Обсуждение: Disk space taken


Disk space taken

"Slavisa Garic"
Hi all,

I've run into an interesting situation (interesting for me at least :-)). I have a table that takes up about a 1GB of disk space but has no entries in it. I asume this is old stuff data that hasn't been cleaned up properly but I have no idea how to get rid of it.

I'll quickly show few things I've done to get the information I have:

  -bash-3.00$ psql -c "select oid, datname from pg_database where datname='wmpmpc' "
    oid  | datname
   17829 | wmpmpc
  (1 row)

  -bash-3.00$ du -k --max-depth=1 $PGDATA/base/ | grep 17829
  2087600 /opt/postgres/data/base/17829

  -bash-3.00$ ls -la $PGDATA/base/17829/ | grep 18069
  -rw-------  1 postgres postgres 1073741824 Jul 18 10:52 18069
  -rw-------  1 postgres postgres  341098496 Jul 18 10:53 18069.1

  -bash-3.00$ export PGDATABASE=wmpmpc
  -bash-3.00$ psql -c "select oid, relname from pg_class where oid = 18069"
    oid  |    relname   
   18069 | gridrun
  (1 row)

  -bash-3.00$ time psql -c "select count(*) from gridrun"
  (1 row)

  real    0m24.798s
  user    0m0.003s
  sys     0m0.004s

-bash-3.00$ psql -c "\d gridrun"
                                    Table " public.gridrun"
   Column    |            Type             |                       Modifiers                       
 agent_id    | integer                     | not null default nextval('gridrun_id'::regclass)
 service_id  | integer                     | not null
 compute_id  | integer                     | not null
 executable  | character varying(255)      | not null
 arguments   | character varying(255)      | not null
 exe_type    | character(1)                | not null
 control     | character varying(8)        | not null default 'start'::character varying
 status      | character varying(8)        | not null default 'ready'::character varying
 actuator_id | integer                     |
 job_ident   | character varying(255)      |
 error_info  | text                        | not null default ''::text
 more_info   | text                        | not null default ''::text
 active_time | timestamp without time zone |
 lastcheck   | timestamp without time zone |
    "gridrun_pkey" primary key, btree (agent_id)
    "ngr_idx" btree (compute_id)
    "ngr_idx1" btree (compute_id, status)
Check constraints:
    "gridrun_status_check" CHECK (status::text = 'ready'::text OR status::text = 'pending'::text OR status::text = 'active'::text OR status::text = 'queued'::text OR status::text = 'failed'::text OR status::text = 'done'::text OR status::text = 'stopping'::text OR status::text = 'jsuspend'::text)
    "gridrun_control_check" CHECK (control::text = 'nostart'::text OR control::text = 'start'::text OR control::text = 'stop'::text)
    "gridrun_exe_type_check" CHECK (exe_type = 'A'::bpchar OR exe_type = 'P'::bpchar OR exe_type = 'R'::bpchar)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "gridrun_actuator_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (actuator_id) REFERENCES gridactuator(actuator_id) ON DELETE SET NULL
    "gridrun_compute_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (compute_id) REFERENCES computeresource(compute_id)
    "gridrun_service_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (service_id) REFERENCES gridservice(service_id)


So as you see no data but over a gig taken in disk space. I've ran this after I run vacuumdb --analyze. Also I ran vacuumdb --analyze regularly (every 10 minutes) when the database is actively used.

Any help would be really appreciate as this table has been causing me some grief for some time.

Re: Disk space taken

"Slavisa Garic"
Thanks Richard,

Running vacuumdb --full freed the rest of the disk space. Regarding indexes from what you said I understand that if I want to free the space used in the past by indexes and that isn't freed yet (but it should) I should run reindexdb (or reindex in SQL). I did that and another 300MB got freed so thank you for both hints,


On 18/07/06, Richard Broersma Jr <rabroersma@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I've run into an interesting situation (interesting for me at least :-)). I
> have a table that takes up about a 1GB of disk space but has no entries in
> it. I asume this is old stuff data that hasn't been cleaned up properly but
> I have no idea how to get rid of it.
> I'll quickly show few things I've done to get the information I have:

I believe that only vacuum full returns disk spaces.  Also, if there are any indexs they could be
using disk space also.



Richard Broersma Jr.

Re: Disk space taken

Richard Broersma Jr
> Running vacuumdb --full freed the rest of the disk space. Regarding indexes
> from what you said I understand that if I want to free the space used in the
> past by indexes and that isn't freed yet (but it should) I should run
> reindexdb (or reindex in SQL). I did that and another 300MB got freed so
> thank you for both hints,

Here is another link you might find useful.

I found it on this thread.  It is an interesting read.


Richard Broersma Jr.

Re: Disk space taken

Alan Hodgson
On Tuesday 18 July 2006 03:22, "Slavisa Garic" <sgaric@gmail.com> wrote:
> So as you see no data but over a gig taken in disk space. I've ran this
> after I run vacuumdb --analyze. Also I ran vacuumdb --analyze regularly
> (every 10 minutes) when the database is actively used.
> Any help would be really appreciate as this table has been causing me
> some grief for some time.

truncate gridrun;
vacuum full analyze ridrun; reindex table gridrun;

Either will reclaim the space.


Re: Disk space taken

Richard Broersma Jr
> I've run into an interesting situation (interesting for me at least :-)). I
> have a table that takes up about a 1GB of disk space but has no entries in
> it. I asume this is old stuff data that hasn't been cleaned up properly but
> I have no idea how to get rid of it.
> I'll quickly show few things I've done to get the information I have:

I believe that only vacuum full returns disk spaces.  Also, if there are any indexs they could be
using disk space also.



Richard Broersma Jr.