Обсуждение: NOOB Login Questions


NOOB Login Questions


I've been given an assignment to create a C# application that queries an existing postgreSQL database and displays a report gui.

Right now, I'm just trying to learn SQL/PostgreSQL.  

Is there a noob forum, or is this the best way to ask questions?

My first problem is after installing PostreSQL on a Windows XP machine, I'm having the basic problem of receiving the

"createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  permission denied to create database"

Error when following the simple example in the online help documentation in the Tutorial (secion 1.3).

My XP login is of the form "John Doe", and I created a role "John Doe", but I'm still getting the above error... :(  

How do I use the command window or PGA command intrepter to add permissions?  I wasn't able to following the instructions in the tutorial.

Any suggesions?

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