Обсуждение: Trouble installing on Windows XP?


Trouble installing on Windows XP?

Lou Picciano
PostgreSQL - ODBC friends,

We're attempting an install of the ODBC drivers (32-bit) on Windows XP 64-bit, and are having a heck of a time.

We've tried both the .msi installer, as well as a manual copy from the zip archive, have run the registry changes, etc.
We've also manually edited the registry so that pathnames are explicit; this did not help. 

Still, though the 'ODBC Data Source' Manager sees the driver as available, and correctly reads its version, etc., we
cannotget into creation of a 'system DSN'! 

We see ' Setup routines could not be loaded due to system error code 193' and 'Could not load the setup or translator

I'm sure someone's already squashed this one.  Tks for ideas.


Re: Trouble installing on Windows XP?

Hiroshi Inoue

Lou Picciano wrote:
> PostgreSQL - ODBC friends,
> We're attempting an install of the ODBC drivers (32-bit) on Windows XP 64-bit, and are having a heck of a time.
> We've tried both the .msi installer, as well as a manual copy from the zip archive, have run the registry changes,
etc. We've also manually edited the registry so that pathnames are explicit; this did not help. 
> Still, though the 'ODBC Data Source' Manager sees the driver as available, and correctly reads its version, etc., we
cannotget into creation of a 'system DSN'! 
> We see ' Setup routines could not be loaded due to system error code 193' and 'Could not load the setup or translator

There are 2 kinds of applications on 64-bit Windows, 32-bit ones and
64-bit ones. Registry editor or ODBC Administrator has both versions
and please use 32-bit ones to handle 32-bit drivers.

Hiroshi Inoue