Обсуждение: Problem with temporary disbaling foreign keys.


Problem with temporary disbaling foreign keys.

"Robert Landsmeer"

Hello all,


I am in a project that uses DBUnit(in combination with JUnit) to run some tests on our sourcecode.

For those of you who do not know DBUnit it works:

You define a xml file with the tables and data you want to insert and every test case the database-data

In the xml file gets inserted into the database. Since DBUnit has now knowledge of foreign keys it doesn’t know what data it should insert or delete before other data to not get a Foreign key violation. For this reason I want to temporary disable the foreign keys when DBUnit updates the test-database.


To do this I used some code I found on a  postgres mailing list (don’t know witch one from memory tough).

 The code is as follows:


for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {

if (enabled) {

statement.addBatch("UPDATE pg_class SET reltriggers = COUNT(*) FROM pg_trigger WHERE pg_class.oid = tgrelid AND relname = '" + tables[i] + "';");

      } else {

            statement.addBatch("UPDATE pg_class SET reltriggers=0 WHERE relname = '" + tables[i] + "';");




Where the tables array is filled with the tables DBUnit updates from the xml files, and enables is a Boolean witch tells the function if it should enable or disable the foreign keys.


Tough when I run this query on a table that has no foreign keys I get a “ctid is NULL” error.


From browsing the bugs mailing list I found this is caused when you do a UPDATE statement with a aggregate function on the top level that has no results, and that those functions should be considered illegal as it is against the sql spec.


So I am looking for a way to get the keys diabled and enabled without violating the sql spec or atleast not giving an error if there is no foreign key on the table.


Can anyone help me with this?


Thanks in advance,

