Обсуждение: Re: role of join password in unsubscribing


Re: role of join password in unsubscribing

"Philippe Salama"

I am a beginner trying to teach myself postgreSQL.  I joined psql-admin and posted some of my beginner’s questions, and was advised that I should be posting here, which makes a lot of sense.


But, when I first joined psql-admin, I neglected to carefully read the e-mail of instructions, regarding the password which I should regain for my records, and which seems essential if I ever want to unsubscribe.


Since I do not frequenly delete e-mails, I was able to page back and find the password I received upon joining psql-admin, and saved it together with the password for psql-novice.


BUT HERE IS MY QUESTION AND CONCERN.  Suppose someone were to lose these passwords, then what would they do to unsubscribe?


I carry about a palm pilot all the time (password protected) which contains all the passwords, forums, and urls, necessary at work.  And I also have a protected Sancor 4 gig memory stick, which holds such info.


But, surely there must be instances where someone subscribes, and later, wishes to unsubscribe, but has lost the password.



Re: role of join password in unsubscribing

Michael Glaesemann
On Dec 10, 2006, at 19:45 , Philippe Salama wrote:
> BUT HERE IS MY QUESTION AND CONCERN.  Suppose someone were to lose
> these passwords, then what would they do to unsubscribe?

Enter your email address,  select unsubscribe and the list you're
unsubscribing from, and you should receive an email requesting
confirmation to unsubscribe.

Or, check the headers of any email from the list, which includes
instructions on how to unsubscribe by email. For example, the headers
of the email you sent to the list includes:

List-Subscribe: <mailto:majordomo@postgresql.org?body=sub%20pgsql-

I'm sure there are other ways, but here are two.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net