Обсуждение: Re: Application using PostgreSQL (off topic, but relevan


Re: Application using PostgreSQL (off topic, but relevan

"Obe, Regina DND\\MIS"
I agree with you to some extent.  2 or 3 years ago it was a nightmare to get
everything working in most browsers.  E.g NS 5/6 were badly broken in a
major way and IE was also broken but also tended to let you get away with
badly broken html code e.g. missing end form tags, table tags etc by somehow
mysteriously compensating for it.

But in the past 2 years or so, I would say 98% of browsers I work with, I
don't have too many issues.  But then I try to steer away from certain areas
where I know for example the CSS compliance isn't quite there in all
browsers.  I also try not to get too fancy with business apps.  For example
I know the new standard is to use CSS for page flow, but I still stick with
tried and true html tables for the most part and only use CSS for getting
nice looking buttons or defining font classes even though html tables are
more bloated.  I have had some nightmares getting the CSS flow to work
right. This I will probably change in a year or so  since the compliance of
browsers seems to be getting better in that area.

-----Original Message-----
From: operationsengineer1@yahoo.com [mailto:operationsengineer1@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 2:06 PM
To: Obe, Regina DNDMIS; 'pgsql-novice@postgresql.org'
Subject: Re: [NOVICE] Application using PostgreSQL (off topic, but relevant
to question)

--- "Obe, Regina     DND\\MIS"
<robe.dnd@cityofboston.gov> wrote:

> One of the key benefits of a web app is that as long
> as you stick with W3
> compliance, your web app will work on any
> browser/OS.

i wanted to add that is not my experience.  there are
so many hacks required to achieve cross browser
compatibility it is AMAZING.

i've literally burned weeks of time getting my
html/css right - and just spent a few days reqriting
my entire html/css infrastructure b/c ie doesn't
support the w3c standard of min-width.  i could hack
it, but then ie broke other parts of the site...
hence the total rewrite.

in fact, if i had to list the most difficult thing
i've faced in web based database development to date,
cross browser html/css compatibility is #1 on my list.
 using cygwin to install pgsql 7.4.x when i first
started (total newbie) is a close second...  after
that, nothing is even close.

after blowing 60+ hours fighting numerous cross
browser compatibility issues, i think i finally have a
template that is sufficient to display what i want in
firefox, ie and opera.  konquerer still doesn't play
nice.  i don't know if mac's broser displays it fine,
although it likely does.

the #1 problem, by far, is that not all browsers
support w3c specifications...  ie being the worst.

at least in my experience.

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