, each 'name' is an attribute name in the heap relation,
!  * and 'args' is NIL.  For a functional index, only one IndexElem is allowed.
!  * It has name = name of function and args = list of attribute names that
!  * are the function's arguments.
!  */
! typedef struct IndexElem
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* name of attribute to index, or function */
!     List       *args;            /* list of names of function arguments */
!     char       *class;            /* name of desired opclass; NULL = default */
! } IndexElem;

! /*
!  * DefElem -
!  *      a definition (used in definition lists in the form of defname = arg)
!  */
! typedef struct DefElem
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *defname;
!     Node       *arg;            /* a (Value *) or a (TypeName *) */
! } DefElem;

+ /****************************************************************************
+  *    Nodes for a Domain Creation tree
+  ****************************************************************************/
  /* ----------------------
!  *        CreateDomain Statement
   * ----------------------
+  * Down here as it required TypeName to be defined first.
! typedef struct CreateDomainStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *domainname;            /* name of domain to create */
!     TypeName   *typename;            /* the typecast */
!     List       *constraints;        /* constraints (list of Constraint nodes) */
! } CreateDomainStmt;

! /****************************************************************************
!  *    Nodes for a Query tree
!  ****************************************************************************/
! /*
!  * TargetEntry -
!  *       a target  entry (used in the transformed target list)
!  *
!  * one of resdom or fjoin is not NULL. a target list is
!  *        ((<resdom | fjoin> expr) (<resdom | fjoin> expr) ...)
! typedef struct TargetEntry
      NodeTag        type;
!     Resdom       *resdom;            /* fjoin overload this to be a list?? */
!     Fjoin       *fjoin;
!     Node       *expr;
! } TargetEntry;

! /*--------------------
!  * RangeTblEntry -
!  *      A range table is a List of RangeTblEntry nodes.
!  *
!  *      Currently we use the same node type for both plain relation references
!  *      and sub-selects in the FROM clause.  It might be cleaner to abstract
!  *      the common fields into a "superclass" nodetype.
!  *
!  *      alias is an Attr node representing the AS alias-clause attached to the
!  *      FROM expression, or NULL if no clause.
!  *
!  *      eref is the table reference name and column reference names (either
!  *      real or aliases).  Note that system columns (OID etc) are not included
!  *      in the column list.
!  *      eref->relname is required to be present, and should generally be used
!  *      to identify the RTE for error messages etc.
!  *
!  *      inh is TRUE for relation references that should be expanded to include
!  *      inheritance children, if the rel has any.  This *must* be FALSE for
!  *      subquery RTEs.
!  *
!  *      inFromCl marks those range variables that are listed in the FROM clause.
!  *      In SQL, the query can only refer to range variables listed in the
!  *      FROM clause, but POSTQUEL allows you to refer to tables not listed,
!  *      in which case a range table entry will be generated.    We still support
!  *      this POSTQUEL feature, although there is some doubt whether it's
!  *      convenient or merely confusing.  The flag is needed since an
!  *      implicitly-added RTE shouldn't change the namespace for unqualified
!  *      column names processed later, and it also shouldn't affect the
!  *      expansion of '*'.
!  *
!  *      checkForRead, checkForWrite, and checkAsUser control run-time access
!  *      permissions checks.  A rel will be checked for read or write access
!  *      (or both, or neither) per checkForRead and checkForWrite.  If
!  *      checkAsUser is not InvalidOid, then do the permissions checks using
!  *      the access rights of that user, not the current effective user ID.
!  *      (This allows rules to act as setuid gateways.)
!  *--------------------
! typedef struct RangeTblEntry
      NodeTag        type;

+     /*
+      * Fields valid for a plain relation RTE (else NULL/zero):
+      */
+     char       *relname;        /* real name of the relation */
+     Oid            relid;            /* OID of the relation */

!     /*
!      * Fields valid for a subquery RTE (else NULL):
!      */
!     Query       *subquery;        /* the sub-query */

!     /*
!      * Fields valid in all RTEs:
!      */
!     Attr       *alias;            /* user-written alias clause, if any */
!     Attr       *eref;            /* expanded reference names */
!     bool        inh;            /* inheritance requested? */
!     bool        inFromCl;        /* present in FROM clause */
!     bool        checkForRead;    /* check rel for read access */
!     bool        checkForWrite;    /* check rel for write access */
!     Oid            checkAsUser;    /* if not zero, check access as this user */
! } RangeTblEntry;

! /*
!  * SortClause -
!  *       representation of ORDER BY clauses
!  *
!  * tleSortGroupRef must match ressortgroupref of exactly one Resdom of the
!  * associated targetlist; that is the expression to be sorted (or grouped) by.
!  * sortop is the OID of the ordering operator.
!  *
!  * SortClauses are also used to identify Resdoms that we will do a "Unique"
!  * filter step on (for SELECT DISTINCT and SELECT DISTINCT ON).  The
!  * distinctClause list is simply a copy of the relevant members of the
!  * sortClause list.  Note that distinctClause can be a subset of sortClause,
!  * but cannot have members not present in sortClause; and the members that
!  * do appear must be in the same order as in sortClause.
!  */
! typedef struct SortClause
      NodeTag        type;
!     Index        tleSortGroupRef;    /* reference into targetlist */
!     Oid            sortop;            /* the sort operator to use */
! } SortClause;

! /*
!  * GroupClause -
!  *       representation of GROUP BY clauses
!  *
!  * GroupClause is exactly like SortClause except for the nodetag value
!  * (it's probably not even really necessary to have two different
!  * nodetags...).  We have routines that operate interchangeably on both.
! typedef SortClause GroupClause;

+ /*****************************************************************************
+  *        Optimizable Statements
+  *****************************************************************************/
  /* ----------------------
!  *        Insert Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct InsertStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to insert into */
!     List       *cols;            /* optional: names of the target columns */
!     /*
!      * An INSERT statement has *either* VALUES or SELECT, never both. If
!      * VALUES, a targetList is supplied (empty for DEFAULT VALUES). If
!      * SELECT, a complete SelectStmt (or set-operation tree) is supplied.
!      */
!     List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
!     Node       *selectStmt;        /* the source SELECT */
! } InsertStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Delete Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct DeleteStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to delete from */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
! } DeleteStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Update Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct UpdateStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to update */
!     List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
!     List       *fromClause;        /* the from clause */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
! } UpdateStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Select Statement
!  *
!  * A "simple" SELECT is represented in the output of gram.y by a single
!  * SelectStmt node.  A SELECT construct containing set operators (UNION,
!  * INTERSECT, EXCEPT) is represented by a tree of SelectStmt nodes, in
!  * which the leaf nodes are component SELECTs and the internal nodes
!  * represent UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators.  Using the same node
!  * type for both leaf and internal nodes allows gram.y to stick ORDER BY,
!  * LIMIT, etc, clause values into a SELECT statement without worrying
!  * whether it is a simple or compound SELECT.
   * ----------------------
! typedef enum SetOperation
!     SETOP_NONE = 0,
! } SetOperation;

! typedef struct SelectStmt
      NodeTag        type;

+     /*
+      * These fields are used only in "leaf" SelectStmts.
+      */
+     List       *distinctClause; /* NULL, list of DISTINCT ON exprs, or
+                                  * lcons(NIL,NIL) for all (SELECT
+                                  * DISTINCT) */
+     char       *into;            /* name of table (for select into table) */
+     bool        istemp;            /* into is a temp table? */
+     List       *intoColNames;    /* column names for into table */
+     List       *targetList;        /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
+     List       *fromClause;        /* the FROM clause */
+     Node       *whereClause;    /* WHERE qualification */
+     List       *groupClause;    /* GROUP BY clauses */
+     Node       *havingClause;    /* HAVING conditional-expression */
+     /*
+      * These fields are used in both "leaf" SelectStmts and upper-level
+      * SelectStmts.  portalname/binary may only be set at the top level.
+      */
+     List       *sortClause;        /* sort clause (a list of SortGroupBy's) */
+     char       *portalname;        /* the portal (cursor) to create */
+     bool        binary;            /* a binary (internal) portal? */
+     Node       *limitOffset;    /* # of result tuples to skip */
+     Node       *limitCount;        /* # of result tuples to return */
+     List       *forUpdate;        /* FOR UPDATE clause */
+     /*
+      * These fields are used only in upper-level SelectStmts.
+      */
+     SetOperation op;            /* type of set op */
+     bool        all;            /* ALL specified? */
+     struct SelectStmt *larg;    /* left child */
+     struct SelectStmt *rarg;    /* right child */
+     /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */
+ } SelectStmt;
  /* ----------------------
!  *        Set Operation node for post-analysis query trees
!  *
!  * After parse analysis, a SELECT with set operations is represented by a
!  * top-level Query node containing the leaf SELECTs as subqueries in its
!  * range table.  Its setOperations field shows the tree of set operations,
!  * with leaf SelectStmt nodes replaced by RangeTblRef nodes, and internal
!  * nodes replaced by SetOperationStmt nodes.
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct SetOperationStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     SetOperation op;            /* type of set op */
!     bool        all;            /* ALL specified? */
!     Node       *larg;            /* left child */
!     Node       *rarg;            /* right child */
!     /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */
!     /* Fields derived during parse analysis: */
!     List       *colTypes;        /* integer list of OIDs of output column
!                                  * types */
! } SetOperationStmt;

+ /*****************************************************************************
+  *        Other Statements (no optimizations required)
+  *
+  *        Some of them require a little bit of transformation (which is also
+  *        done by transformStmt). The whole structure is then passed on to
+  *        ProcessUtility (by-passing the optimization step) as the utilityStmt
+  *        field in Query.
+  *****************************************************************************/
  /* ----------------------
!  *    Alter Table
!  *
!  * The fields are used in different ways by the different variants of
!  * this command.
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct AlterTableStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char        subtype;        /*------------
!                                  *    A = add column
!                                  *    T = alter column default
!                                  *    S = alter column statistics
!                                  *  M = alter column storage
!                                  *    D = drop column
!                                  *    C = add constraint
!                                  *    X = drop constraint
!                                  *    E = create toast table
!                                  *    U = change owner
!                                  *------------
!                                  */
!     char       *relname;        /* table to work on */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
!     char       *name;            /* column or constraint name to act on, or
!                                  * new owner */
!     Node       *def;            /* definition of new column or constraint */
!     int            behavior;        /* CASCADE or RESTRICT drop behavior */
! } AlterTableStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Grant Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct GrantStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     bool        is_grant;        /* not revoke */
!     int            objtype;
!     List       *objects;
!     List       *privileges;
!     List       *grantees;
! } GrantStmt;

! typedef struct PrivGrantee
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *username;        /* if both are NULL then PUBLIC */
!     char       *groupname;
! } PrivGrantee;

! typedef struct FuncWithArgs
! {
!     NodeTag        type;
!     char       *funcname;
!     List       *funcargs;
! } FuncWithArgs;
! /* This is only used internally in gram.y. */
! typedef struct PrivTarget
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            objtype;
!     List       *objs;
! } PrivTarget;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Close Portal Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct ClosePortalStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *portalname;        /* name of the portal (cursor) */
! } ClosePortalStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Copy Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CopyStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     bool        binary;            /* is a binary copy? */
!     char       *relname;        /* the relation to copy */
!     bool        oids;            /* copy oid's? */
!     int            direction;        /* TO or FROM */
!     char       *filename;        /* if NULL, use stdin/stdout */
!     char       *delimiter;        /* delimiter character, \t by default */
!     char       *null_print;        /* how to print NULLs, `\N' by default */
! } CopyStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Table Statement
!  *
!  * NOTE: in the raw gram.y output, ColumnDef, Constraint, and FkConstraint
!  * nodes are intermixed in tableElts, and constraints is NIL.  After parse
!  * analysis, tableElts contains just ColumnDefs, and constraints contains
!  * just Constraint nodes (in fact, only CONSTR_CHECK nodes, in the present
!  * implementation).
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreateStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* name of relation to create */
!     List       *tableElts;        /* column definitions (list of ColumnDef) */
!     List       *inhRelnames;    /* relations to inherit from (list of
!                                  * T_String Values) */
!     List       *constraints;    /* constraints (list of Constraint nodes) */
!     bool        istemp;            /* is this a temp table? */
!     bool        hasoids;        /* should it have OIDs? */
! } CreateStmt;

! /* ----------
!  * Definitions for plain (non-FOREIGN KEY) constraints in CreateStmt
!  *
!  * XXX probably these ought to be unified with FkConstraints at some point?
!  *
!  * For constraints that use expressions (CONSTR_DEFAULT, CONSTR_CHECK)
!  * we may have the expression in either "raw" form (an untransformed
!  * parse tree) or "cooked" form (the nodeToString representation of
!  * an executable expression tree), depending on how this Constraint
!  * node was created (by parsing, or by inheritance from an existing
!  * relation).  We should never have both in the same node!
!  *
!  * Constraint attributes (DEFERRABLE etc) are initially represented as
!  * separate Constraint nodes for simplicity of parsing.  analyze.c makes
!  * a pass through the constraints list to attach the info to the appropriate
!  * FkConstraint node (and, perhaps, someday to other kinds of constraints).
!  * ----------
! typedef enum ConstrType            /* types of constraints */
! {
!     CONSTR_NULL,                /* not SQL92, but a lot of people expect
!                                  * it */
!     CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRABLE,        /* attributes for previous constraint node */
! } ConstrType;
! typedef struct Constraint
      NodeTag        type;
!     ConstrType    contype;
!     char       *name;            /* name, or NULL if unnamed */
!     Node       *raw_expr;        /* expr, as untransformed parse tree */
!     char       *cooked_expr;    /* expr, as nodeToString representation */
!     List       *keys;            /* Ident nodes naming referenced column(s) */
! } Constraint;

! /* ----------
!  * Definitions for FOREIGN KEY constraints in CreateStmt
!  * ----------
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_NOACTION        0x0000
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_RESTRICT        0x0001
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_CASCADE            0x0002
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_SETNULL            0x0004
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_SETDEFAULT        0x0008
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_DELETE_MASK            0x000F
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_DELETE_SHIFT        0
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_UPDATE_MASK            0x00F0
! #define FKCONSTR_ON_UPDATE_SHIFT        4
! typedef struct FkConstraint
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *constr_name;    /* Constraint name */
!     char       *pktable_name;    /* Primary key table name */
!     List       *fk_attrs;        /* Attributes of foreign key */
!     List       *pk_attrs;        /* Corresponding attrs in PK table */
!     char       *match_type;        /* FULL or PARTIAL */
!     int32        actions;        /* ON DELETE/UPDATE actions */
!     bool        deferrable;        /* DEFERRABLE */
!     bool        initdeferred;    /* INITIALLY DEFERRED */
! } FkConstraint;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create/Drop TRIGGER Statements
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreateTrigStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *trigname;        /* TRIGGER' name */
!     char       *relname;        /* triggered relation */
!     char       *funcname;        /* function to call (or NULL) */
!     List       *args;            /* list of (T_String) Values or NULL */
!     bool        before;            /* BEFORE/AFTER */
!     bool        row;            /* ROW/STATEMENT */
!     char        actions[4];        /* Insert, Update, Delete */
!     char       *lang;            /* currently not used, always NULL */
!     char       *text;            /* AS 'text' */
!     List       *attr;            /* UPDATE OF a, b,... (NI) or NULL */
!     char       *when;            /* WHEN 'a > 10 ...' (NI) or NULL */

+     /* The following are used for referential */
+     /* integrity constraint triggers */
+     bool        isconstraint;    /* This is an RI trigger */
+     bool        deferrable;        /* [NOT] DEFERRABLE */
+     bool        initdeferred;    /* INITIALLY {DEFERRED|IMMEDIATE} */
+     char       *constrrelname;    /* opposite relation */
+ } CreateTrigStmt;

! typedef struct DropTrigStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *trigname;        /* TRIGGER' name */
!     char       *relname;        /* triggered relation */
! } DropTrigStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create/Drop PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreatePLangStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *plname;            /* PL name */
!     char       *plhandler;        /* PL call handler function */
!     char       *plcompiler;        /* lancompiler text */
!     bool        pltrusted;        /* PL is trusted */
! } CreatePLangStmt;

! typedef struct DropPLangStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *plname;            /* PL name */
! } DropPLangStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *    Create/Alter/Drop User Statements
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreateUserStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *user;            /* PostgreSQL user login name */
!     List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
! } CreateUserStmt;

! typedef struct AlterUserStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *user;            /* PostgreSQL user login name */
!     List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
! } AlterUserStmt;

! typedef struct AlterUserSetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *user;
!     char       *variable;
!     List       *value;
! } AlterUserSetStmt;

! typedef struct DropUserStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     List       *users;            /* List of users to remove */
! } DropUserStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create/Alter/Drop Group Statements
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreateGroupStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* name of the new group */
!     List       *options;        /* List of DefElem nodes */
! } CreateGroupStmt;

! typedef struct AlterGroupStmt
! {
!     NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;            /* name of group to alter */
!     int            action;            /* +1 = add, -1 = drop user */
!     List       *listUsers;        /* list of users to add/drop */
! } AlterGroupStmt;

! typedef struct DropGroupStmt
      NodeTag        type;
      char       *name;
! } DropGroupStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create SEQUENCE Statement
   * ----------------------

! typedef struct CreateSeqStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *seqname;        /* the relation to create */
!     bool        istemp;            /* is this a temp sequence? */
!     List       *options;
! } CreateSeqStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Version Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct VersionStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* the new relation */
!     int            direction;        /* FORWARD | BACKWARD */
!     char       *fromRelname;    /* relation to create a version */
!     char       *date;            /* date of the snapshot */
! } VersionStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Create {Operator|Type|Aggregate} Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct DefineStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            defType;        /* OPERATOR|P_TYPE|AGGREGATE */
!     char       *defname;
!     List       *definition;        /* a list of DefElem */
! } DefineStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Drop Table|Sequence|View|Index|Rule|Type Statement
   * ----------------------

! #define DROP_TABLE      1
! #define DROP_SEQUENCE 2
! #define DROP_VIEW      3
! #define DROP_INDEX      4
! #define DROP_RULE      5
! #define DROP_TYPE_P   6
! #define DROP_DOMAIN_P 7

! typedef struct DropStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     List       *names;
!     int            removeType;
!     int               behavior;        /* CASCADE or RESTRICT drop behavior */
! } DropStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *                Truncate Table Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct TruncateStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relName;        /* relation to be truncated */
! } TruncateStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *                Comment On Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CommentStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            objtype;        /* Object's type */
!     char       *objname;        /* Name of the object */
!     char       *objproperty;    /* Property Id (such as column) */
!     List       *objlist;        /* Arguments for VAL objects */
!     char       *comment;        /* The comment to insert */
! } CommentStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Begin Recipe Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct RecipeStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *recipeName;        /* name of the recipe */
! } RecipeStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  *        Fetch Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct FetchStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            direction;        /* FORWARD or BACKWARD */
!     int            howMany;        /* amount to fetch ("ALL" --> 0) */
!     char       *portalname;        /* name of portal (cursor) */
!     bool        ismove;            /* TRUE if MOVE */
! } FetchStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Index Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct IndexStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *idxname;        /* name of the index */
!     char       *relname;        /* name of relation to index on */
!     char       *accessMethod;    /* name of access method (eg. btree) */
!     List       *indexParams;    /* a list of IndexElem */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* qualification (partial-index predicate) */
!     List       *rangetable;        /* range table for qual, filled in by
!                                  * transformStmt() */
!     bool        unique;            /* is index unique? */
!     bool        primary;        /* is index on primary key? */
! } IndexStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Function Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ProcedureStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     bool        replace;        /* T => replace if already exists */
!     char       *funcname;        /* name of function to create */
!     List       *argTypes;        /* list of argument types (TypeName nodes) */
!     Node       *returnType;        /* the return type (a TypeName node) */
!     List       *withClause;        /* a list of DefElem */
!     List       *as;                /* definition of function body */
!     char       *language;        /* C, SQL, etc */
! } ProcedureStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Drop Aggregate Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct RemoveAggrStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *aggname;        /* aggregate to drop */
!     Node       *aggtype;        /* TypeName for input datatype, or NULL */
! } RemoveAggrStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Drop Function Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct RemoveFuncStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *funcname;        /* function to drop */
!     List       *args;            /* types of the arguments */
! } RemoveFuncStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Drop Operator Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct RemoveOperStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *opname;            /* operator to drop */
!     List       *args;            /* types of the arguments */
! } RemoveOperStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Alter Table Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct RenameStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to be altered */
!     InhOption    inhOpt;            /* recursively act on children? */
!     char       *column;            /* if NULL, rename the relation name to
!                                  * the new name. Otherwise, rename this
!                                  * column name. */
!     char       *newname;        /* the new name */
! } RenameStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create Rule Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct RuleStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *rulename;        /* name of the rule */
!     Node       *whereClause;    /* qualifications */
!     CmdType        event;            /* RETRIEVE */
!     struct Attr *object;        /* object affected */
!     bool        instead;        /* is a 'do instead'? */
!     List       *actions;        /* the action statements */
! } RuleStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Notify Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct NotifyStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to notify */
! } NotifyStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Listen Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ListenStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to listen on */
! } ListenStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Unlisten Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct UnlistenStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation to unlisten on */
! } UnlistenStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        {Begin|Abort|End} Transaction Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct TransactionStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     int            command;        /* BEGIN|END|ABORT */
! } TransactionStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Create View Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ViewStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *viewname;        /* name of the view */
!     List       *aliases;        /* target column names */
!     Query       *query;            /* the SQL statement */
! } ViewStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Load Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct LoadStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *filename;        /* file to load */
! } LoadStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Createdb Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct CreatedbStmt
! {
!     NodeTag        type;
!     char       *dbname;            /* name of database to create */
!     char       *dbowner;        /* name of owner (NULL = default) */
!     char       *dbpath;            /* location of database (NULL = default) */
!     char       *dbtemplate;        /* template to use (NULL = default) */
!     int            encoding;        /* MULTIBYTE encoding (-1 = use default) */
! } CreatedbStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *    Alter Database
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct AlterDatabaseSetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *dbname;
!     char       *variable;
!     List       *value;
! } AlterDatabaseSetStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Dropdb Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct DropdbStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *dbname;            /* database to drop */
! } DropdbStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Cluster Statement (support pbrown's cluster index implementation)
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ClusterStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *relname;        /* relation being indexed */
!     char       *indexname;        /* original index defined */
! } ClusterStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Vacuum and Analyze Statements
!  * Even though these are nominally two statements, it's convenient to use
!  * just one node type for both.
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct VacuumStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     bool        vacuum;            /* do VACUUM step */
!     bool        full;            /* do FULL (non-concurrent) vacuum */
!     bool        analyze;        /* do ANALYZE step */
!     bool        freeze;            /* early-freeze option */
!     bool        verbose;        /* print progress info */
!     char       *vacrel;            /* name of single table to process, or
!                                  * NULL */
!     List       *va_cols;        /* list of column names, or NIL for all */
! } VacuumStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        Explain Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ExplainStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     Query       *query;            /* the query */
!     bool        verbose;        /* print plan info */
!     bool        analyze;        /* get statistics by executing plan */
! } ExplainStmt;

  /* ----------------------
!  * Checkpoint Statement
   * ----------------------
! typedef struct CheckPointStmt
      NodeTag        type;
! } CheckPointStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  * Set Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct VariableSetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;
!     List       *args;
! } VariableSetStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  * Show Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct VariableShowStmt
      NodeTag        type;
+     char       *name;
+ } VariableShowStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  * Reset Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */

! typedef struct VariableResetStmt
! {
!     NodeTag        type;
!     char       *name;
! } VariableResetStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        LOCK Statement
!  * ----------------------
!  */
! typedef struct LockStmt
! {
!     NodeTag        type;
!     List       *rellist;        /* relations to lock */
!     int            mode;            /* lock mode */
! } LockStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        SET CONSTRAINTS Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ConstraintsSetStmt
      NodeTag        type;
!     List       *constraints;
!     bool        deferred;
! } ConstraintsSetStmt;

! /* ----------------------
!  *        REINDEX Statement
!  * ----------------------
! typedef struct ReindexStmt
! {
!     NodeTag        type;
!     int            reindexType;    /* INDEX|TABLE|DATABASE */
!     const char *name;            /* name to reindex */
!     bool        force;
!     bool        all;
! } ReindexStmt;

  #endif   /* PARSENODES_H */