Обсуждение: getting counts . .please help


getting counts . .please help

Srinivas Iyyer
dear group,

I have a table:

Table: gob

gid  |    goid    |    gon

2146 | GO:0000005 | ribosomal chaperone activity     |
2147 | GO:0000006 | zinc uptake transporter activity |
2148 | GO:0000007 | zinc ion transporter activity    |

Table comb2:
  c2id  |  gid  | seq_id
 171912 |  4867 |  41087
 171913 |  6844 |  54392
 171914 |  3334 |  50007
 171915 | 15562 |  38416

 seq_id |  seq_refseq  |    seq_gname
  33014 | NM_025196    | GRPEL1
  33015 | NM_007186    | CEP2
  33016 | NM_018148    | LINS1
  33017 | NM_199166    | ALAS1
  33018 | NM_001029946 | C1orf178

seq_id and gid are in bridge table com2.

My question is :

I want to take each entry from table gobe (gid) and
count to how many seq_id is connected.

could any one help me please.


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Re: getting counts . .please help

Darren R
I'm thinking that you're asking from something along
these lines:

SELECT count(*)
FROM gob
(SELECT gid FROM comb2
  WHERE seq_id IS NOT NULL);

This will give you a count of gid instances in table
'gob' that are also in the table 'comb2' with at least
one seq_id assigned.

Sub-selects - gotta love 'em.

Hope this helps.

--- Srinivas Iyyer <srini_iyyer_bio@yahoo.com> wrote:

> dear group,
> I have a table:
> Table: gob
> gid  |    goid    |    gon
> |gonms
> 2146 | GO:0000005 | ribosomal chaperone activity
> |
> MF
> 2147 | GO:0000006 | zinc uptake transporter activity
> |
> MF
> 2148 | GO:0000007 | zinc ion transporter activity
> |
> MF
> Table comb2:
>   c2id  |  gid  | seq_id
> --------+-------+--------
>  171912 |  4867 |  41087
>  171913 |  6844 |  54392
>  171914 |  3334 |  50007
>  171915 | 15562 |  38416
>  seq_id |  seq_refseq  |    seq_gname
> --------+--------------+-----------------
>   33014 | NM_025196    | GRPEL1
>   33015 | NM_007186    | CEP2
>   33016 | NM_018148    | LINS1
>   33017 | NM_199166    | ALAS1
>   33018 | NM_001029946 | C1orf178
> seq_id and gid are in bridge table com2.
> My question is :
> I want to take each entry from table gobe (gid) and
> count to how many seq_id is connected.
> could any one help me please.
> Thanks
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