Обсуждение: int4 to varchar length (pgadmin3) issue


int4 to varchar length (pgadmin3) issue

hi all,

i initially set up my document revision column as int4
and used integers to define my revisions.  somebody
didn't like integer revisions and requested that i go
to alpha revisions.

when i change (in pgadmin3) the int4 columns to
varchar, everything goes well in pgadmin3 up until the
grayed out box for the length of the varchar stays
grayed out.

iow, i want to limit the the newly converted varchar
revision to 2 characters, but can't due to the grayed
out boxes in pgadmin3.

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Re: int4 to varchar length (pgadmin3) issue

Richard Broersma Jr
> iow, i want to limit the the newly converted varchar
> revision to 2 characters, but can't due to the grayed
> out boxes in pgadmin3.

I saw this example at:

ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT zipchk CHECK (char_length(zipcode) = 5);

This should do what you want.


Richard Broersma Jr.

Re: int4 to varchar length (pgadmin3) issue

> > iow, i want to limit the the newly converted
> varchar
> > revision to 2 characters, but can't due to the
> grayed
> > out boxes in pgadmin3.
> I saw this example at:
> (char_length(zipcode) = 5);
> This should do what you want.
> Regards,
> Richard Broersma Jr.

Richard, thank you.  i think this does what i want,
however, i want to understand a bit more.

this is an additional defined constraint, correct?  is
this constraint added automagically by pgadmin when
you  enter a length value or is this a different
method to achieve a similar result?


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Re: int4 to varchar length (pgadmin3) issue

Richard Broersma Jr
> this is an additional defined constraint, correct?

Yes, it will add a constraint to your table that specifically works on that particualar field.

> is
> this constraint added automagically by pgadmin when
> you  enter a length value or is this a different
> method to achieve a similar result?

I am not exactly sure what your question is, but the ALTER TABLE <...> is a Data Definition
statement. Once the statement comments, then any future attempts by any connection to
update/insert will blocked if the data doesn't meet the constraint criteria.


Richard Broersma Jr.

Re: int4 to varchar length (pgadmin3) issue


operationsengineer1@yahoo.com schrieb:
> when i change (in pgadmin3) the int4 columns to
> varchar, everything goes well in pgadmin3 up until the
> grayed out box for the length of the varchar stays
> grayed out.
> iow, i want to limit the the newly converted varchar
> revision to 2 characters, but can't due to the grayed
> out boxes in pgadmin3.

You could add a new varchar(2) column with a temporary name like "tempname".
I suppose your revisionnumbers are stored in am column "revisioninfo"
and none of them has more than 2 digits and all are positive.

Then run :   update table1 set tempname = revisioninfo;
That copies the existing data into the new column and does an implicit
typecast from int4 to char.

Now you can drop your numeric column "revisioninfo" and rename the
column "tempname" to "revisioninfo".

Setting an explicit constraint to watch the varchar(2) column isn't
necesary this way because the PG won't let you insert more than 2 chars

Re: int4 to varchar length (pgadmin3) issue


Richard Broersma Jr schrieb:
>> iow, i want to limit the the newly converted varchar
>> revision to 2 characters, but can't due to the grayed
>> out boxes in pgadmin3.
> I saw this example at:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/sql-altertable.html
> ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT zipchk CHECK (char_length(zipcode) = 5);
> This should do what you want.

Actually it is not.
This constraint enforces the length of zipcodes to exactly 5 chars.

operationsengineer1 rather wants an upper limit of 2 chars but not
exactly 2 everywhere.
Theres no need for a separate constraint as a comumn declaration of
varchar(2) would do.

operationsengineer1's problem is that pgAdmin lets him change the data
type of the column but not the size of the resulting varchar. The size
field in the form is inactive and empty.
Thats a wee bit silly of pgAdmin because it lets you alter the size of
varchar columns that are created as varchar in the first place but not
of columns that got converted to varchar.

But thanks to your link to the documentation I found the solution.

ALTER TABLE table1 ALTER COLUMN revisioninfo TYPE varchar(2);