Обсуждение: Prevent pgAdmin disconnect


Prevent pgAdmin disconnect

Jack Kaufman

Postgres 9.2 / pgAdmin III

Linux / Windows XP




I am in a test environment, using pgAdmin III, connected to PostgreSQL on a Linux server.


The main PgAdmin window is dropping its connection to the PostgreSQL database.  If I am away from it, say, for more than 15 minutes, I lose the connection and must hit a few keys and wait for pgAdmin to re-connect.  Not a show-stopper but a constant nuisance.


I understand that this can be fixed on the server side; but the DBA has more important issues, at the moment (I'm sure, when we get to production, many months from now, it will be taken care of; but I would rather not put up with this for months, if I don't have to).


The same thing happens in a pgAdmin Query window; but I have found a solution for that:  When I start a Query window, the first thing I run is "set session tcp_keepalives_idle = 300;" and then it holds the connection for the rest of the day.


I found a configuration file, "postgresql.conf" (in "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data") which has the same "keepalives" setting; and I've tried setting that to 300, as well; but that doesn't stop the main pgAdmin window from disconnecting from the PostgreSQL database.


What do I prevent the main pgAdmin window from disconnecting from the PostgreSQL database every 15 minutes?


Thanks in advance, Jack
Jack Kaufman
MDS Application Devl (US)
Sanmina-SCI Corporation - Owego site
Email: jack.kaufman@sanmina.com
Skype: jack_kaufman_sanm