Обсуждение: Schema Questions


Schema Questions

hi all,

i just read the pgsql manual schema section


and i have a couple questions.

1. the first reason listed for using schemas is...

"To allow many users to use one database without
interfering with each other."

i don't quite understand this statement.  does this
assume that users will be divided between schemas,
thereby reducing the load on a given schema?  i'd
appreciate it if someone could clarify what is meant

2. would using schemas be a good approach to separate
out public data from private data?  for example, does
it make sense to create a schema for private data and
another for public data (with a different user)?


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Re: Schema Questions

Sean Davis

On 2/23/06 12:06 PM, "operationsengineer1@yahoo.com"
<operationsengineer1@yahoo.com> wrote:

> hi all,
> i just read the pgsql manual schema section
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/ddl-schemas.html
> and i have a couple questions.
> 1. the first reason listed for using schemas is...
> "To allow many users to use one database without
> interfering with each other."
> i don't quite understand this statement.  does this
> assume that users will be divided between schemas,
> thereby reducing the load on a given schema?  i'd
> appreciate it if someone could clarify what is meant
> here.

Not exactly.  It just means that one user can create a table called mytable
and another user in a different schema can create a table called mytable,
and they will both exist happily, as a simple example.

> 2. would using schemas be a good approach to separate
> out public data from private data?  for example, does
> it make sense to create a schema for private data and
> another for public data (with a different user)?

Yep.  That could be done easily.


Re: Schema Questions

"Guido Barosio"
A common production example on several databases that I manage (pretty lammer, I admit):
Two schemas exists where:
schema A: the place where I write the data
schema B: a collection of views JUST READING schema A.
This allows me to create users and map them directly against the schema I expect them to browse and use.
write_user: mapped against schema A
read_only_user: mapped against schema B
happy design!

On 2/23/06, Sean Davis <sdavis2@mail.nih.gov> wrote:

On 2/23/06 12:06 PM, "operationsengineer1@yahoo.com "
<operationsengineer1@yahoo.com> wrote:

> hi all,
> i just read the pgsql manual schema section
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/ddl-schemas.html
> and i have a couple questions.
> 1. the first reason listed for using schemas is...
> "To allow many users to use one database without
> interfering with each other."
> i don't quite understand this statement.  does this
> assume that users will be divided between schemas,
> thereby reducing the load on a given schema?  i'd
> appreciate it if someone could clarify what is meant
> here.

Not exactly.  It just means that one user can create a table called mytable
and another user in a different schema can create a table called mytable,
and they will both exist happily, as a simple example.

> 2. would using schemas be a good approach to separate
> out public data from private data?  for example, does
> it make sense to create a schema for private data and
> another for public data (with a different user)?

Yep.  That could be done easily.


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