Обсуждение: PGAdmin3 Permisions


PGAdmin3 Permisions

hi all,

i'm in the process of moving my development (or at
least some of it, long story), over to linux.  i'm
using simply mepis (debian based).  postesql and
pgadmin were installed.  root owns pgadmin bu default.
 do i want to change ownership away from root to my
normal user or should i leave it as root?


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Re: PGAdmin3 Permisions

"Andrej Ricnik-Bay"
On 4/30/06, operationsengineer1@yahoo.com <operationsengineer1@yahoo.com> wrote:

> hi all,

> i'm in the process of moving my development (or at
> least some of it, long story), over to linux.  i'm
> using simply mepis (debian based).  postesql and
> pgadmin were installed.  root owns pgadmin bu default.
>  do i want to change ownership away from root to my
> normal user or should i leave it as root?
Typically installed programs are owned by root, and
you should leave it that way.  Only if for some odd reason
pgadmin didn't work for you you'd want to change the
ownership (not without checking the perms first).

> tia...

Re: PGAdmin3 Permisions

> > hi all,
> Hi
> > i'm in the process of moving my development (or at
> > least some of it, long story), over to linux.  i'm
> > using simply mepis (debian based).  postesql and
> > pgadmin were installed.  root owns pgadmin bu
> default.
> >  do i want to change ownership away from root to
> my
> > normal user or should i leave it as root?
> Typically installed programs are owned by root, and
> you should leave it that way.  Only if for some odd
> reason
> pgadmin didn't work for you you'd want to change the
> ownership (not without checking the perms first).

i'm not too experienced with the permissions issue,
but it seems like my login user should be able to
execute pgadmin3 since "others" are allowed to execute
the file.

however, when i'm logged in as a user and try to open
pgadmin3, i get the following error:

An error has occured:

can't open file
'/usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-ms-wax.desktop' (error 13:
Permission denied)

initially, i thought it was a permissions issue with
the executable, but now that i read the error message
and looked at the permissions, i don't think that is
the problem.

any dieas how to resolve this?  do i need to adjust
permissions along the path mentioned in the error
message?  do you know what "...mimelink/audio..." has
to do with pgadmin3?

i can execute pgadmin3 as root just fine.

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Re: PGAdmin3 Permisions

> > > hi all,
> > Hi
> >
> > > i'm in the process of moving my development (or
> at
> > > least some of it, long story), over to linux.
> i'm
> > > using simply mepis (debian based).  postesql and
> > > pgadmin were installed.  root owns pgadmin bu
> > default.
> > >  do i want to change ownership away from root to
> > my
> > > normal user or should i leave it as root?
> > Typically installed programs are owned by root,
> and
> > you should leave it that way.  Only if for some
> odd
> > reason
> > pgadmin didn't work for you you'd want to change
> the
> > ownership (not without checking the perms first).
> i'm not too experienced with the permissions issue,
> but it seems like my login user should be able to
> execute pgadmin3 since "others" are allowed to
> execute
> the file.
> however, when i'm logged in as a user and try to
> open
> pgadmin3, i get the following error:
> An error has occured:
> can't open file
> '/usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-ms-wax.desktop' (error
> 13:
> Permission denied)
> initially, i thought it was a permissions issue with
> the executable, but now that i read the error
> message
> and looked at the permissions, i don't think that is
> the problem.
> any dieas how to resolve this?  do i need to adjust
> permissions along the path mentioned in the error
> message?  do you know what "...mimelink/audio..."
> has
> to do with pgadmin3?
> i can execute pgadmin3 as root just fine.

x-ms-wax.desktop only allows read and write
permissions to its user - root.  am i creting a danger
by expanding its permissions to allow me to run
pgadmin as a regular user on my mepis (debian) system?

as always, tia...

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Re: PGAdmin3 Permisions

"Andrej Ricnik-Bay"
On 4/30/06, operationsengineer1@yahoo.com <operationsengineer1@yahoo.com> wrote:

> x-ms-wax.desktop only allows read and write
> permissions to its user - root.  am i creting a danger
> by expanding its permissions to allow me to run
> pgadmin as a regular user on my mepis (debian) system?
I don't have mepis at hand, but on ubuntu and slackware
that file exists on a user-home directory level... not sure
why mepis would have chosen a shared approach?
Anyway, it should be safe enough to make the file
readable/executable for group and other.

chmod go=rx /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-ms-wax.desktop

> as always, tia...