Обсуждение: problems connecting remote postgresql server


problems connecting remote postgresql server

We've recently installed postgresql8 in windows, created a database and
started the service from start menu. We are using pgadmin.

Then we want to connect to it from another windows machine from pgadmin
also, but we get this error:

"Ha ocurrido unerror:
could not connect to server: connection time out...
Is the port opened...?"

Or something like this.

We think the problem doesn't reside on firewall, because we've been able to
open ports for another appications in this machine and connect to them
What's the problem? Anyone can help me, please?

Thank you in advance.
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Re: problems connecting remote postgresql server

Sorry, I forgot to say the database functions perfectly on localhost. The
problem is in remote hosts: I cannot connect to the database from differents
machines than postgresql server.

Anyone can help me, please?

developer_student wrote:
> We've recently installed postgresql8 in windows, created a database and
> started the service from start menu. We are using pgadmin.
> Then we want to connect to it from another windows machine from pgadmin
> also, but we get this error:
> "Ha ocurrido unerror:
> could not connect to server: connection time out...
> Is the port opened...?"
> Or something like this.
> We think the problem doesn't reside on firewall, because we've been able
> to open ports for another appications in this machine and connect to them
> remotely.
> What's the problem? Anyone can help me, please?
> Thank you in advance.

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Sent from the PostgreSQL - novice forum at Nabble.com.

Re: problems connecting remote postgresql server

Richard Broersma Jr
> Sorry, I forgot to say the database functions perfectly on localhost. The
> problem is in remote hosts: I cannot connect to the database from differents
> machines than postgresql server.
> Anyone can help me, please?

If you take a look at your pg_hba.conf file, you will see where postgresql can be configured to
allow remote connections.  Any changes made to the .conf file will only take effect once
postgresql is restarted.

If you spend about 10 to 15 minutes reading the following link you should be able to get remote
connections working.


Richard Broersma Jr.

Re: problems connecting remote postgresql server

"Tomeh, Husam"
The error message sounded more like that particular port Postgres is
listening (default is 5432) to is not open on the firewall. Check with
your network admin to make sure that particular port is opened. Also,
ensure that your pg_hba.conf file is configured properly to allow client


-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:57 AM
To: pgsql-novice@postgresql.org
Subject: [NOVICE] problems connecting remote postgresql server

We've recently installed postgresql8 in windows, created a database and
started the service from start menu. We are using pgadmin.

Then we want to connect to it from another windows machine from pgadmin
also, but we get this error:

"Ha ocurrido unerror:
could not connect to server: connection time out...
Is the port opened...?"

Or something like this.

We think the problem doesn't reside on firewall, because we've been able
open ports for another appications in this machine and connect to them
What's the problem? Anyone can help me, please?

Thank you in advance.
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Re: problems connecting remote postgresql server

Yes, you were right at beginning.

Two files must be edited: pg_hba.conf and potgresql.conf

In pg_hba.conf , you must append a line like this:
host          all          all          md5

Remember to change to the IP which must connect to the
database server.

In postgresql.conf, you can see at first a commented line like this:
#listen_addresses = 'localhost'        # what IP address(es) to listen on;
Then I changed it to:
#listen_addresses = '*'
This means every IP can connect to the database server.

An happily, everything worked!

P.D.: I want to thank the developers group and the forum people because of
their fantastic work and help.

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Re: problems connecting remote postgresql server


Sorry, I wanted to say last post this line:
listen_addresses = '*'
So it must be typed without the '#' character. In the other hand, it is
commented. A neglect ;-)


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