Обсуждение: Re: Why do I need an Account to install the PostGreSQL?


Re: Why do I need an Account to install the PostGreSQL?

"Florian Reiser"
Hello Robert,

> Why do I need an Account to install the PostGreSQL?
Postgres runs as a background process (Unix slang: daemon).
Because it is not dependent of the user who is working with it,
it runs under its own account. This account has also exclusive access to
the files containing the data.

> How then can I develop in my own account and also have the PostGreSQL
> running so I can test it all?
You connect with your username and password to PostgreSQL.
The database checks your rights and you can work with the db within the
rights permitted to you.

> I am confused by this.
It's a little bit confusing at first, but after some time you enjoy this way
of thinking.

> We are trying to install the latest PostGreSQL under Win32.
> Why is it so complicated?
It is not complicated. If you are having problems, describe them.
I'll help you if I can.


Florian Reiser

RA Unternehmensberatung
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Re: Why do I need an Account to install the PostGreSQL?

> Hello Robert,
> > Why do I need an Account to install the
> PostGreSQL?
> Postgres runs as a background process (Unix slang:
> daemon).
> Because it is not dependent of the user who is
> working with it,
> it runs under its own account. This account has also
> exclusive access to
> the files containing the data.
> > How then can I develop in my own account and also
> have the PostGreSQL
> > running so I can test it all?
> You connect with your username and password to
> PostgreSQL.
> The database checks your rights and you can work
> with the db within the
> rights permitted to you.
> > I am confused by this.
> It's a little bit confusing at first, but after some
> time you enjoy this way
> of thinking.
> > We are trying to install the latest PostGreSQL
> under Win32.
> > Why is it so complicated?
> It is not complicated. If you are having problems,
> describe them.
> I'll help you if I can.

i have developed some install instructions for

they may be of some help.


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