Обсуждение: ODBC Linked Table Problems


ODBC Linked Table Problems

brian stapel
Thanks for your time.
I'm building an application using PostGreSQL and MS Access 2003 for the front end.  All table transactions(add, edit, delete, select) occur via PostGreSQL functions written in plpgsql.  I'm experiencing some difficulties with how the data is displayed in one of my ODBC linked tables.  One of the functions I wrote adds records to this table.  The function seems to work correctly - when I execute the function, the record count increase appropriately, and no exceptions are reported.  However when I view the data in my ms access db via an odbc linked table, the data doesn't appear correctly.  When I view the data using my postgresql client and a sql statement the data appears correct.  Said another way - the ODBC linked table doesn't match the postgresql data as viewed through my postgresql client.  The record counts are the same, but the displayed values are different.  If I query the linked table in ms access, the queries results match the postgresql view and not linked table view.  I'm using the postgresql odbc driver to link my table.  I've been working on this application for 2 months, and this seems to be the first occurence.
Any ideas?
Thanks again.

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Re: ODBC Linked Table Problems

Richard Broersma Jr
> I'm building an application using PostGreSQL and MS Access 2003 for the front end.  All table
> transactions(add, edit, delete, select) occur via PostGreSQL functions written in plpgsql.  I'm
> experiencing some difficulties with how the data is displayed in one of my ODBC linked tables.
> One of the functions I wrote adds records to this table.  The function seems to work correctly -
> when I execute the function, the record count increase appropriately, and no exceptions are
> reported.  However when I view the data in my ms access db via an odbc linked table, the data
> doesn't appear correctly.  When I view the data using my postgresql client and a sql statement
> the data appears correct.  Said another way - the ODBC linked table doesn't match the postgresql
> data as viewed through my postgresql client.  The record counts are the same, but the displayed
> values are different.  If I query the linked table in ms access, the queries results match the
> postgresql view and not linked table view.  I'm using the postgresql odbc driver to link my
> table.  I've been working on this application for 2 months, and this seems to be the first
> occurence.

If you don't get any answers on this list, I would try to ODBC postgresql list.  There are people
on that list that maybe more knowledgable with issues of ODBC driver and would be very interested
in determining why you are having this problem.

Richard Broersma Jr.